CLAIRE by Grace Gervas - HTML preview

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Ryan was in his office going through several reports involving the remodeling project.

Earlier this morning he had the pleasure of visiting the site, and the progress was visible. Heavy machines and equipment were active all over the place, with all the workers as busy as required.

"I found another one in Montesby. It's our new target," Ryan said while closing the file he'd been reading.

Doris and Harry were also present in his office, and none of the other two seemed surprised by this news. Ryan always had a back-up plum—whether by luck or chance.

"Oh, finally we're kicking that bastard!" Harry was ecstatic. "Is it great?"

Great was an understatement. Fuck, that land was a goldmine! Location itself was to die for—somewhere near the sea—and the look of it was already breathtaking without anything built yet. Ryan wondered if the owner was ready and willing to sell it. If not, he'd move heaven and earth to get the sale, by any means humanly possible.

"It's perfect for just anything," Ryan replied.

"Have you checked with the owner? How much is he willing to sell?" Doris queried while arranging a few documents on the table.

"Not yet. But it'll cost a whole lot." Ryan looked thoughtful as he said this, reclined back in his seat while rubbing his chin. "I want you to personally check with the owner, Doris."

Doris was an expert in negotiations.

"Sure," she answered.

"I've shown Dexter the place, so he can drive you there," Ryan added, and she nodded. "And it has to be discreet; I don't need any snooping bastard in the picture." His face hardened.

Their meeting continued casually yet meaningfully.

"Okay, guys." Harry got up abruptly. "I have an appointment in the City Hall. I'll see you later."

"The City Hall or to someone with a G?" Doris remarked, wrenching a sarcastic eyebrow.

"You're such a mole, Doris!" Harry blushed. "We should definitely marry her off to some old geezer, Ryan," he commented.

"Marry me off? Who said I want to get married?" Doris snapped.

"Oops! Pretend I wasn't here." Harry scurried off immediately while laughing at the killer glare thrown his way.

"Idiot," Doris muttered with a fait smile before shifting her attention toward Ryan, who was already onto his mobile, a blushing smile on his face while drafting a message. "Are you going to Mrs. Powell's party tomorrow?" she asked him gently, her tone rueful.

"I must go, she's a family," Ryan replied, eyes on his phone.

"Okay. Send her my regards, because I won't attend." Doris scrambled into her heels, ready to leave.

"Why?" Ryan gazed up at her.

"Trust me, Ryan, you don't want to know," she replied. Ryan frowned, bemused. "Anyways, I'll probably leave for Montesby today, so I won't come to work until Monday. Enjoy your phone date with her." She headed toward the door.

Ryan was alone when his phone buzzed after a text he'd just sent Claire. He smiled delightfully. Damn, this Cinderella was seriously getting him. He was grinning as he answered her call.

"Hi. Am I disturbing?" Claire's voice uttered from the other end.

"I wouldn't have picked if you were, would I?" Ryan sat comfortably in his chair.

"Okay." Claire laughed softly, and he could imagine her face right near. "So, what party is it? And at what time?" she inquired about his invitation to accompany him to the party tomorrow.

"It's the opening of an Art gallery," he replied, "and it will be in the afternoon, around twelve or one."


Ryan frowned. "Why? You think you won't be able to make it because of work?"

There was a short silence until Claire replied, "Well, I don't know, Ryan. I just can't leave work at that time."

"You know I can always make a call, and you'll be free to go," Ryan teased, but he wasn't bluffing. If it meant having her closer and next to him, then anything he was willing to do just to make it happen.

It was always great when he was with her, talking to her, hearing the sound of her laugh, and even that of her swearing words. What a foul mouth she had! And damn, he so much desired putting it into better use whenever she whined.

"That's precisely what I don't want," Claire replied, making him sigh heavily.

He just couldn't understand why she was so adamant about being helped. Was it the side effect of living without proper parental love? She probably skipped being spoiled by the people she lived with. This added much to Ryan's desire to take care of her.

