CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Claire was with Denis around six in the evening.

While seated across one another in the restaurant, Claire finally spoke after a long uneasy silence. "Do you realize you've been staring at me for minutes now?" she asked, trying to get rid of the small discomfort of his eyes devouring her.

"I know," Denis replied with a smile. "I guess I'm trying to encode this new you. You have really changed, Claire; you are so beautiful."

Here it comes. Claire sighed.

"Was I ugly back then? Because I think that's what you're insinuating." She took a sip of water from the table.

Denis chuckled. "No, you've always been beautiful, trust me. But you look more mature now, and you're glowing in some ways I can't explain." He tried to continue flattering her, but the maître d' interrupted with the menu. Denis looked at Claire and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

"Anything," Claire replied, her tummy responding with a faint grumble.

If Ryan was here, he would definitely have something to say about it. She blushed at the thought of his face alone.

"Okay, how about Gnocchi and meatballs? Or some creamy mushroom pasta?" Denis asked suggestively.

"Gnocchi is fine," Claire replied.

"We'll have what the lady wants," Denis told the maître d', who nodded with a smile. "Can you recommend a wine for us?"

"Of course, sir. A red Italian would pair best with your choice. I'd recommend Chianti or Barbera," he replied.

"Okay. Bring us a bottle of either of the two," Denis said, and the guy disappeared. "I honestly don't like these fancy restaurants at all." His attention was back to Claire.

"Then why are we here?" Claire retorted casually.

"Maybe I wanted to impress the lady?" He grinned. "I know you are a woman of fine taste, Claire. I haven't forgotten that."

"Oh please!" She rolled her eyes. "Anywhere would be fine. You didn't have to force yourself."

"Still, I wanted a good first impression." Denis smiled, and she ended up laughing. "See? I think it's working perfectly well." His flattery was only in his head.

"So, where have you been all these years? I met your parents some months ago at a party." Claire decided to broach a new subject while making herself comfortable, ready for food.

"Yeah, they told me all that, and you've no idea how eager it made me want to see you," Denis said. Claire arched her eyebrows, stunned. "I've been all over the place; I hardly stayed in one Country. But I've been working in New York recently."

"Oh? That's impressive!" Claire remarked. "And where else have you been aside from the US?"

"Why do I feel in a hot seat all of a sudden?" Denis muttered with a placid grin, seemingly happy to have this moment.

"Just answer my question, Denis." Claire snorted. "I want to hear about your technological endeavors. Is that a crime?"

"You're still so tough, I swear." He sat straight, putting the jokes aside..

Claire shrugged at that. "Maybe I am."

"Okay. I've been in Hong Kong for a year, then another year in South Africa, then in Mumbai for several months. Afterwards, I went to Seoul, South Korea, for about one year and a half, and the rest in New York. It was all work and I'm sure if I give you the details you may fall asleep."

"Okay, spare me the details." Claire laughed.

Minutes later their food arrived, and it was all pleasant to the eyes. Claire was too starving to even waste time admiring the culinary dressing as she immediately dug in her Gnocchi.

The taste of Chianti was plausible, but she still thought Cabernet was the best. She found herself thinking of Ryan for a while until Denis's voice snapped her out.

"I guess time has changed," he started. "You look so different, Claire."

He'd said that one already, Claire thought.

"Have I? Well, it could be. After all, years go by and we all grow up at some point."

"Maybe," Denis muttered.

"But guess what . . . " Claire eyed him mockingly. "I'm still the same handy, pushy and most insensitive person you once knew," she said while stirring her wine glass nonchalantly.

Denis looked uncomfortable at the mention of that. Yes, jerk, I haven't forgotten the nasty words! Claire firmed her eyes at him.

"You're still angry at me, aren't you?" Denis asked calmly, his lips tight.

"No, Denis, I'm not angry at you," Claire said frankly. "The words just crossed my mind and I recalled our breakup."

