CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"Sleep here tonight," Ryan croaked.

"Huh?" Abandoning the warmth of his bare chest, Claire glanced up at him. "Sleep here?" Her eyes awoke.

"Yeah." Ryan kissed her hair. "It's getting late and it's raining."

Oh? But he could still drive her home, couldn't he? Claire blushed.

"Is that the only reason you want me to sleep here?" she asked, resuming her comfort in his arms, hugged possessively.

How she loved feeling his body so near hers, and his naughty hands toying with her hair smoothly, if not her skin every now and then.

"Maybe I don't want you away tonight." Ryan smiled, lying more comfortable in his king-size bed, his wide back against the pillows. "You can go to work from here."

How convincing! Claire was amused. Well, it was a tempting offer. It was undeniable that she felt different being here in his apartment, his bed, and in his arms. It felt serendipitous.

"I don't have clothes for tomorrow," she said softly. Her index finger was childishly trailing the contours of his sculpted chest, from the pecks to the abs, loving every detail. "How will I go to work?" She pursed her lips at him.

"I'll take care of that," Ryan uttered, his voice serious.

Claire scowled. "Really now? How? Will you lend me your girlfriend's clothes? Wait, does she have her clothes here? Do you fuck her in this very same bed?" She chuckled despite the intensity of the situation.

She'd succumbed to being a whore, so she might as well do it with a clean conscience. What was she doing with her life? She pitied her hormonal-driven self, and yet regret was not in her list.

"God. You're so stubborn," Ryan remarked with a big smile. "Alright, I bought you some clothes. Over there." He pointed at the shopping bags lying on the floor right near the couch.

"Seriously?" Claire's eyes widened, gleaming placidly. Ryan nodded. "When did you get them?" She lurched out of bed and quested for Ryan's polo shirt lying on the rug.

"Soon after the office," he answered coolly, crossing his hands behind his head.

"Wow!" Claire was in awe. Partially dressed, she tiptoed towards the bags and sat on the couch. "Let's see," she muttered, and Ryan's face was filled with mirth at her excitement.

She opened the first bag and revealed a blouse that's almost identical to the torn one. She creased an eyebrow, gazing at Ryan. He only shrugged. Laughing, she proceeded with the second bag and two pairs of expensive, sexy underwear lied inside.

"Really?" She lifted a white cotton lace thong, chuckling. It was tiny and hollow, utterly sexy and provoking. "This is so you." She grinned at him.

"Well, I figured you'd look great in it," Ryan replied, his voice teasing.

Claire flushed. "Did you shop yourself?" She reached for the last bag, in which was a black bodycon dress, short and elegant. "Wow, Ryan! This is gorgeous! How did you guess my size?" She stood up quickly to get a proper look.

"Must I go into details?" Ryan's smile was pure joy. He looked happy watching her reacting as though it was something big.

"Yes, please." Claire bobbed her head.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Alright? I took your torn blouse and asked the lady in the shop for clothes with similar size. And about shopping myself, it's a yes and no, but no more asking, please."

"How grumpy!" Claire smiled. "Okay. At least I'll have something to wear tomorrow."

"Does that mean you're sleeping here?" Ryan's eyes flashed expectantly.

Placing her bags properly, Claire muttered, "I am. Just for tonight."

"Good." Nothing but satisfaction was portrayed in Ryan's voice. "Hungry?"

"Famished." Claire returned to bed.

"There must be something edible in the fridge," Ryan muttered thoughtfully. "Let's go and check, unless you want something specific." He gazed at her.

"Um, no. Let's have whatever there is. I don't want to go out," said Claire as they got up.

"I can order for you. It won't take long," Ryan replied while picking his pants from the floor.

Grilled chicken, fruit salad, and yoghurt made their dinner. Claire's evening turned splendid, and so was her night as she slept with Ryan by her side. It was a brand new feeling she wasn't ready to give up, but the reality check was apparently cruel.

The alarm chirped in the morning as a reminder of midnight Cinderella back to the pumpkin that was mistaken for a royal carriage. She had to get real, she thought when her eyes met the dark knight in shining armor staring at her. He was already awake.

"Morning, beautiful," he muttered, smiling softly at her.

"Morning . . . handsome." She smiled back, and it suddenly hurt seeing him. Being in his bed this morning felt like a momentary sweetness of a chewing gum that was soon coming to an end.