"Why?" he asked coolly.

Claire sighed. "Look, I'll try to ask Nathan for an afternoon off. At least two hours," she said suggestively.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Nathan again?" He loosened his tie.

"Yes. Nathan. He's my boss, Ryan, and please let's not argue over this," Claire admonished him.

Yeah, sure! Just why was she so close to her boss anyway?

"Fine! Talk to your lovely boss and let me know," he said, and received a soft laughter from her. "What's funny now?" He laughed with her.

"You are," she replied mirthfully. "Okay, I'll get back to work now. I'll call you later when I'm free."

"Wait," Ryan said haltingly. "You are coming home later tonight, right? You promised me yesterday." He wanted her to his place, and lately it was more than that.

He needed her.

"I will, Ryan. See you later," Claire uttered.

He smiled with pure content. "Okay, behave."

"Jeez! Okay, Sir, I will." She hung up with a soft chuckle.

Ryan smiled to himself at the thought of a simple surprise he'd planned for her. The talk about candlelight dinner and a bed of roses last night really hit him, and perhaps he could try to compromise if she wanted that normal relationship—as she called it.

"Ordinary? How boring," Ryan breathed.

At Starlight Claire had just finished analyzing some designs she had been working on for a good while now. Being with Ryan this afternoon was quite a tempting proposition, but her work was currently on the line.

"You want two hours off? Why?" Nathan asked.

What was she doing? Claire knew this wasn't right, but damn her need to go to wherever with Ryan. Was she getting childish now? Ugh, she was losing her mind.

"No, it's nothing. Forget it," she said.

Nathan frowned dubiously. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Hmm," Claire hummed, nodding her head.

Ryan will have to forgive her this time. Fully aware of his hatred for the word no, Claire knew he was going to be mad. Well, she was ready to reason with him.

"Hey, precious. There's someone at the lobby asking for you," Rose, the pretty little redhead who sat next to Claire, said with a bright smile.

"For me?" Claire wasn't expecting anyone today.

"Yeah. He said he is a good friend of yours, and he looks hot!" Rose wriggled her brows playfully.

"A friend? Did he mention his name?" Claire asked after a small smile.

"No, he didn't."

"Okay, thanks," Claire uttered.

"Mention not." Rose smiled over the partition as she took a seat. "Maybe you could give me his number if you have no use for him, okay?" She winked.

Jeez this girl! Claire chuckled while standing up.

Who could that be? She wondered, and for a moment she thought maybe it was Bruno. But he was always the type to call first.

Ryan? No, it was absurd. Maybe not too absurd, in fact, because there was an incoming call from him as soon as Claire slid into the elevator. She answered immediately.

"I miss you," said Ryan.

Claire flushed a deep shade of pink. "Me, too. Are you at the Starlight?"

"Me? No, I'm driving. Why?"

Oh? "Um, nothing. I was just wondering. Where are you going then?" she pried subtly.

"I have a lunch meeting at G&G Hotel," Ryan replied. "Oh, I wanted to inform you that I won't be able to pick you up later."

"Why?" Claire scowled.

"I'm not sure if I can make it on time."

"It's okay; I'll just take a taxi home."

"Our home, right?"



"Ryan, I'm out of clothes at your place. Besides, you've just told me that you'll be late, so why should I go to your place?" Claire replied. "And please stop saying our home."

God, it always gave her impossible thoughts.

"Why?" Ryan demanded.

"It's confusing." Claire felt rattled inside, and somehow she wished that was indeed the case.

She felt more at home in his penthouse, after all.

"Why is it confusing?" Ryan laughed indulgently.

"I don't know," she uttered, seriously confused, and the elevator halted.

"Are you walking right now? Where are you going?" Ryan asked out of the blue, curiosity lacing his voice.

Claire rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Oh, so you can even hear my footsteps now?" She was heading towards the lobby.

