CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Bastard! She could no longer repress her tears.

It was mid-summer but Claire was surprisingly feeling a terrible chill. She fastened the sides of her jacket and enveloped herself tightly while walking speedily on a foot-walk lane, oblivious of anything and anyone around her.

She wanted to be at home as soon as possible, but there was no sign of any taxi, nor of any bus. What a Deja vu! She suddenly remembered the rainy day in Montesby and how it led to that fateful encounter with him.

How was she going to be home quickly now? She sniffed, watching the cars moving fast, the sky dark. And her stepbrother crossed her mind, quite unusual. She gave him a call. She couldn't care less of looking vulnerable. She just did it.

"I'll be right there, and calm down please," Jorge said.

"Okay, please hurry."

She was now sitting in a convenient store, her shoes off her legs. The heels had her legs tired, hurt even, and it occurred to her that she might need to use flats for a few days until the blisters healed.

All Ryan's fault!

"Hey, everything okay?" Claire was startled to hear this from Jorge, who was already standing before her. "What happened?" His worried eyes were on her bare feet.

She slowly rose up. "It's nothing. Just take me home, please."

"Okay." A quizzical look settled on Jorge's face. He led her slowly toward the car and in a minute there were both buckled up inside. "Have you eaten?" he asked gently while driving.

No, she didn't and she wasn't going to. Not with this feeling knitting her tummy tight. She could barely breathe at the thought of him.

"I'll have something at home," she muttered.

"Okay," Jorge said with a sigh. A short silence passed until he asked, "Did something happen to you? Do you want to talk?"

"No," Claire answered quickly, her eyes lost into space. She didn't want to even think of it. "I had a terrible day, that's all." She gave him a weak, assuring smile.

It didn't take long until they arrived home. All that Claire needed was to bury herself in bed and forget about Ryan Stevens. The jerk wanted her to forget him—his brutal words replayed in her mind, adding more to her disquietude.

"Are you really okay?" Jorge asked her yet again, eyes apprehensive.

"I'm fine, Jorge," Claire replied with a small smile. "Thank you for picking me up, and I'm sorry if I bothered you."

"It wasn't a bother, trust me. I'm glad that you called; at least I feel like a real big brother now," Jorge teased and managed to make Claire laugh a little. "Whatever happened, I hope you can recover from it." He smiled tightly at her.

How she wished for that.

She sighed heavily. "Thanks. Have a good night."

Once she got inside her bedroom, the nostalgic feeling began overwhelming her. She couldn't stop relishing the moments she'd shared with him, and mostly the last kiss he gave her as though he was afraid to lose her . . . only to hear him say that he was letting her go.

That bastard!

"It's over, Claire," she breathed as she clambered into bed, tears launching on her face once again. "Tomorrow will be fine." She hugged her pillow tight, shutting her eyes to perhaps deceive the pain.

The morning came, but nothing had changed. Her night had been horrible. She decided to have a cup of tea in the kitchen, for everyone else was still asleep. Waking up early had become her norm, except for when she slept at Ryan's penthouse.

The thought made her heart shrink, feeling homesick.

The reminder that she was actually invited for dinner at the Stevens this very day made her skin shudder to the bones. Obviously Ryan was going to be there. But she was going to be fine, she decided. She had to face him head on.

"Hey there, so early in the weekend and you're up already?" Jorge appeared out of nowhere, still in his pajamas.

Claire looked over her shoulder. "I think it runs in the family. Look who's talking." She faintly smiled at him, as he leaned casually against the breakfast table.

"Maybe." He sighed heavily, looking beat. "I still have some work in the office to finish this morning. And how are you feeling today?" He was still worried about her.

"I'm good." Shrugging, Claire fed him exactly the same lie she'd been feeding herself since dawn. "I'm actually going to the beach house today. I need my energy back for Monday."

"That's good." Jorge grinned at her.

The trip to Montesby wasn't as pleasant as it usually was. Claire's thoughts were all over the place until she arrived at the beach house. Unfortunately there was no one at home, and it was strangely a relief. She needed her solitude badly.

Her grandfather was out of town to attend personal matters; he had a few relatives of his own after all, and Claire understood that well. Her afternoon wore off idly, until she decided to call Bruno so the trip wouldn't go to waste.

"Oh, you're here! That's great. I'll be right here waiting for you," Bruno stated, sounding happy.

"Okay, Mister, just a few minutes and I'll be there." Claire tried hard to bury her sadness.

What was the point of brooding all by herself in such a huge villa? She quickly took a shower and changed. In one hour she was good to go.

"Hey, beautiful. I thought you were pulling my leg but you're actually here," Bruno regarded her warmly with a friendly kiss and tight hug.

As always, he was ecstatic to see her.

Claire melted in his arms, finding a small comfort in him. "As much as I love messing up with you, here I am."

Bruno scowled as he pulled back. "Something is not right. What's wrong?" He was inspecting her face.

How observant. At last a genuine smile appeared on Claire's face.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy to see you," she replied, partly telling the truth.

"Really? Then why do I find you sad?" Bruno inquired, hardly convinced.

No, she wasn't going to talk about Ryan with him. They were brothers after all.

"I'm hungry," she said, watching the pigtailed waitress passing with a plate of fine-looking dessert. They smiled at one another. "Super hungry," she added, staring back at Bruno.

"Huh? So . . . that's the reason why you're so down?" He narrowed his eyes inquisitively, a bit amused.

"Yeah." Claire nodded. "When I'm hungry I become super grumpy so you better feed me if you don't want to end up on my bad side."