Denis swallowed hard. "Claire, I—"

"It's all in the past now," Claire interrupted. "I was young, and you said nothing but the truth. I know what a stubborn creature I am, and maybe only a maniac can deal with me." She now smiled at the remembrance of one crazy person capable of dealing with her.

"Please, don't say that," Denis beseeched.

"I don't hold anything against you, Denis. That's my point," Claire reassured him. Maybe she did at some point, but not anymore.

"Regardless, I shouldn't have said those words. I'm sorry, Claire. And I never stopped regretting doing so." Denis sounded remorseful, but it was too late to apologize.

"Like I said, it's okay," Claire answered truthfully. "So, how was life in New York?" She smiled tightly while taking a sip of her wine.

"Actually, I was engaged for a year," Denis said, plucking Claire from her thoughts. "But we broke off the engagement recently."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But why did you break off?" she asked.

"We both agreed it wasn't fair, because I still had thoughts of someone else. Someone I couldn't forget." He looked her in the eyes while saying this.

Claire felt uncomfortable, for some reasons, but decided to play dumb by saying, "Is that so? I should congratulate you, then. And sorry for the mess afterwards."

Denis smiled weakly. "What about you? Any special person in your life?" he suddenly asked, and it was a difficult question to answer.

Lately, each time someone asked Claire about that she'd feel conflicted. Who was Ryan to her? What sort of relationship did they share? She had no definitive answer.

"Yes, there is," she said flatly.

"Oh, I see." Denis said dryly. "And who is he?"

Claire frowned. Was he seriously asking such a question?

"Denis, you've just returned this morning. You and I have lost contact in five years, right? So how on Earth would you know the people in my life at the moment?"

"You're right." A rueful sigh escaped him as he scrambled for a glass of water.

Later after dinner, Denis offered to drive Claire back home, and insisted that he must do it since it was his fault that she was late.

On the way he kept asking about her job, family, and apologized for her father's death that his family couldn't attend.

"It's alright," said Claire. "I told your parents the same thing."

Being alone with Denis, inside the car, Claire could only think of the rides she'd had with Ryan.

This felt different—awkward even— and she had to think twice before responding to whatever Denis was rumbling about.

"Okay, I'm hereby dropping you home, safe and sound," he announced sassily once they arrived at Claire's.

"Are you sure you can't come in? The evil step mom will be very happy to see you," Claire said sarcastically.

"No, thanks, I'll pass," he replied defensively. Claire managed to laugh heartily. "Thanks for tonight; I had a terrific welcome back dinner." His tone softened, his eyes beaming.

"Um, pleasure," Claire answered. "I . . .guess I'll see you around. Have a good night?" She had nothing else to say, and the atmosphere was getting tense from the way Denis was staring at her.

It was a longing stare.

"Sure. Be good." He smiled tightly, a wave of sadness crossing his face.

When she walked inside the gate it was nearly eight. A sigh escaped her lungs as she stopped by the garden to enjoy some fresh air. A pair of swings settled still, and she decided to reminisce about her childhood by taking a seat with a big smile. She gave herself a light swing and it was relaxing after a long, eventful day.

Thinking of Denis' return, that somehow took her by surprise, she ended up sighing again. But this is his home country; he had every right to return. She just didn't expect to see him, and she had no idea how she felt about his arrival. He was once an important person in her life, and somehow she couldn't help but revisit the past.

The upcoming autumn breeze drew Claire's smile nevertheless. She loved autumn, for it was her birthday season.

Suddenly her mind got a reminder that she hadn't checked her phone in three hours. The first thing that came to light was Ryan. She hoped he hadn't called her even once, because if he did, she couldn't fathom what was to be expected from him and his unchecked temper.

She rummaged through her purse and retrieved her cellphone. Her eyes went wide-open when she found several missed calls from him, and a few from Gena. That wasn't all; there were a couple of messages from Ryan that she quickly checked.

Why did you hang up on me earlier? I'm almost done with the meeting, so don't leave the office yet. I'll come pick you up.

