Chasing the Omega (Small Town #1) by Jessica Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


“What!?” I spluttered. “That's impossible!”

I can't believe what I'm hearing, it just doesn't make sense at all. Me? An Alpha? That doesn't seem right.

“I know, but it's what you are.”

“Yeah, but how? You should know about this stuff!”

For someone who's been a wolf all his life, he should know why this has happened.

“I don't know! I'm just as confused as you are.”

None of us says anything for a while, I think we're both in shock.

“And by the way, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.” Ryder looks at me in confusion. “What?”

I place my hands on my hips. “Have you forgotten about the part of you attacking me?”

“Are you being serious? Because if I remember, you're the one who started it.”

I roll my eyes. “Very mature.”

I turn away from him and enter back into the house to see Sam cleaning up the milk and the glass off the floor.

“Sam let me do that.”

Sam puts the broken glass in the trashcan and smiles at me. “It's done. Don't worry about it.” He points outside.

“Has he left?”

“No, unfortunately.” I wrap the blanket tighter around me. Ryder walks into the kitchen. “I can hear you, you know?” He closes the door and leans against it.

Sam walks right up to him, and with her finger, she points the middle of his chest. “You can leave now.”

He ignores her and walks over to me. His eyes caress me.


“Are you alright at least?” “Like you care?”

I turn away and walk up the stairs, I hear him following me.

“Believe it or not, I actually do care about you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't.”

When I reach Sam's bathroom I ignore Ryder, grab my clothes from the floor and go into Sam's bedroom to change. I see the broken shards of glass all over Sam's carpet and feel a great amount of guilt.

I'll have to buy her a new one.

“My transformation was a success, you're no longer needed.”

With my back to Ryder, I drop the blanket, I hear Ryder suck in a breath behind me.

“Alice, you don't mean that.”

“Actually, I do. And by the way, I still haven't forgotten about what you did.”

I grab the shirt from the floor and pull it over my head.

I feel Ryder's presence coming closer and closer just as he stops right behind me, I hear his breathing against my neck. “I hope you're not talking about who I think you are.”

When he places his hands on my hips, my breathing increases.

“What you did was unforgivable.”

Picturing Max's beaten face and him standing on crutches brings back the anger I had earlier today.

Ryder leans in close to my ear, his mouth slightly touching the top of my ear. “And I told you that I didn't do it.”

His whole body frames mine so perfectly that I lean slightly backwards into his tall frame. He leans forward, wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me tighter to him. I feel his warm, solid chest against my back.

“How do I know if you're telling the truth?” “Then, you'll just have to trust me.”

He rubs his nose behind my ear causing a shiver to run down my back.

I escape his hold. “Enough.”

I turn to face him to see him biting his lip with his eyes fixed on me, I pull my shirt down to cover myself. “What's the matter?” He strides over to me.

There's no way I'm getting close to him like that again. “You don't want me?”

I'm walking backwards having no idea what's behind me. “Don't ever touch me like that again.”

When my back meets Sam's dresser, I quickly place my arm in front of me to stop Ryder from coming any closer.

He grabs my wrist and pulls it towards his chest.

As he walks towards me with my hand still on his chest, I feel my hand descending downwards and before I know it, Ryder's right in front of me.

“What do you think you're doing?” I look down at the floor.

He places a fingertip under my chin and lifts it up. “Doing what I should have done a long time ago”

Ryder reaches down and places his hands behind my legs. “What's that supposed to mean?”

Ryder leans in closer. “You know exactly what it means.”

He lifts me up by my legs and sits me on top of the dresser with my legs wrapped around his waist. My hands stay rooted to the dresser's edge.

“Are you gonna stop me?”

Ryder strokes my thighs while staring into my eyes. I find myself shaking my head.

The moment I shake my head, Ryder's mouth slams onto mine; his lips soft and smooth. His tongue invades my mouth and starts aggressively fighting with mine. One of Ryder's hand holds the back of my neck tightly as he controls the kiss, while his other hand's under my thigh. Sam's makeup and perfume fall off the dresser in our haste to get closer to each other. He pulls my hair and goes down my neck; kissing every part of me he touches. I can only close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

I run my hands through his hair when he suddenly kisses down the valley between my breasts, and I can't help but shiver from the contact. No man has ever kissed that part of me.

Just when I feel his hands on my breasts, I feel another presence coming into the room.

“You have got to be kidding me!?”

Both of our heads swing to the doorway, but neither of us move from the position we are in.

“Do you mind?” Ryder growls at Sam which wakes me out of my trance. What the hell am I doing?

Kissing Ryder was not supposed to happen.

“In fact, I do mind. That's my best friend you were mauling just now.” Sam stands with her hands on her hips.

Ryder strides over to Sam with his fists clenched. “I was not mauling her. Did she look distressed or uncomfortable to you?”

“Ryder, were you not here tonight? She's in a state that makes her vulnerable to doing anything.”

I get off from the dresser and continue getting dressed. “You don't know what the hell you're talking about, Sam.”

Sam scoffs. “Just leave okay? She's had a tough night and she needs a rest.”

My eyes are cast downwards when I hear Ryder approaching me. “Alice?”

He cups my cheeks gently. “Do you want me to leave?” I move out of his hold and look away. “Yes.”

I walk over to the window, giving Ryder my back.

He doesn't move straight away like I thought he would.

A few seconds go by when he walks out the room and down the stairs, I hear the front door slam shut.

“If he's broken the fucking door there's no explaining that to my parents.”

