CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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"Wow!" Jorge gasped aloud. "Is something going on in the office today? Because you look awesome!"

"Oh please, don't make my head burst so early in the morning," Claire replied, blushing. It was Monday morning, and she was ready for work when she bumped into her stepbrother.

"But I'm pretty serious," Jorge insisted, gazing at her fondly. "You look amazing. Well, you always do, but you've pushed beyond ordinary today."

They headed outside as Claire replied, "Thank you. I have an important presentation today."

Indeed she was looking her best, dressed in a tight, milky white dress and burgundy scarpin heels that matched the shade on her lips. She'd tied up her hair into a professional bun, and her neck was encircled with a simple gold necklace that came in handy with its matching watch and little earrings.

"Hop in, I'll give you a ride." Jorge offered when they reached outside.

"Thank you," Claire replied and drifted into his dark-grey Ford SUV that he seemed to have much loyalty with considering its age.

Arriving in the office, Claire received the same praises when her colleagues landed eyes on her. Boy, had she overdone it or what? She somehow wondered as she muttered her thanks.

"I can bet this round's going to be a total success," Chris teased.

"Maybe she should be a little subtle, or else people might think she's trying to use her looks to attract our clients," Lydia said, and everyone stared at her. "What? I'm only being honest here. We all know how easily distracted men can be, and I don't want our reputation drained in the mud."

Ugh, why was this bitch so bitter?

"Don't worry, Lydia," said Claire. "I won't ever tarnish your reputation, if that's what you're worried about. But hey, it's not such a bad idea if my looks could actually distract them while Nathan gives the presentation, right?" she added, and the rest laughed in unison.

"That's right, we should've employed this tactic long ago and they'd accepted our designs right away," Chris joked, and a funny discussion arose.

Lydia rolled her eyes as though everyone was nothing but simpletons.

"Okay that's enough, Ambrose," Nathan told Chris amidst his funny speech. "Levy, in two hours," he said to Claire pointedly.

"Yes, Nathan," she answered.

Two hours later the two were at SK. Ryan and three other gentlemen joined them shortly in the conference room. Harry wasn't present, and neither was Doris. Instead, there was an old woman who seemed to be regarded rather respectfully by everyone, including Ryan himself.

Before they began, Doris popped in. "Oh, I'm right on time," she said and rushed into her seat next to Ryan.

"I told you to take a day off. Why are you here?" Ryan asked her quietly.

She smiled slyly, her eyes on Claire. "Just because I got rejected by my boss doesn't mean I'll fail to perform my duties. You can save your concerns for someone else who desperately needs it." She sat straight, eyes on the projector that was being set.

Ryan sighed softly, and his eyes met Claire's. She didn't fret. He quickly averted his gaze to the front, ignoring her look full of untold words.

The lights went off and the presentation began a moment later. Again, Claire was seated across from Ryan, but he hardly glanced at her today.

"And that's it." Nathan finished his presentation.

"I like it. The designs are fresh," Ryan stated, his voice deadpan, his face utterly serious. "I'm sure everyone agrees with it." He eyed the elderly woman, who smiled and nodded at him.

Phew! A sigh of respite escaped Claire.

"I'm glad to hear that," said Nathan proudly, his grin directed toward Claire as though expressing his joy and gratitude.

"Well, I expect things to move pretty quickly and effectively." Ryan's eyes were on Nathan. He nodded. "That will be all." He got up after a quick glance on his watch.

He was leaving? Claire blurted mentally, watching him pretending she was not here. He'd been indifferent since her arrival, and it was now driving her nuts. But wasn't she supposed to be happy? She strangely wasn't.

Everyone gathered their things and stood up, ready to call it done.

"Good job, Nathan," Doris said with a big smile. Her mood was strangely boosted this morning. "Claire. Not bad." She smirked and followed Ryan, who was heading toward the door.

"Cobra!" Claire muttered under her breath.

With her heart feeling bereft, Claire gathered her things and exited the room.

"Can you believe we did it?" Nathan was jubilant. "I guess I'll have a good sleep today." They were waiting for the elevator.

"Yeah, I'm glad," Claire replied absentmindedly.

The elevator halted and its doors parted.

"What's wrong? You look kind of angry?" Nathan asked, his brows furrowed.

"I'm not angry. I'm very glad we're done with stage one." Smiling, Claire strolled inside the cabin.

"You're right. I'll just call the office and share the good news." Nathan grinned.

Claire's head was too occupied to even listen to her boss' whining. She kept thinking of the weekend she'd spent at Stevens', and his words about not giving up on his grandson too soon.

