Chasing the Omega (Small Town #1) by Jessica Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


It's the last day of the week, and I couldn't be happier that it's finally Friday. This week has been beyond crazy, and I'm ready to put this week completely behind me.

When Sam comes to wake me up at 8, I get up from the bed, take a shower and wear the clothes that Sam has provided me with. I put on black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt that I'm unfamiliar with.

When I come downstairs, I see that Sam's mother has prepared us both breakfast.

“Morning Alice, did you sleep well?”

She grabs the steaming kettle and pours the hot water into three mugs.

I smile as I make my way to the table. “Morning Sally. I actually slept better than I thought I would.”

I cross my arms on the table and look out towards the window.

“Sam should be down in a minute. She's probably trying to decide what to wear to school.”

Sally brings a mug of tea over and places it in front of me.

I thank her and place my hands around the hot mug to keep my hands nice and warm.

Sally also brings over a plate with butter covered toast to the table and sits down next to me. “How's things at home? Your mom doing okay?” She grabs a little plate from the middle of the table and takes a piece of toast.

Things at home have been kinda strange since recent events. Before being bitten, I never once had a boy over at my house, let alone having four shapeshifters in my living room.

I take a sip from the mug and look at my best friend's mother. “Everything's fine and mom's always working at the hospital so I barely get to see her.”

Sally smiles warmly. “Your mother's always been a workaholic. I remember when your mother and I went to school together. She always carried a box of tissues with her at all times just in case someone got a nosebleed.”

I snicker. “Sounds like my mother.” I grab a piece of toast and take a bite.

“Everything alright at school? Sam mentioned that you've got a new English teacher?” Sally looks behind her at the clock and shakes her head.

I nod my head.

Do I mention what happened to Mr. Daniels to her or not?

“Yeah, Mr. Edmund has taken over the class.” I clear my throat. “And school? The same as always, I guess.”

Sally raises her brow. “Meaning?”

“Meaning...” Before I have a chance to answer I get interrupted.

“Meaning it's an absolutely pointless ritual that's full of hormonal teenage boys who drool at even a slight peak of cleavage.”

I'm looking at my best friend with my mouth hanging wide open; stunned into silence. When I think that her mother is going to yell at her daughter for being crude, Sally surprises me when she bursts out laughing. “The words that come out of your mouth, Sam.” She stands from the table and empties the contents into the sink. “You're definitely my daughter.”

Sam scoffs. “And here I thought I was adopted.”

Sam takes an apple from the fruit bowl that sits on the end of the table.

“Oh honey, sorry to disappoint you.”

Sally kisses the top of Sam's head and winks at me. “You girls have a good day at school.”

She waves and leaves the room.

When the house door closes I smirk towards Sam. “You wish you were adopted?”

“You would be too if you heard what goes on in this house.” Sam looks in the microwave and looks at herself through the reflection. “They're at it all the time.”

I may have thrown up a little in my mouth hearing about Sam's parents' love life. I guess with how close we are as best friends it's nice to know that she feels comfortable sharing things with me, but sharing things about her parents might just be a little bit too personal. “That's a little too much information, Sam.”

Sam turns around. “I bet sex with Ryder was on your mind last night.”

I groan. “Can you please not bring last night up again. I feel weird that you had to witness that.”

“Please.” Sam scoffs. “Last night was nothing compared to what I've done. My parents have caught me doing way worse things.”

I get up from the table, grab my shoes and bag from where I left them yesterday under the stairs.

“My dad chased a guy once right down the drive with a baseball bat in his hands. He never visited again.”

Sam grabs her keys and opens the front door.

“I don't blame the poor guy. No one would wanna mess with your dad.”

“That's what dads are for. Chasing away every guy on the planet who wants to date their daughter, I mean what would your dad. ” I turn to see her clenching her eyes

tightly. “Shit I shouldn't have brought him up. I'm so sorry, Alice.”

In the past when people would ask a simple question like, 'what do your parents do?' I always responded with a lie. For eighteen years, I've learnt to accept the fact that he isn't coming back to me and my mother. Besides, after all these years I don't think she'd want anything to do with him. I remember the days when she'd lock herself in her room and never come out, I'd sit outside her bedroom door for hours just to make sure that she was still breathing.

Being that young and oblivious, I didn't know what was happening, there was nothing I could do to make her happy. I see it sometimes on her face when she isn't looking, the faraway look she has in her eyes, and it makes me wonder if she actually misses him. It was hard seeing my mother lost like that, I never want to see my mother in that state ever again.

I shrug. “There's nothing to be sorry for. It's not your fault my dad just up and left.”

She sighs. “I know that we don't talk about it. It's just, why?” Sam shakes her head. “Do you ever wonder why he left?”

“Yeah, but after all these years I've stopped asking myself why because I'm not gonna find the answer. He's gone and I'd rather he didn't come back.”

“And if he did?”