From my position in the window, I see Ryder only in his trousers running down the middle of the road.

One second he's human, the next he's transformed. “Alice?”

My eyes are still glued to where Ryder ran off, “Yeah?”

“You okay? You haven't really spoken since you've changed back.”

Sam comes to a stop behind me.

I turn around and smile at my best friend. “I'm fine.

Thanks to you.”

“If something would have happened to you.” Tears start to well in her eyes.

“Sam, don't be like that.” I place my hands on her shoulders. “Tonight, anything could've happened, but I'm still standing and I'm fine.”

Sam rubs her eyes and smiles. “Do you feel any different?”

I drop my hands and shrug. “I feel no different than before, but I think some parts of me will change eventually. Like my hearing and my ability to smell things more clearly.”

Sam walks to her dresser and sneers, “And your libido.”

My what?

“Excuse me?”

Sam looks surprised at me. “You didn't know that?”

Sam giggles to herself. “If you watched Vampire Diaries, then you'd know that your sexual desire becomes more frequent.”


Sam snorts. “Meaning you'll want sex all the time.”

“There's no way that's true Sam and besides it's a TV show, doesn't mean that it's true.”

Sam looks at me with a look of disgust on her face, “Oh, really? So it wasn't you just now trying to eat Ryder's face off?” Sam arches her brow.

Kissing Ryder was a huge mistake and I'm standing in Sam's room trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for why I did what I did, but I come up with nothing other than it was a mistake.

“And don't try to tell me that it meant nothing because trust me, it didn't look like nothing.”

“It just happened and I can't believe I let it happen.”

Sam looks at me with a huge grin. “See? It's your libido.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes, “Okay, that's enough sex talk.”

“I'm just saying that your whole life is about to change, little virgin.” Sam smirks at me.

Being a virgin is really not that big of a deal. I've had boyfriends before but I'd rather give it to someone that I really care about and besides, there's no rush to losing it. I'm only eighteen and in no hurry; unlike Sam who lost her virginity at sixteen.

“I'm sure I'll be fine, Sam.”

Sam picks up her makeup and perfume and places them back on the dresser. “If you say so but believe me, you and Ryder were pretty hot together.”


“Imagine doing it with a wolf though? With Bane. Do you think with him it would be rough sex with lots of sweat involved or slow passionate lovemaking?” Sam arches her brow at me.

I find myself walking out of her bedroom to somehow escape. “I'm not talking about this with you.”

Sam follows. “Yeah, but aren't you a little curious about what sex is like?” I turn to look at Sam.

“Honestly Sam, I haven't thought about it and it didn't even cross my mind.”

Sam sticks her tongue out playfully. “Until now.” “Look, we just kissed, that's all. No big deal.” End of discussion.

I turn back around and walk into the kitchen to put the kettle on. “Tea?”


Sam sits at the table and takes her phone out of her pocket. “Can I ask you a question?”

Sam puts her phone down on the table and frowns. “Sure.” “How did you have Ryder's number?”

Sam shifts her weight on the seat and plays with her phone. “I got it the other day at school when you and Max were getting food together. Ryder sat at the next table and he wanted to exchange numbers in case anything happened to you, so I gave it to him.”

“Oh. Then it's a good thing you had it.”

I place two teaspoons of sugar in each mug, grab two tea- bags, pour the hot water and milk into the mugs, throw away the tea-bag and stir the tea. I grab the two mugs and bring them over to the table.

“Look, he came here tonight to save you which obviously means he cares. The first thing he asked when he picked up the phone was if you were okay, and he didn't have to bother coming here tonight but he did. For you.”

Sam takes a sip of her tea.

I find myself not having anything to say to that, I just grab my mug of tea and take a sip.

“You can stay here tonight if you want.”

I place my mug back on the table and sigh. “You won't mind? I haven't been the best company tonight.”

Sam looks at me with shock. “Alice, you went through hell tonight and it's not your fault. Blame the wolf that bit you.”

“I don't wanna be like this forever, Sam. What if there's a cure out there somewhere?”

Sam shakes her head. “Alice, I don't think there will be. This new part of you is gonna be with you for the rest of your life, and somehow you're just gonna have to accept it, even if you don't want to.'

I stifle a yawn and nod. “Yeah, I guess you're right but I still can't believe this is happening to me. It's just not right.”

Sam smiles reassuringly at me. “There's nothing wrong with being what you are even though it's gonna change your life. You should embrace it.”

I don't say anything straight away but a part of me believes that what Sam says is right. “You're right, I can't change what's happened so I've just got to live with it.”

Sam gets out of her chair, takes her mug to the dishwasher and yawns. “You should know by now that I'm always right.”

“I can't argue with you on that.” I smile as I get up from the table.

“You can sleep in the spare bedroom if you want, for privacy.”

Sam waves as she makes her way up the stairs, “Night.” “Goodnight.” I whisper.

As I place the mug in the dishwasher and make my way to the spare bedroom, I think about the events of tonight. I managed to transform without hurting anybody other than Ryder, and besides he's not the one that got hurt.

In a way I felt glad that Ryder was there with me, but I can't help but think about the kiss we shared. Facing him tomorrow won't be something I'll be excited about, avoiding him sounds like a great idea right about now.

When I reach the spare bedroom, I see that Sam's given me something to wear for bed. I remove my clothes, put on the sweats and the vest then get into bed. The moment my head hits the pillow, I feel my eyes grow heavy, and soon find that I can't keep my eyes open.