It wasn't as easy as Mr. Stevens probably thought.

However, Claire was ready to forget Ryan, too. Crazy or not, stupid or dumb, she knew what she wanted and she wasn't going to give up while she still could fight for it.

What was the point of running away from her own feelings? Afraid to get hurt? Staying away from him was already painful enough. She hated being far from him.

The elevator doors finally opened on the lobby floor. Still stuck to its cabin's wall, Claire told Nathan to go on ahead. She had something to do, and he wasn't going to stop even if the whole world thought she'd gone insane.

"I'll be in the office before twelve, I promise," she pleaded to him.

"Okay. But don't take longer than that, Levy. We're having a meeting after lunch," Nathan insisted.

"Yes, Nathan." Immediately Claire pressed the last floor button on the display.

At Ryan's secretary's office, the same petite brunette told Claire that Mr. Stevens wasn't to be disturbed, according to the instruction he'd personally given her.

"Is he with anyone?" Claire queried.

"No, he's not but—"

"Then you don't have to worry," Claire uttered dryly and off she left the poor secretary moaning in terror.

The moment Claire walked in, Ryan rose up from his seat.

"I'm sorry, sir," the secretary said nervously..

"It's okay. You can leave us alone. And don't let anyone else in, unless I say so," Ryan told her.

The door finally closed and Ryan's gaze was back on Claire.

"Did I ask you to marry me?" Claire snapped.

"Huh?" Ryan strode away from his desk, confusion evident on his face.

"I'm asking if I've ever told you to marry me . . . Have I?" Claire repeated, staring at him firmly in the eyes.

He sighed, and slowly laughter escaped him. "What's this all about, Claire?" he asked, leaning against his desk, arms across the chest.

Claire looked vexed. "I simply don't understand why you keep sending me mixed signals," she said.

Ryan frowned. "Mixed signals?"

"Yes. First you ask me . . . no, you beg me to sleep with you, and the next day you treat me like trash. So what is it that you want from me? If you're shutting me out of your life, then do it like a man, and stop this ridiculous and stupid game of yours!" Claire lashed.

"What about you?" Ryan asked coolly, ignoring her yelling.

"What about me?" She frowned.

"What do you want from me? You're the one who wanted me to leave you alone, and it's exactly what I'm trying to do. So then what do you want from me, Claire?" His voice turned louder, menacing even. He uncrossed his arms and stood up once again, just a step or two from her.

What did she want from him? Claire asked herself, and the answer was crystal clear by now.

"I want you," she answered and strode toward him.

"Pardon?" Ryan was stunned by her response.

"I want to spend most of my time with you, Ryan." Claire closed the distance between them, and he stilled, watching her. "I want to keep talking to you, having dinner with you, and even sleep with you." She circled her arms around his neck, her face as soft as her voice. "I want to continue whining around you, arguing with you, and receiving a bunch of bothersome texts during office hours. I want to laugh with you. I just want to do everything with you, Ryan." Her heart was beating fast.

Ryan's eyes gleamed at her, and something intense seemed to be crossing in his mind. He took almost a minute contemplating the profile of her beautiful face, and the depth of her intelligent eyes. Slowly his hands wandered about her waist, hauling her closer.

"I'm not a good guy, Claire," he confessed in a careless whisper.

"Do you think I haven't learned that yet?" Claire asked, seemingly unbothered. "I know perfectly well what kind of an asshole you are, and what a bitch I am to put up with you either way, and even beg you to be with me."

She was really a lost cause when it came to him.

"Must you be so brutally honest, Claire?" Ryan chuckled.

"Well, it's the truth." Claire smiled and a short silence prevailed.

"What kind of spell have you cast on me, huh?" Ryan uttered with a sigh, staring deeply into her shining eyes. He leaned back onto his desk, taking her with him so she stood between his legs, and his arms were still around her waist.

"I'm not sure," Claire replied, feeling back at home at the feel of his body so closer to hers. "And like I said, I'm not asking you to marry me," she teased.

Ryan scowled. "Why do you keep mentioning that?" he demanded quietly.

"Because I feel like you're terrified of commitment?" Claire said, hugging his neck tighter. "But don't worry, I'm not thinking of marrying you either." She kissed his lips playfully, teasing him.

"Okay, why do I feel suddenly offended?" Ryan snorted, and they both chuckled. "You look extremely beautiful today." His gaze dropped down toward her dress.

"So do you. Navy blue treats you better than black and grey," Claire remarked, and he was indeed breathtaking.

"Oh, does it?" Ryan grinned.