I clench my jaw. “I'd make him wish that he made a big mistake coming back here.”

When me and Sam arrive at school, we both part ways to our lessons; Sam making her way towards Math while I make my way towards Biology. I quietly walk to my desk at the front but realize that Max hasn't arrived yet.

Maybe he's running late?

He's probably missed the bus or something. I'd understand if he didn't come after what happened to him yesterday. I can't help but picture Max's beaten face, and it makes me want to check up on him to see if he's okay.

As Mr. Thompson enters the classroom, he places his brown leather briefcase on his desk, and claps his hands to gather the attention of his students.

“Good morning everyone. For today's session, I'd like everybody to do some individual revision for the test next week. Any questions, just ask me.” Mr Thompson looks around the classroom, nods to himself then turns to sit behind his desk and starts up his laptop.

Through the hour of Biology, I couldn't concentrate looking over my notes I'd written on the variations of genetics and gave up halfway through the lesson to watch the clock ticking instead.

I sigh in contempt when I hear the bell that signals the end of lesson, I couldn't stand to sit at my desk any longer. I gather my notes and walk out of the classroom to head to my next class. English.

As I round the corner I see Sam huddled over her phone with a huge grin on her face.

“Did Bane finally send you a friend request on Facebook?” I nudge Sam as I stand next to her waiting for Mr. Edmund to arrive.

She pouts. “Still waiting for that too, but I've found something better.”

I arch my brows. “What did you find?”

Sam lowers her phone and looks at me. “Do you want to go to a house party tonight?”

Those were not the words I expected her to say. “Is someone we know throwing a party?”

I don't really know that many people in this school, so it's most likely one of Sam's friends.

“Kind of.” She bites her lip. “Oh God, whose party is it?”

Sam clears her throat and mumbles as she looks away from me.


“Don't get pissed off with me!” “Whose party is it!?”

“Alright! It's at Ryder's house! I really really want to go! Please come with me Alice!”

Sam is practically begging me and she's causing a scene in front of our class.

Just as I'm about to respond to her, Mr. Edmund rounds the corner in his navy pea coat and black slacks. For a teacher he actually dresses quite smart.

He unlocks the classroom door and ushers everyone in. He waits in front of the classroom and stands opposite my desk with a smirk on his face. I take my seat when

suddenly the whole classroom goes silent, I understand why when I look up to see Ryder and his crew enter the room.

Mr. Edmund watches them very closely as they sit in their seats.

“Was I not clear yesterday?” Mr. Edmund's voice gathers everyone's attention.

The class remains silent.

I think about what Mr. Edmund's referring to and think about what happened in yesterday's lesson. The only events I can remember yesterday was the change, the fight with Ryder and Max's injuries.

Mr. Edmund looks at me with disappointment.

“Can someone remind me what I said yesterday before I had to leave to deal with an important matter?”

I peak a glance at Ryder to see him lounging in his seat watching Mr. Edmunds' every move. He looks worn out but my attention is drawn back to the front when I hear my name being called out.

“Yes, sir?”

He crosses his arms against his chest and moves to stand right in front of my desk. “What did I tell everyone not to do before I left this classroom?”

I don't know! I can't remember!

I clear my throat and shake my head. “I don't know.”

He tilts his head and frowns. “You don't know?” “No, sir.”

Minutes go by and no one says a word.

Then out of nowhere, Mr. Edmund slams his fist down on my desk that creates a loud deafening sound echo throughout the whole class.

He stares at me a little longer, shakes his head then goes to stand directly in front of Ryder's desk.

“Mr. King, do you remember what I said yesterday?” Mr. Edmund places his hands on his hips, showing no sign of the fact that he's hurt himself.

Ryder remains silent.

“Surely you can remember? No?”

I look towards Ryder to see him scowling at the teacher. “I'm not fond of the silent treatment, Ryder.”

Mr. Edmund leans right into Ryder's face. “I mean, is it really that hard to remember what I said? I'll take that as a yes! Are you deaf? Incompetent or just lazy?”

Again, Ryder says nothing.

“You disappoint me Ryder, just like Alice here.”

Mr. Edmund waits a little longer at Ryder's desk then strides towards Bane's desk.

“And what about you Bane? Will you be the one to tell me what I said yesterday?”

Bane looks at him with distaste. “Nope.”

Mr. Edmund chuckles and walks to the classroom door. “Seeing as this lesson has not gone to plan, class is dismissed.”

Students begin to gather their things and rush to leave the classroom. I look at Sam in confusion to see her smiling as she gets up from her seat and leaves the room. She's probably waiting for me outside the class so that she can beg me to go to the party with her tonight.

Just as I get up from my chair, Mr. Edmund closes the door so all that's left in the classroom is me, and the four wolves.

“You three can keep me company at detention starting from 2:30 in here.” He then looks at Kellan and Silver. “You two clearly know how to listen better than these three.”