Claire gasped at the time of the text—five-thirty in the evening. It could've been sent when she was in an emergency meeting at work, because she had her phone in a silent mode. She scrolled the screen to read the next and it simply asked if she was busy.

God! She went for the next.

Why aren't you picking up my calls? And where are you right now? Because I heard you've already left the office and I'm here like an idiot waiting for you.

"Oh God!" Claire exclaimed, before scrolling for the next one, both sent around seven.

WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU CLAIRE???? This is not funny! If you're not going to answer my calls in three minutes, I'm going to barge into your house and I don't care about your step mother or anyone else.

Without reading the last one, sent just a minute later after the other, Claire returned Ryan's call instantly. She found herself pacing anxiously around the garden. She could only imagine how smoking mad Ryan must be right now.

How could she be so distracted all that time to forget about the cellphone in her bag?

She kept asking herself while waiting for her call to connect. It didn't happen, for it kept ringing and ringing without any answer. She made a second attempt, this time while seated on one of the sun lounges, tapping her feet on the ground, restlessly.

"Pick up, Ryan, please!" she muttered restlessly, listening attentively on the phone. Yet nothing happened. She immediately got up, took her bag, stormed out of the gate, and hauled for the first taxi she came across.

Recalling Gena's call, Claire decided to call her instead. As expected, it was also connected to Ryan's rampage about her or taking his calls. He must have checked on Gena as soon as he couldn't reach her mobile.

"What have you been up to, Claire? I've tried to call you and I was even worried," Gena lamented.

"It's a long story, Gena." Claire sighed. "But tell me about Ryan; did he call you or something?"

"Of course he did! Why do you think I've been calling you nonstop?" Gena replied. "He wanted to know if we were together or if I knew where you were."

Oh God!

"And what did you tell him?" Claire urged.

"Nothing, because I had no answer. So where did you go? Or maybe I should say where are you, right now?"

"I'm on my way to Ryan's, but before I was having dinner with Denis," Claire answered.

"Oh," Gena uttered. "I mean what?" she exclaimed aloud, startled. "Denis? The same Denis who happens to be your ex?" she added.

"Yes, him. He is back," Claire said.. " Well, I'll talk to you later because I'm too hyped right now."

"Wait, don't tell me about later because—"

"Gena, please, not now. I'm hanging up."

"Okay, later," Gena relented half-heartedly.

Claire almost forgot the password when she reached the private elevator to Ryan's penthouse. Jeez, she had to calm down! Thinking of Ryan's infamous temper when things didn't go his way didn't help her anxiety at all. He must be angry, and it terrified her to think she was to blame for some reasons. .

First she hung up on him while talking on the phone earlier this afternoon, and she didn't bother to call him back afterwards. Damn it! And the fact that it was Ryan, the control freak, and not someone else, made Claire shudder to the core. She was in deep trouble.

The elevator finally stopped by the foyer and she stepped out. The lights were on, but there was no sign of any living being at present. Carefully, Claire sauntered into the living room and dropped her bag on the couch. Everything was in a pin-drop silence.

After making sure that the kitchen was checked, Claire made her way upstairs and straight into the master bedroom. It was neat, as though untouched at all since sunrise. Ryan wasn't here, she decided while checking the dressing room, and then to the bathroom. It was all clear.

"Damn, Ryan! Where are you?" she grunted after checking his study. "Is he out?"

Seated in one of the stairs, Claire called him once again. It ringed, and the sound wasn't far from her ears. She quickly bolted up, her eyes scanning the surroundings. Following the phone buzzing, she discerned it was coming from the dining room—the only place she hadn't checked. She headed there straightaway.

When Claire walked in, her eyes took an awestruck turn. The table was a nice romantic dinner-setting, with candles and all. Ryan had prepared it for her, and she wasn't there. She swallowed hard, guilty pooled inside her once again. His phone was lying on the table, near the half bottle of whiskey.

He was drinking?

"Oh boy!" Claire muttered, and she was now convinced of the storm coming her way.