Ryan frowned at the shift of her mood, holding closer. "What's wrong, Claire?" he quizzed.

What's wrong was that she was coveting the man who wasn't hers. She was in a place that wasn't rightful hers. She was just a replacement for one night, and probably the next won't be hers.

"Come on, Claire, talk to me!" Ryan became desperate, holding her face with an apprehensive look. "You didn't sleep—" He stopped when her lips met his.

She was kissing him, quite unexpected, and he didn't seem to mind as much as he was taken aback. If it's the last time having him to herself, then she wanted to feel him once again.

 Just this once.

"Hold me," she breathed, and Ryan's arms gripped her body tightly as she sat on his lap.

"Claire," Ryan uttered, but he had nothing to say. He was stunned, seemingly in daze by everything she was doing to him, physically and emotionally. "What do you want?" He pulled up the T-shirt she was wearing.

"You. All of you." Claire removed it over her head, staying nude. "Kiss me, Ryan," she begged, panting heavily, her eyes filled with mixed emotions.

This was the only way to release herself from the anger and anxiety. It was crazy but it's the only thing she'd learned recently, thanks to him.

"Where?" Ryan murmured, smooching her neck, then down her earlobe, and slowly headed to her chest. Claire moaned, tossing her head aside, welcoming the arousal. "Tell me, baby. Where do you want me to kiss you?" he repeated, imperious.

"Wherever you want," Claire said softly, her voice intoxicated.

"No, I want you to say it. Should I kiss you here?" Ryan pecked her lips, teasing her. "Or here?" He trailed her neckline, the kiss wet.

"Ahh," Claire breathed heavily, eyes shut at his sweet torture.

"Or here?" Ryan's tongue was on her nipple, circling it gently, and then sucked it. She cried softly. "Oh down here?" He suddenly swooped her off and her back landed on the bed. He was on top of her, staring down at her. "Where should I kiss you, baby? Say it." His voice was deeper and hoarse, demanding.

"Everywhere," Claire muttered, biting her bottom lip.

"Good girl." Ryan's salacious grin appeared as he parted her legs impatiently. He leaned over, seizing her thighs deftly. "Beautiful." He panted soundly, grinning diabolically at her.

Claire could feel the chill, anticipation  overwhelming. "Ryan . . ." she whispered, and his tongue inside her was the immediate response. "Oh fuck!" she bawled, clutching the sheets hard, tipping her head back.

It was swift, deep, his tongue unrelenting. Holding her legs still, strongly, Ryan began kissing her . . . down there, fast, hungrily, and she cried immensely, with pleasure. He was devouring her femininity, and she was hardly holding her legs.

"Oh . . . God . . . Ryan!" she cried, her mouth wide open, convulsing.

"You taste great, baby," Ryan muttered as he pulled back, still holding her trembling legs. "You can't come yet. I love doing it with you." He sprang his hard erection out of the briefs he was wearing.

"Please . . . Ryan." Claire couldn't hold it. She wanted him, she craved the release. She was breathing erratically. "Fuck me," she snapped, beseeching at him. "Please. Now. Deep."

Obeying her wish, Ryan kissed her swiftly on the lips, and quickly eased his length inside her. She screamed as he filled her, and her legs curled around him, her mouth searching for his.

"Oh, baby, you feel so good," Ryan muttered, pouncing gently as he fixed himself. She hugged him, and began kissing again, ferociously. "Oh!" he grunted and began pushing faster, harder and deeper.

Claire moaned loudly, his pace driving her nuts. It didn't take millennium to shatter in his arms, letting the tornado of pleasure take her away. She hugged him tight, and he held her firmly, both relishing the climax of their intense morning sex, oblivious of the time.

At eight-thirty a black Mercedes S-Class pulled over at Starlight. "We're having dinner tonight," Ryan said.

"Um, no." Claire clutched the door handle.

"What?" He frowned.

"Ryan, I have a lot to catch up on in the office after skipping yesterday," Claire said while holding the door open. "And . . . and I think it's better we keep our distance. Yesterday was fun, but let's get back to reality. Have a nice day." She slammed the door, leaving him glaring at her.

She had to forget him. But was it going to be easy? Claire sighed heavily, recalling the awesome moment she'd had with him yesterday, and the hot sex about an hour ago. But no, there was another woman for Ryan. She was just a passing fling for him and she shouldn't forget it.

