CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Claire was feeling giddy as she exited the building. Her eyes met Ryan's right away. He was leaning casually against his black Mercedes. He beamed boyishly when she rushed his way, and then he chuckled when she catapulted into his arms while smiling like a schoolgirl.

"God, I missed you," she whispered, her lips on his at the same time, hungry and longing.

"Me more, baby." Ryan kissed her back, holding her waist possessively.

"Oh no, we're at my workplace." Giggling, Claire pulled back, apprehensive of her surroundings.

Ryan smiled. "The things you make me do, Claire," he said, for he was never acquainted with this public display of affection, either. She flushed, and his eyes were staring at her with daze. "You are still looking lovely even at night."

"So are you," Claire replied, smiling with content at the mere sight of him.

But suddenly Ryan's face contorted. "Why do you look uncomfortable with the shoes?" He lowered his gaze down to her heels.

Oh boy! Time to get scolded. Claire sighed.

"I have a small situation here. I got hurt when you abandoned me on the road. I walked two miles," she said, and he scowled even harder, which made her laugh at the face of being highly accused.

"You made me abandon you, Claire. You were ready to kill me if I didn't let you go," he said coolly.

What a smartass! Claire puckered her one eyebrow.

"Okay, I called it upon myself," she said.

"Good. No heels for a week," Ryan remarked and pulled her for a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Is that an order? Because it's thanks to you that I got the blisters in the first place." Her eyes closed, relishing this sweet and lust-free kiss.

Ryan's smile was bright as he gazed down at her.

"You bet that right, Claire," he said. "Until you're fine, find something else to wear. Even sneakers if necessary."

And that was enough to make them both laugh, imagining an office dress with sneakers. Claire couldn't compare this joy; it was inexplicable.

"Let's leave," she said, her heart jumping placidly. "I don't want to appear on the Lisbay Daily News so soon."

"Okay, ma'am. As you wish." Ryan opened the car door for her, grinning.

During the ride they only talked of work and the project at hand. Everything was going almost perfectly. They finally arrived at the same restaurant they had dined the first time going out together. Claire loved the place; it was intimate, and the food was terrific.

She reminded Ryan of their first meeting as they took a seat.

"At some point I regretted kissing you that day," she said.

"Oh you did? And may I know why?" Ryan remarked, making a wounded face.

"Because you're a very bad kisser."

"Am I now?"

"Yes, does that bruise your enormous ego?" Claire bit her lip playfully.

"No, it doesn't." Ryan smiled, his eyes gleaming proudly. "Because you wouldn't be here with me if I were as bad as you say," he added.

Gosh, no modestly at all? Claire huffed.

"Oh?" she uttered.

"Definitely," said Ryan. "But then again, the adjective bad can mean best sometimes. Would you rather I prove it right here and now?"

"I know you can't." Claire started giggling as his hand reached for her neck.

"Oh, Claire, you have no idea what I can do right here," he uttered and his smile was the most beautiful in Claire's eyes. "Wanna see what I can do with you?" He was hedonic.

"I swear you are crazy," muttered Claire, highly amused by his sexy threats.

Their food arrived some moment later.

"Nice choice. They make a perfect steak here," Ryan said upon seeing Claire's grin over the plate of grilled steak and mashed potato.

"I know, and I only wanted to eat what you eat," she replied with a wink, and he only shook his head, smiling. "Hmm . . . and I love the wine. What is it called again?"

"Cabernet Sauvignon," Ryan answered, "or the People's pleaser—as they call it."

Oh my! Claire took another sip and savored its rich and woodsy taste.

"So you know a lot about wine, huh?" she queried.

"Not really. It just happens that this is my favorite, that's why," Ryan said while slashing his stake. "But Doris knows a lot more. Maybe you can ask her for a few more recommendations." he teased her.

Way to ruin the moment, Mr. Stevens. Claire rolled her eyes.

"Oh, Doris again? Why don't you just date her already?" She snorted, a small hint of jealousy lacing her tone of voice.

"I can't date my co-worker." Ryan smiled.

