CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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The infamous designs for the SK project were finally coming to an end. Even though they remained wary of what Ryan Stevens would say after the next presentation, everyone seemed to be optimistic. With that, Nathan suggested going out for a round of drinks at Rocket.

"You coming, Levy?" asked Nathan as they slipped into the elevator on their way out.

"Why not?" Claire replied, completely aware of his ploy.

"Great. But only if you promise that we won't get busted again," he joked. They both laughed while waiting for the elevator to take them down.

Their team had nine members, including Nathan Panther, the leader. Elevator flung open and Everyone slipped in. Common noises filled the air as it slowly shut and began descending down.

Claire was exceptionally quiet with her thoughts. Her phone had been silent the whole day, no single text or call from Ryan. It was strangely disturbing. She was definitely missing him.

"What about you, Claire? How much can you bet that Lydia will get wasted tonight as she always does?" It was the voice of Chris, the most charming and talkative guy in their office.

"Huh? A hundred bucks?" Claire uttered without knowing what she was saying.

Everyone gasped.

"Woah, I'm team Claire, guys. And the winner takes all! Pray that you don't taste my shots, Lydia, which you surely will," Chris said, and the lady in question rolled her eyes.

"Okay, what's going on again?" Claire asked Nathan in a low voice, for they were standing next to each other.

He shrugged with a giggle. "You've just earned or lost yourself some cash here."

"Wait, what? Did I just bet on alcohol?" Claire blurted.

"I guess. You should start paying more attention to them, if you don't want to commit a few errors in future," said Nathan, laughing.

"Oh, thanks for the warning," Claire replied and they were already at the lobby. "So how much do I get, Chris? In case our bet wins." She decided to indulge into a team conversation as they exited the building.

It was already dark outside, probably around seven-thirty or more. They were like high schoolers on their way home from school, given how chattering and laughing everyone was. Claire found herself at ease from all this, at least for the time being.

However, suddenly, Nathan tapped her on the shoulder.

"What" Claire faced him, grinning from whatever she'd just heard from their banter.

"Over there." Nathan directed with his eyes towards the parking lot.

It was a bald man with a plump belly, Mr. Cornwall, their company's President. Claire's full attention was the man beside their boss. Damn it! It was the person she could recognize in just a single glance, and she did just that.

"What is he doing here?" she thought out loud.

"You should probably ask him yourself," Nathan teased.

No, she shouldn't.

"Can't we go right now?," Claire murmured, her tone appalled.

"I think it's not a good idea," Nathan said wittingly. "I mean, are you sure you want to leave?" He could probably tell that she wasn't decisive enough just from the look of her face.

Did she want to leave without talking to him?

"Well—" Claire stammered. "Damn it! Why do you have to be so honest, Nathan?" She was nervous.

"Because I know you're dying to be with him," replied Nathan.

Claire's eyes returned towards Ryan. He was dressed in a black office suit, his hands dug into his pants pockets, as usual, and he seemed half-interested with whatever Mr. Cornwall was saying.

"Guys, Claire won't join us for the drinks tonight. Let's just get going already, because I'm missing my bed," Nathan announced.

"Oh no, that's terrible," cried Chris.

"Relax, Ambrose. She'll definitely pay the bet. Right, Levy?" Nathan chuckled.

"Of course. Just keep me posted, partner," Claire replied.

"But why is she leaving? I thought it was a team thing, or is she too good to join?" It was Lydia's sarcastic remark.

Claire was used to Lydia's harsh remarks by now. The redhead was bitter and it was obvious that she wasn't in favor of Claire's presence in their team.

"Oh, come on, Lydia. She just said she'll join us next time so why put a big deal on it?" Chris remarked, and no one else seemed against him.

Lydia rolled her cheeky eyes.

"Okay, let's go already!" Nathan dispersed the group and turned to Claire. "Good luck." He grinned, cajoling her.

"Sure, have fun," Claire returned with a smile.

After a short sigh, Claire shifted her attention back to the opposite direction, where the two gentlemen were now shaking hands. Mr. Cornwall walked away in the company of a young man. He seemed to be his driver as he reverently opened the car door for him.

Ryan remained, and he watched Claire with a lingering smile as though concealing the urge to let out a real one. Puffing out some air, Claire firmed the straps of her black bag on her shoulder and started marching towards where he was standing.

"You look tired." Ryan regarded her warmly.