"It surely does." Claire took a deep breath, feeling at peace. "I missed you, Ryan," she breathed, her face closer to his.

"Me more, Claire. You have no idea," Ryan hissed to emphasize his words, his eyes dark and intoxicated. He gripped her tightly, and his mouth was instantly on hers.

This was it. Nothing else mattered anymore. Claire felt that bliss as her tongue mingled with his, kissing each other deeply and passionately.

All the thinking and pondering was water under the bridge. What mattered was that he was here, and she felt his warm breath against her skin.

"You do know if we go on doing this I may end up fucking you on my desk, don't you?" Ryan uttered breathlessly, and his hands had already travelled underneath her dress, caressing her things.

"Oh?" Claire bit her bottom lip, and slipped her hand between his legs. "Damn, your gun is loaded." She giggled.

"Fuck you. You enjoy making fun of me, huh?" Laughing heartily, Ryan pulled her dress up.

"Don't you dare, Ryan! I'm going back to work right now." She tried to walk away, laughing loudly.

"Oh come on." He pulled her back deftly. "Let's skip work," he announced like a child.

"Shame on you, Ryan Stevens! What a good example for your humble employee, huh?" she admonished him, still enjoying every second of being with him.

Ryan grinned. "My bitchy employee?"

Claire scowled. "Don't call me bitch, you asshole."

They started arguing again, and it felt just right.

"Do you have to go right now?" Ryan teased her lips with his, unready to let her go.

"I have to, Ryan. I also need to work on my license and I wonder if I can do it all by the end of today."

"Leave that to me," Ryan said.

"My license?"

"Yeah. You'll have it soon, unless you don't know how to drive at all."

"Of course, I do. I just have to renew it."

"Well, that's settled then."

"Okay, I'll be more than happy to get my license without lifting a finger. I need to go now, bye!" She tried to slip away, but she was back into his arms once again, and another long kiss followed.

Oh, she loved this.

"Can I pick you up later tonight?" Ryan asked when they finally pulled apart.

"If you want to," Claire muttered.

"Can we have dinner together?" he asked again.

"Of course, we can have dinner together."

"Sleep together?"

"Yes, Ryan. We can sleep to—" Claire glowered at him upon discerning his trick. He laughed heartily. "No, we can't sleep together on Monday, jeez!"

"Come on, Claire! Why not? We'll go to your house and you'll get a few clothes for work the next day'," Ryan suggested. "Or we can just buy everything you need."

It was quite tempting.

"No, I'll get distracted. And I have work to do," Claire said.

"No, you won't. I'll even help you."

"Oh, so now you're a designer, too?"

"I can learn. How hard can it be?"

"As hard as putting a building out of a bare land. Catch me if you can!" Giggling, Claire jogged toward the door.

"You'll be punished for that." Ryan looked happy, grinning at her as she walked through the door while blowing him a kiss.

The week was starting very blissfully. Time seemed to fly by fast, especially with Ryan's messages every now and then, to remind her of their dinner date, and a possibility of her sleeping over at his place and even his naughty regret that he couldn't have her on his office desk.

With a big smile, Claire returned his last message.

Dear Sir, I clearly told you that I can't sleep over tonight; but since you're so insistent, let me just say that I'll give you my final answer over dinner. And about your office fantasies, maybe we can save it for another time; until then, just keep fantasizing about it, just like I do mine.

She bit her lips at the thought of Ryan's crazy idea of having sex in his office. What a maniac! She was searching for trendy bathroom ideas on the internet, when her phone chirped again.

I'll be hopefully waiting for your reply later tonight. And oh yes, I do fantasize about it. I just can't seem to love the waiting idea. And you haven't told me about your fantasy up until now. What's going on in that smart head of yours, Claire?

Again, Claire started laughing like an idiot, and thanked the heavens for whoever invented the office partitions for a little privacy. She immediately typed her reply.

Aren't you a bit too nosy for a CEO? Well I'll let you know of my fantasies in due time Sir. Oh, don't say 'don't call me SIR' because I'll never stop if you do. Now please get back to work Ryan, and don't forget to pick me up later at seven.

She'd just placed her phone aside when another message chirped in. A sweet smile escaped her lips as she read it.

My being nosy when it comes to you, doesn't even count as a defect. I have a meeting outside the office, but I'll definitely pick you up at seven. You just keep calling me sir, and you'll see what I can do to that foul mouth of yours.

Evidently she was anticipating the night so badly and even entertained the idea of sleeping over at his penthouse. Even though Ryan wasn't really hers, the fact that he wasn't anyone's either, made her feel confident all over again.