"If she resigns, would you then?"

"I believe we're too close to date," he returned.

"You're crazy," she muttered.

"That I know already," he replied, and she smiled at last.

"And what were you doing with her yesterday after leaving so early for someone who slept drunk." She decided to quench her curiosity.

"I only went to see how she was doing. After waking up in an empty bed, of course," Ryan replied, his tone accusing. Claire chuckled. "Why did you leave me alone?" he added.

"Are you crazy? What if someone saw us sleeping together? They'll think I'm a bimbo. And did you have to stay with Doris the entire day? Because I was at your house until afternoon and you didn't return." She kept going hence and forth between two topics.

"No one would think you're a bimbo or whatever that peculiar name you've just used. You just didn't want Bruno to see you. Or do you think I didn't notice you two at the pool that night?" Ryan replied calmly. "And I didn't stay with Doris the entire day."

"Really?" Claire hoped it was true.

"I mean it," Ryan replied honestly. "I went on a random drive as soon as I left her place. It's what I do sometimes, hoping to run into good land or building somewhere."

"Oh is that so? And did you find one?" Claire asked.

"I think I did. And it was a very nice place—way better than what Clancy took," Ryan said thoughtfully. "It would make a perfect location for anything, but I'm still considering your hotel idea a good deal."

"Really?" Claire flushed.

"Yeah, but I'm also open to other options. And it seems like grandfather is also on your side." He grinned at her as he took a bite of his steak.

"Is he?" Claire beamed.

"Yeah. He always says good business is about flexibility, so if I'm going with it, at least I have his full support," Ryan replied, sounding positive about his next move.

"I'm happy for you, baby." Claire smiled fondly, indeed happy for his plans and future achievement. She knew he was an ambitious man with clear goals, and hard-working, too, which added more to her admiration toward him.

"Baby? I love the sound of that." Ryan looked happy.

"I bet you do," Claire muttered over another sip of wine.

They continued talking about land and real estate until they finished dinner.

"So, you're really not going to my place?" Ryan asked on their way out.

"I have work tomorrow, Ryan, and sleeping at your place means no sleeping at all," Claire said, and it made him laugh amusedly. "Oh, so I'm a clown now?"

"No, you're just being silly. And clown? Isn't that supposed to be my catchphrase?" Ryan queried while opening the car door for her.

"You stole Bruno's, why can't I steal yours? And I thought you were drunk last night; you still remember it?" She was baffled, wondering how much he managed to hear last night.

"I was drunk, but it doesn't mean I lost my mind." Ryan grinned.

They arrived at Claire's around nine o'clock. At the same time, Jorge had also arrived. He was exiting from the taxi as she clambered off Ryan's car.

"Claire. Hi," Jorge greeted, a little surprised that she was brought in a man's car.

"Hi, Jorge. Why the taxi? Don't tell me your car broke down again," Claire replied, reprimanding him. He just smiled. "I can't believe you. Why don't you just buy a new one? The same model maybe, or a little different? Man, that car is old and it should be in a museum by now."

Jorge laughed heartily and said, "Alright, Claire. You're starting to sound like mom."

"Oh no! May God forbid that!" Claire rebuked, and they both laughed, before shifting attention to the emerging figure from the black Mercedes.

"And who is that?" Jorge asked in a low voice, watching Ryan.

Before getting the answer, however, Ryan was already near. A smile settled on his face, and the same happened to Jorge as they got closer.

"Jorge," Ryan uttered casually.

"Ryan," Jorge returned, and the two shook hands.

What was happening here?

"Okay, are you two familiar with one another or something?" Claire inquired, unable to understand a thing.

"I interned at SK a few years ago during college," Jorge explained vaguely. "Ryan and I worked together back then, and as you know, our industry interrelates."

"Oh?" Claire uttered.

"So what's going on here?" Jorge quizzed.

"Nothing but a coincidence, I guess," Claire muttered. "Anyways, Ryan this is Jorge, my brother. Jorge meet Ryan, my . . . my friend."

Ryan scowled.