"If you weren't the boss, I'd say that you're stalking me," Claire muttered.

Ryan moved closer. "Stalking is too much, Claire, but you're not further from the truth." He smiled charmingly, and the sight made Claire shudder.

Was this jerk getting more handsome or what? She was in awe.

"Yeah, right." Her eyes rolled.

"Why is your phone off?" Ryan asked, eyeing her intently as if he was inspecting for any possible changes in her body.

"Because I decided so." What? Was her phone off today? She wondered.

"Exactly, why did you decide so?" Ryan scowled at her.

"Because it's mine, and I can do whatever the hell I want," she replied.

Ryan smirked. "I thought you might've changed a little in a week, but no. You're still as stubborn as a mule," he remarked, and she only shrugged. "Well, since you've deliberately tried to avoid me, I decided to come and see you myself. How about dinner?"

The audacity!

"I was going for drinks until you showed up and ruined my plans as you always do," Claire answered accusingly.

"Oh?" Ryan arched his brows and uttered, "With who?"

"Not Nathan, if that's where you're heading." Claire choked a laugh, fully aware of Ryan's unbidden jealousy. He smiled. "You do know that I'm still angry at you, don't you?" she uttered softly, the evening breeze ruffling her hair.

"I do. But that's not the reason why I'm here. You remember about dinner tomorrow, right? Because you accepted my invitation?" Ryan asked gently, staring down at her with hope.

Dinner? Oh yes, the damn dinner!

"I remember, but that was before," she muttered recklessly.

Ryan's lips hardened. "Meaning?"

"I won't be able to make it," Claire replied while clasping her little scarlet jacket together, and then pinned it with her folded arms across the chest.

Ryan strode even closer. "Oh really? What can I do then? Because grandfather is already expecting you." His glistening eyes shone down on her as he asked, "You cold?"

"I don't believe you." Claire snorted. "You're lying so you can trap me into coming with you. And no, I'm not cold."

She was already feeling the heat. It was difficult enough having him so close to her, and here he was, provoking her hormones with his sexy and hot smile.

"Okay, wait a second," Ryan uttered and tucked out his cellphone. He touched the screen while she watched him, clueless, until he placed it onto his ear.

"What are you doing?" Claire quizzed. His smile widened, and his hand reached for her face trying to touch her cheek, which she immediately pushed away. "Stop it!" she scolded quietly.

Ryan giggled like a little boy, and she nearly did the same. Boy, he looked very relaxed doing these silly gestures. Claire felt happy. She had probably missed him more than she thought.

"Nice skirt. It's very short, though. I prefer seeing those legs in my shirt inside my penthouse," Ryan said, ogling her.

"You're sick." Claire blushed.

"Hi, Grandfather." Ryan was on the phone. Claire shot him a glare, surprised. He grinned. "No, it's nothing much. I just wanted to ask if it's okay to bring Claire for dinner tomorrow, because she misses you too much." He winked at her.

"What?" Claire gasped with total amazement. "Ryan, how—"

"Oh, is that so? Well, that's great. She's actually right here so you can tell her yourself," Ryan said into the phone, smiling victoriously. Handing the phone to Claire, he muttered, "It's Grandfather; he wants to talk to you."

This prick! Claire glowered at him.

"You're gonna pay for this," she whispered.

"I love it when you threaten me," Ryan murmured, his mood ever playful.

Crazy man!

"Mr. Stevens?" Claire spoke, and a smile appeared on her face right away "Okay, Grandfather. I'm just used to calling you Mr. Stevens, that's all."

Ryan smiled fondly. "You're beautiful," he whispered into Claire's ear, making her frown while wincing back so he wouldn't touch her.

"But of course I'll have to be there, since you're personally inviting me now," Claire said, smiling again. "Don't worry about that, Mr. St—I mean, Grandfather." Now she hissed at Ryan who kept teasing her face. "Okay, have a goodnight. And it was really nice hearing from you, too." In a few seconds she hung up.

"Why did he say to make you laugh like that?" Ryan asked with a chuckle.

"None of your business," Claire retorted.

"Seems like I'm being left out now. So we're set now, aren't we?" Ryan asked, taking his phone from her.

"You're such a conman," Claire snapped. Ryan's eyes widened. "What? You did this on purpose, didn't you? You just wanted—" Her lips were shut by his instantly, holding her deftly by the waist. "You—" She squirmed in his brace, trying to revolt.