"I can hear everything, Claire. Even your heartbeat," Ryan teased, and she laughed almost loudly. What a joker he was! "So, have you talked to Panther about tomorrow?" His voice was back to Ryan the boss.

Oh boy! Here we go.

"Yes, I did. But I don't think I can go with you," she answered carefully.

She could picture Ryan's crunched face as he snapped, "What? Why? Did that—"

"No, Ryan, it's not what you're thinking." He wasn't going to blame Nathan for this, was he?

"Oh, what is it then?" Ryan snorted.

"It's just—" Claire's speech was suddenly halted by the sight of the supposed guest waiting for her by the reception desk.

A sharp sigh escaped her lips, surprised.

"It's just what?" Ryan urged from the phone, sounding upset.

No, this was a joke. What was this man doing here? Claire fixed her startled gaze at the person grinning at her.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. Let's talk later, please," she said softly and hung up without waiting for his approval.

"It's been so long, huh?" her guest said. "How have you been?"

"Um . . . Cool." Claire shrugged indifferently. Her face was now blank, unable to comprehend what she actually felt. "What are you doing here, Denis?" she quizzed.

"Ouch! I was expecting a hug at least, if not a kiss. Why are you so unhappy to see me?" Denis returned, his tone a bit playful.

Fate was seriously pulling a prank on her.

Claire sighed. "Well, hi, Denis," she finally spoke, sarcastic in manners.

"Hi, Claire. May I?" Denis stretched his arms, beckoning her for a hug, and she just stood motionless. "Come on, Claire. It's just a hug, I missed you," he said, and with a soft huff, Claire complied.

It was a friendly hug, at least for Claire, and it's now that she was able to laugh at the situation. She couldn't believe that it was really Denis; the man she'd known since her childhood.

Her ex-boyfriend.

"When did you come back?" She finally got a hold of her usual composure as they parted.

"Just this morning, and I was dying to see the beautiful woman I've been told about for a month," Denis teased. "Damn, you look amazing, Claire Levy."

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," Claire said truthfully, and he stared at himself with a smile of disbelief.

He was just wearing a T-shirt and jeans, but it kept him breathtaking still. He had a nerdy look: intelligent eyes with glasses, but rather quite talkative.

They both seemed lost at words. It'd been four years exactly since they last saw one another, and for Claire it was quite unexpected. She'd nearly forgotten him after their deceivingly cool breakup.

"Well, I hope you're fine. But you've caught me on a bad time, I'm afraid," Claire said while checking her watch.

She had to get back to Ryan and explain some stuff.

"I know you're working right now, so how about dinner tonight?" Denis suggested.

Claire's eyes widened subtly, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. "Um, I don't think I can make it tonight."

She had a place to be, right? It was a mental reminder to herself.

"Oh, come on! It's been ages since we last saw each other and you can't even grant me a simple and friendly dinner?" Denis complained.

"No, it's just—"

"What's stopping you? Are you busy tonight? When are you getting out of the office?" Denis was utterly incessant.

Damn. Why were all men he knew unaccustomed to the word no? Claire pondered. But Ryan was going to be ,according to him. Maybe one hour over dinner wasn't going to hurt.

"Alright," Claire uttered, knowing that Denis wasn't going to stop that easily. "Make it an evening dinner. I don't have much time to spare."

"Okay. When should I pick you up?"

"You don't have to. Just text me the address and I'll be there."

"That is only possible if you give me your number."

"Oh, right! But no." She glared at him.


"I'm sure whoever told you where I work, must've given you my number. Are you playing with my intelligence right now?" She wasn't bluffing.

"You got me!" Denis laughed sweetly. "I see you're still smart, kiddo."

"Call me that again and I'll kill you," Claire warned.

"And still tough," Denis added over a laugh. "Okay, I'll see you later, Claire."

"Later." She smiled weakly, and off he left.

How could Denis appear just like that? She wondered as she made her way back to the office. He was indeed the last person she was expecting to see today. He had been out of her life for so long and she preferred it this way.