She arrived in the office around the same time Nathan did. He summoned her right away, and it seemed serious. Was she going to be in trouble? She couldn't help but wonder, considering how she left him yesterday and the events during the presentation.

"You'll join the designing team starting tomorrow," Nathan uttered.

"The designing team?" Claire asked, surprised. Was it Ryan again? She surely hoped not. "Why?" Her eyes were on her boss.

"Because I want you in, Levy," Nathan replied. "It was your idea, so it's only fair that you at least give us your full insight. Look, I know I'm breaking the rule here, but I can't let a chance to create something marvelous pass us by just because of a simple formality."

"Huh?" Claire was indeed surprised, stupefied even.

Was it her lucky day? She mentally grinned, screaming at the top of her lungs. It's almost her dream come true.

"Be ready, I'll want to see your ideas at our next meeting tomorrow." Nathan smiled at her.

Claire was at a loss for words. She'd been waiting so eagerly to have this opportunity and here it was, knocking on her door. She should embrace it, right? Her smile widened.

"Thank you so much, Nathan! I swear you won't regret it!" She almost jumped, on the verge to kiss him on the cheek, but decided against it. "I'll go finish the paperwork from my secretarial job."

"Oops!" Nathan grinned, comprehending her remark. "That's not my fault, you know. It's the rule and it wasn't personal."

Claire chuckled. "Just admit it, Nathan. You enjoyed my delicious coffee while it lasted."

Nathan grimaced. "Just between us, Levy. Your coffee tastes terrible!"

They both laughed.

As far as her work was concerned, Claire's day was proceeding splendidly. Evidently she couldn't stop trailing her mind off at the memory of Ryan and everything they'd been through up to this point. He was an enigma.

And suddenly a text from him pinged on her phone.


Dinner at 7. Will pick you up.


"Hah! As if," Claire muttered. She quickly returned his text.

Dinner? Not happening. It was nice meeting you, sir.


She continued with her work, tapping on the computer keyboard with a smile. Was he ever going to stop being bossy? It was still exciting. Another text chimed and she opened quickly.


I'm not a businessman by chance, Claire. I'm persuasive. It was nice meeting me? I bet it was, and it's going to stay that way. You can run but you won't hide. I'm still pleading . . . DINNER!!!


A laughter escaped Claire as he read the message. He was a psycho. But why was she mesmerized by all of him? Jeez, maybe she's the crazy one.

Maybe we should start by reminding you that you're not in control of everything and everyone, Sir. Back to nice meeting you: It won't stay, I promise. Like I said, I'm busy with work. And about dinner, my decision still stands. No dinner.


Smiling, Claire placed her cellphone aside, and allowed her mind to drift a little by reclining back in her chair. Luckily it was lunch break, and the office was empty right now. However, it didn't take a minute to get the reply.


I really want to have dinner with you tonight, so please bend your firm decision for once, huh? And remember that I can always transfer your office to SK and have all three meals with you. Everyday. And yes, I'm threatening you right now. AND DON'T CALL ME SIR!


"Crazy guy," Claire muttered, laughing loudly.

And just as she began to get serious with work, there was an incoming call from Ryan. She picked up.

"What now, Ryan? Are you tired of writing threats?" she uttered, smiling faintly.

"Are you really being adamant about dinner?" Ryan asked, her query ignored. "Come on, Claire, we'll just eat and I'll take you home afterwards, I promise." He had a calm tone of voice for a change.

So unlike.

"I'm not being adamant or anything, I just can't go out with you tonight," Claire replied.

"Why can't you?" Ryan asked, irritation lacing his voice.

"Because I have other plans," she lied.

"Other plans? With who? Panther?" His voice started to lose its tranquility.

Panther? Claire rolled her eyes, laughing.

"You don't think I'm a loner or something, do you?" she queried, her eyebrow raised. "I have other people to hang out with, so it doesn't have to be my boss."

"Okay. Who are you planning to meet then? Gena?" Ryan insisted on knowing.

Jeez! So persistent!

"I'm having dinner with my brother. Is that fine of an answer?" she uttered.

"Your stepbrother?"

"Yes, him. Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Nothing. Well, have a nice time with your stepbrother." He sounded sarcastic.

"You bet, I will." Claire grinned. "I'm busy, bye." She hung up.