Holding her tightly, Ryan kissed her lips harder and longingly. It was quite startling, sudden, and very unexpected. Claire yielded, and he was hungry—hungry for her.

He was indeed her weakness. She was longing for him, too. She was dying to be with him again, to feel his strong touch around her body, and all his luscious advancement on her.

She was ready for more but Ryan suddenly pulled out. His eyes were mysteriously dark, and something didn't seem right.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked softly, catching her breath.

Ryan panted mildly. "I . . . I'll drive you home," he said.

"Huh?" Claire stared ghastly at him. "You're taking me home?"

"Yes," Ryan uttered.

Claire was at a loss for words. "Okay," she murmured, disappointment lacing her voice.

They took a car ride in silence.

It was the kiss that had affected Ryan all of a sudden. As a matter of fact, this was the first kiss he had had with her out of his own conviction, with no games or fun.

It simply happened like something he strongly needed—an addiction—quite different from all other kisses he'd shared with before out of whim and challenges they had to one another.

Ryan hated the feeling.

He hated to be emotionally involved, and that precisely had started to become the case. Was he seriously falling for her? No. Never. It was time to stop.

He was always in control.

But this woman next to him had started to break his barricades. He knew it had to stop. He wasn't going to get involved with stupid romance once again. It's bullshit!

Not after everything that had happened before.

"Why did you lie about Doris?" Claire broke the silence, deciding it was time to get the answer from him.

"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell," Ryan replied curtly.

"It's the same thing, so quit playing smart with me," Claire retorted, glancing at him as he drove gently.

Ryan glanced back at her. "Okay, I don't know why I did that," he told her, sounding honest.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Claire was confused. Ryan sighed heavily, his eyes back on the road. "Ryan?" she called softly, reclaiming his gaze.

"I guess I thought it wasn't important at first," he explained vaguely, "because I had no idea we would see each other again."


Ryan sighed again. "No, I knew we would see each other again. I just didn't think we would reach this stage. I thought it wasn't a big deal, but it began to be, and I was going to tell you."

"When?" Claire breathed.

"The last time you were at my place," Ryan said truthfully.

It was difficult for Claire to understand him, and even harder to understand herself. She was so weak over him. What was she seeing in him? Yes he was handsome, sexy, rich, but was that enough to totally go nuts over him?

"No, the answer is simple, Ryan," she uttered. "You just enjoyed seeing what a fool I am for pulling off my pants for you every time despite knowing you had a girlfriend. Was it entertaining?" She wanted to release all her doubts.

"That never crossed my mind, Claire, you're being unfair," Ryan said, his voice hurt. "But you know what? You're absolutely right. I'm a jerk, inconsiderate, and maybe selfish. I can't give you what you're probably looking for, Claire. Because in the end, every girl dreams of the prince charming."

"What?" Claire was wary.

Ryan smiled gently. "You're no exception, Claire. Just like every other girl, you're also dreaming of that sweet charming guy, don't you? But I'm not the prince charming. I can't be the man of your dream and I know that for a fact."

"What are you trying to say?" Claire could feel her heart pounding faster, fright filling her insides.

"I'm setting you free," said Ryan. "You can go now, and I'll keep my word."

"What did you say?" Claire snapped, staring horrified at him.

Ryan faced her. "I'm leaving you alone, Claire, just as you wanted. I won't bother you again, so you can go back to your life before we met and forget about me."

Claire looked at him, and no syllable came out of her mouth. Only tears brimmed in her eyes, one blink and they would've streamed down her face.

"Stop the car," she finally breathed without breaking eye contact with him.

"Are you crazy? We're in the middle of the road." Ryan frowned.

"I SAID STOP THE DAMN CAR!" Claire yelled, shock, anger, fear, and something intense that she couldn't put a name on painted on her face. "Stop it, Ryan. Now." She couldn't look him in the eyes.

Ryan's face stiffened as she tried to open the locked-door in a frenzy. She was almost like a madwoman. And she only wanted to be far away from him—that way he wouldn't witness her shading tears like a naïve little teenager.

"Okay, I'm going to pull over," Ryan said cautiously. "Wait, Claire, I'm pulling over," he added, and slowly did as much.

Unceremoniously, Claire ran for the handle and swung the door open.

"You're an asshole, Ryan Stevens! A big inconsiderate asshole!" she snapped painfully amid her sobs, and slammed the door afterwards.