"Oh, I'm so scared! Hurry, let's go." Bruno's comic voice made her laugh hard. "Shall we?" He flung his hand toward her.

"Of course." Claire accepted his gesture.

Braised short ribs with creamy polenta, and a frozen chocolate ice-cream instead of red wine was Claire's choice. She was utterly content while eating.

"Anything more, ma'am?" Bruno teased some moments later.

"No, unless you want me to stop moving at all and turn into a whale," Claire uttered, catching a deep breath. She was full, and the food was amazing.

Bruno laughed heartily. "It would be my pleasure if you stick around until later, and we can have dinner at home afterwards," he said suggestively while downing his glass of cocktail.

"That's precisely why I came." Claire licked her spoon, enjoying the chocolate ice cream that finalized the magic. "Your grandfather invited me over the phone so we will meet later anyway."

"Oh, is that so? But why do you make it sound like some kind of punishment if you go there?" Bruno inquired gently.


"Come on, Claire. You seem unrelenting." He reclined back in his chair. "Or is it my imagination that you're hiding something behind that smile."

"Oh please, are you playing psychic now? I'm not hiding anything at all," Claire strongly denied. "And hey, why don't we check around places so you can show me how to take good pictures? I want to try photography for a new hobby." She tried to avoid the topic . . . that Ryan was behind her hideous disposition.

They left the restaurant and the day was spent roaming around aimlessly, taking pictures, in which Bruno gladly taught her about perfect angles, lights, and all the basics of taking good pictures at different times of the day.

"I guess I'll see you at seven?" He beamed.

"Of course." She responded similarly. "And thank you, I had a blast.".

"Well then, I'll pick you up in an hour."

"Bruno, I told you I'll come on my own. You don't have to, really. I'm not some kind of a princess who needs an escort everywhere, okay?" Claire insisted but Bruno's grin was adamant.

"I'm such a gentleman who treats every lady as they deserve."

"Oh you! Stop being stubborn and get out of here." Claire shoved him off with a wave, and he laughed heartily while unlocking the car. "Later." She clambered off.

"I'll pick you up and that's final," Bruno stated, and it was clear that the Stevens were not the type to take a no for an answer.

At least her afternoon had turned out to be rewarding, Claire thought as she headed inside her villa. But the thought of how the night would turn out freaked her. She was going to see him, eat with him, and he no longer wanted her.

"Whatever," she murmured.

Back to the house, Claire realized how big and scary it was, now that she was alone. For a moment she wondered how she was going to sleep over in such a solace. She started entertaining the idea of checking into a hotel after dinner.

There was no way she would spend the night at such an enormous place, all by herself. She locked the door, turned on the lights and walked into the bedroom. She took some minutes in a shower with several depressing images replaying in her head. Afterwards she got herself into a lavender jumpsuit that carved her shape perfectly.

She was looking gorgeous, and despite the blisters on her ankles, she adamantly wore some cream strap heels. With her wavy hair cascading freely down her shoulders, and a little nude lipstick coating her pretty lips, she was absolutely ready to face the music. A deep breath escaped her for a number of reasons.

Exactly at seven Bruno called her.

"You just can't take no for an answer, can you?" Claire teased upon his insistence to give her a ride.

"No, ma'am. Just five minutes and I'll be there," he replied and they hung up.

Smiling, Claire recalled someone else who definitely never accepted rejection; the one who had turned her world upside-down in such a veracious way. She almost hated him, but she realized she had no legit reason to. For if she felt that way . . . then it could only mean that she'd fallen in love with him.

"Loving him?" she muttered to herself while heading down from her room. "You're just infatuated, that's all. He's sexy, and you apparently love sex."

When did she start loving sex that much?

Bruno's car approached the front yard. Claire had left the front door open, so she stayed put while putting on some silver earrings. She could clearly see him through the vast French window at the lounging area, and her smile was guaranteed. She beckoned him that the door was open.

"Wow!" Bruno gasped, his eyes gleaming. "Purple is officially my favorite color."

Claire giggled. "You're crazy. You look fresh by the way, I can't decide between a tux and jeans, which one is more spectacular on you." She grabbed her handbag from the console table.

"I think this is my element. Tux? Oh please." Bruno waved dismissively. They shared a laugh. "Such a nice house you have here—are you alone?" he asked, eyes roaming around.

"Apparently," Claire answered with a sigh. "I didn't know it was too dark outside." She stuffed her handbag with her cellphone and whatever she saw fit.

"Geez, aren't you scared?" Bruno asked. "It's quite isolated, and huge."

Claire reached for the light switch with a smile. "Oh trust me, I am, that's why I'm taking my handbag because I can't sleep here." She shut the main door after their exit.

A while later they found themselves at the Stevens' territory. The car pulled over near the other three randomly parked cars, including the familiar black Vogue Claire so well recognized.

Claire took a deep breath, for Ryan was certainly inside the house. Everything looked the same as before, except that now it was dark. Inside, Martha received them cordially, crying how delighted she was to see Claire again, and with Bruno.

"I wonder why he only comes here when you do. Are you his talisman or something?" Martha scolded, slapping Bruno in the arm.

"Come on! She's simply my destined companion. Blame the fates." Bruno grinned.

They all laughed.

The old Lady and Bruno seemed closer than with Ryan. Claire wasn't surprised, however, because it was evident that Bruno was the warmest and kindest between the two brothers.

And yet she had to get involved with the cold jerk.

She cursed inwardly at the thought, and that's when she heard Ryan's voice talking to someone that she also recognized in a second. It was Doris, and the two were in the living room together with Mr. Stevens.

Clearly, this was going to be a long night.