He smirks as he opens the door. “Hopefully this time you won't forget, otherwise there will be serious consequences.”

I couldn't eat during lunch break. The thought of eating anything made me feel nauseas. Sam kept begging me and begging me to go tonight and after continuously saying no to her, she just wouldn't give up. I gave up after the hundredth time and told her that I would go, but only for a little while. To say that she was happy was an understatement. She screamed so loud in the cafeteria, everyone was staring at her.

After lunch, Sam told me that she'd be leaving early in preparation for tonight because she wants to look perfect for Bane even though she looks pretty good in absolutely anything.

At 2:30, I arrive in our English class where detention is being held. I open the door to see Mr. Edmund already in his chair.

He indicates for me to enter and have a seat.

I take my usual seat in the front and wait for further instructions.

After last night, I thought a part of me would feel different, like I'd be able to hear and smell things that no ordinary person could do, but nothing.

The door opens and in walks Ryder followed by Bane.

Ryder pulls the chair out placed next to me while Bane sits on his own at another desk.

Mr. Edmund stands from his chair and stares at each of us individually. “Yesterday, you three decided to disobey my orders by leaving this very classroom. Therefore you will stay here until the end of the day. I will allow you to speak, but you will not, I repeat not be allowed to move from this room. Do I make myself clear?”

Neither Bane nor Ryder say a word. I quietly murmur. “Yes, sir.”

As Mr. Edmund sits, I take out my notes for Biology and pretend to look over them to make myself look busy.

Ryder lounges in his chair with one leg propped on the other while Bane puts his head on the desk.

“You okay?”

I swivel my head towards Ryder. “I'm fine.” A moment of silence. I turn back to my notes. “Are you sure?”


Another moment of silence.

“Are you just gonna sit there and ignore me?”

“I'm not ignoring you. I'm just revising for my test.” He scoffs. “Sure, I know what you're doing.”

“And what exactly is that.” My focus remains on the paper.

“Don't pretend that last night never happened because it did.”

I face him, my voice rising a little. “Nothing happened so just forget about it!”

Mr. Edmund's head rises from the papers in front of him. “Shush!”

“Keep telling yourself that Alice because we both know you wanted me.”

“It was a mistake!” I hiss.

Ryder looks angrily at me, shoves himself out of the chair and throws his chair to the back of the class.

Mr. Edmund remains seated in his chair with a look of boredom on his face.

“Get the chair and sit down Mr. King.” “Nah, screw this.”

He calls Bane and they both leave the classroom.

I sit in shock just as Mr. Edmund casually walks to the front of my desk.

“Let today be the first warning Alice, because disobedience is not tolerated in my classroom. Ever. Those two will definitely not be returning to this class after their behaviour this evening. One thing I will tell is that I would carefully advise you to think about who you surround yourself with.” He turns back to his desk. “You are dismissed, Alice.”

I quickly gather my things and rush out of the classroom.

At the end of the day, I decide to surprise my mother at the hospital with an early supper. My mother adores Chinese food but working night shifts she barely has the chance to eat any. I stop by at the reception to give them my name and my reason for being there, when I see a recognisable face reading a magazine.


He pauses for a minute then decides to look up at me. I'm taken aback when I don't see any bruises on his face or any sign of the crutches he had with him yesterday.

“Oh...hey Alice.”

He remains seated in the chair.

“You look much better than you did yesterday.”

There are no words I can manage to formulate. Max was beaten to a pulp yesterday and he looks very much unscathed.

“Yeah, my mom has healing powers.” He nervously chuckles.

I look down at his leg to see no cast either. “And your leg?”

He shrugs. “My mom can fix anything. I told you yesterday that it was nothing to worry about. Look at me, I'm fine.”

I frown, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation on how he's gone from looking like a beaten up rag doll, to looking completely fine, but I come up empty handed.

“So what brings you here?”

I show him the Chinese that I've brought to my mother. “I've brought my mum dinner. What brings you here?”

“I'm giving a ride home to my mother.”

I nod in understanding when I hear my mother calling my name. “Alice! What a surprise!”

I hug my mother tightly. “Yeah, I brought you your favourite Chinese, seeing as you never have the chance to eat on the weekends.”

My mother smiles. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

“When do you get off work?” “Late, sweetie.”

As always.

She takes the bag from me and kisses my forehead. “Do you have plans with Sam tonight?”

“There's a party tonight and I told her I'd go but...”

“No buts! You're going! It's the weekend and you deserve to have some fun, alright?” She hugs me again and leaves.

“There's a party tonight?” Max asks from behind me.

“Yeah, but it's at Ryder's house.” I face Max as he stands from his chair.

“Do you think I could come with you?”

“For someone that was beaten up by them, you don't seem that bothered.”

He shrugs. “What's the harm in attending their party, right?”

“Are you sure you wanna go?”

“Yeah! Why not? It's not like anything is going to happen!”

And so we both leave.