As the evening approached, Ryan was heading out of the SK building with Doris beside him. They had been quite busy with the last minute details about the remodeling project. It seemed to be coming along great, however. They both headed towards the parking lot.

"Today I heard a weird rumor when I was inspecting the lobby," Doris said with a pause, as though waiting for his reaction. He made none. "And now that I think of it, I can't conceal my curiosity any longer." She laughed nervously.

"What rumor?" Ryan glanced at her.

Doris sighed. "I heard you were arguing with a woman, and it looked like you two had something serious going on," she said, glancing at him inquisitively.

"You can't stop people from talking around, Doris, so just ignore them. It was nothing serious," Ryan answered casually.

"Was it her?" Doris prompted, her heels stuck to the ground, and Ryan had to do the same when he turned around. "Was it Claire—the woman you were arguing with?"

"What's the matter with you?" Ryan snapped.

"Do you think I'm stupid, Ryan?" she snapped back. "That I don't understand what's going on?"

Ryan moved closer and clearly told her in the eyes, "Don't do this, Doris. Please don't." And off he went for his car.

"Why?" Doris followed him. "Are you attracted to her? Tell me!" she screamed at him, and he stopped by the door, gripping its handle tight. “I simply don’t—”

"You and I," Ryan said, turning around briskly, "don't have this kind of arrangement, Doris. And you've been forgetting your place a lot lately. You don't have any right to question my private life, and it's what you've been doing, and I don't appreciate you acting like a jealous wife."

Doris swallowed hard, her fists clenched to her sides. "Your private life?" She raised a mocking eyebrow. "Since when do you have your private life?"

"I'm not doing this bullshit!" Ryan snapped and swung the door open.


"Have a nice evening. That's a nice car, by the way. It really suits you," Ryan told her.

Doris reflexively looked at her brand new Mazda in red. "Bastard!" She cracked her long heels away from his sight.

Ryan slid into his car and drove away. In the middle of the road, his head could think of only one person. Claire Levy. It was something uncontrollable, and he never lost control.

Why couldn't he get her out of his head?

Unable to take it, he decided to check on her, and their call was immediately connected via the earpiece.

"You just can't let me breathe, can you?" Claire said, and his lips stretched into a smile.

"And you just can't be nice for even a second, can you?" he returned, eyes fixed on the mild traffic as his car took a halt.

"Trust me, Ryan, I'm really trying to be nice, but it's just so impossible when it comes to you. You're just—"

"I miss you," he uttered softly. Even without seeing her, he could tell how startled Claire was.

A short silence followed.

"Are you drunk, Ryan?" Claire remarked. "Because that sounds like drunk talk."

"I'm driving." Ryan smiled, his head shaken to the sides.


"Are you on your dinner date with your stepbrother?"

"I never said it was a dinner date, I only said I had plans to meet him."

"So, are you with him?" Ryan asked, and his car started moving again.

"Yes, I am," she answered. "It's family time. And do you seriously have to know everything I do, when, where, and even with whom?"

"Yes, Claire, I want to know all of that," he answered with utmost seriousness.

"You're impossible. Fine, I'm with my brother right now, and we're about to have dinner at home. Of course, with my stepmother as well."

"I see," said Ryan with a sigh.

"Are you bored by any chance, and in need to find someone to mess around with?" Claire queried, and it made him smile at it.

What a foul mouth!

"I'm really bored, but not because of what you're imagining at the moment," he replied.

"Really now?"

"I just miss your presence, that's all."

"How corny!"

"It's not," he argued strenuously. "I'm not sure how my cold apartment is going to feel tonight," he added with an exhausted yawn. Claire went silent for a while, probably contemplating. "Are you there?" he asked.

"Just bear with it, Ryan, it's your house. And like you said, you can use the heater," she remarked.

"I prefer hugging you than the boring heater," he teased.

"You're crazy." She huffed a faint laugh.

"I'm serious, Claire." His lips quirked, eyes thoughtful.

"Well, I'm sorry. And if you're that bored, you can always call your girlfriend over. Be careful on the road, and have a good evening, Ryan," said Claire, and the line went dead.

Ryan stayed deadly silent inside his car, feeling a foreign type of emotion that he hadn't appreciated at all. What was this? Why was he getting too attached to this woman? He quickly shut away his thoughts by speeding up when he had finally pulled through the jam towards a free road.