"Oh, that's great," Jorge prompted. "Why don't we all go inside? You don't mind, Ryan, do you?" he suggested.

"Not at all," Ryan answered, ignoring Claire's protest.

"Um, excuse me a sec." She pulled Ryan aside. Jorge nodded.

"Friend?" Ryan huffed, sarcasm palpable in his voice.

Claire sighed at that. "Are you crazy? Do you really want to meet my stepmother?" she snapped in a low voice.

"Why not? I'm curious to know what she looks like. Does she have horns? Because she sounds like a horror story."

"Will you please be serious for a while, Ryan?" Claire chuckled.

"I'm serious," Ryan replied. "I'm also being polite with my former colleague, that's all." He tried to move, but Claire pulled him back. "Now what, baby?" He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at her.

"Even if I say that I'm going with you to your place? I was about to go and get my clothes, you know." Claire lowered her voice into a seductive tone.

Ryan's eyes shone and he quickly said over Claire's shoulder, "Jorge, how about next time instead?"

"Huh?" Jorge responded.

"It's a bit late right now," Ryan replied. "Now go get your things," he urged, and Claire broke into giggles.

Gotcha! She felt victorious.

"Okay, guys, why don't you keep talking for a while as I go in for a second," she told them while heading toward the gate.

"Oh?" Ryan uttered, amused.

"Come on now. Just talk about the weather, government policy, or football? Men like football, right? La Liga Santander, maybe?" She beamed crazily while moving past the front gate, leaving the two gentlemen laughing.

"She's quite handy, isn't she?" Jorge asked.

"Tell me about it," replied Ryan, sighing heavily . . . but joyously.

Inside her room Claire packed a few clothes for the next, and even the other next day at work. She grabbed a pair of sandals, a laptop, and other essentials, before slipping away in a hurry, a big smile on her face.

"You just arrived and you're already going out? What's happening to you, Claire?" Her step mother regarded her downstairs. "You don't even sleep at home nowadays. You're behaving like a lousy woman without a family. What would your father say if he sees you behaving so manner-less like this?"

Claire let out an exasperated sigh and uttered, "I'm really not in the mood tonight. And please stop pretending like you care. In fact, you should be happy that you no longer have to deal with my presence." She pushed her way out.

"I'm talking to you, Claire!" Selma snapped. "Claire! Claire, don't you dare turn your back on me!" She followed her suit.

Laughing, Claire barreled like a child through the front door. She was having a good evening and no one was going to ruin it. A Minute later she was standing before Ryan and Jorge, panting

"Let's go, Ryan," she said, holding his hand. "Bye, Jorge. Good night."

"Uh, okay." Jorge nodded.

In a rush, Claire slipped inside the car.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked her worriedly.

"I am." She nodded with a weak smile. "I just want to be in the penthouse now more than ever."

"As you wish, baby," Ryan said, and they both laughed. He stared at her for a very long moment, without saying a word.

"What?" Claire breathed, her voice smoother.

Ryan kissed her tenderly on the forehead, and her eyes clammed momentarily, feeling something deep and intense; something that wasn't physical, but rather very emotional. And when she opened her eyes, his smile was so amused.

"Your cheeks are burning," he teased.

"Stop it, Ryan," Claire snapped coyly, pulling away. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. I'm just wondering what you were imagining a while ago."

She huffed. "I wasn't imagining anything. I just thought that—"


"That you . . . you . . . Ugh!" She pouted, crossing her arms on the chest, and Ryan laughed heartily while starting the engine. "You want to know my ultimate fantasy?" she suddenly asked as the car slid away from her home.

"Will you tell me?" Ryan grinned.

"Yeah, I . . . I want to have sex in the car," she finally uttered, blushing.

Ryan's eyes glimmered.

"Oh, is that so? Well, we can fix that right away."

"You're such a dick, Ryan." She flushed, a throb between her legs.

"I'm only being practical," Ryan muttered, laughing delightedly. "I can fulfill your fantasy, baby, just say the word. And you love my dick!"

"Crazy guy. Let's go home," Claire replied.