Chasing the Omega (Small Town #1) by Jessica Edwards - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Arriving at Ryder's place early the next morning wasn't something I was looking forward to doing. I've realized that I'm giving a lot of my time to Ryder lately, and I'm starting to think that his presence doesn't bother me as much as it should. Although being around him makes me feel somewhat safe, I do believe that he can also be one of the most dangerous people if he was ever threatened, which takes me back to Max.

When I climb out of my mother's car and walk slowly towards the house, I can't help but feel anxious about how today's gonna go. Last night's revelation was unexpected, but my mother's words are still haunting me and because of that, I believe that things are going to be very different from now on.

As the house comes into view, it seems odd that I was only here last night. The place shows no sign that a party was being held here, so when I see the glass surrounding the house, I check around to see if anyone's nearby until I realize that nobody is around the property.

I'm not the type of person to just walk into a house like it's my own, so when my attention is drawn from the sound of a door closing I exhale in relief.

I see Kellan standing by the door, wearing nothing but black jeans, he smiles at me but it doesn't reach his eyes which immediately makes me think that something is bothering him.

When I meet him where he stands, he welcomes me with a hug that I instantly accept. We break away and I notice that he's looking at me in concern.

“You okay?” His question takes me back to last night where I see Max's bloodied body on my table and the truth about his mother.

“Yeah, I'm fine, you?”

“Last night was pretty rough with Max and everything.”

“It was, but what were we supposed to do?” I shrug. “I couldn't just leave him there besides, no one would've helped him if I didn't.”

Kellan remains silent as he takes in my whole appearance. “You look exhausted.”

I'm running on very little sleep but I refuse to let my tiredness get in the way of me today. I'm determined to learn about how to be a wolf and what it means to be one. Furthermore I decide not to tell him about what I've learned, so I just nudge him playfully. “I'm just nervous about today that's all.”

He chuckles in response. “You'll be absolutely fine. You've got Ryder, Bane and myself to look out for you.”

“Wait, it's not just going to be me and Ryder?”

Kellan turns to open the front door and indicates me to

follow him. “We all kind of have to be there in case you try to attack one of us, and because you're an Alpha female, you'll most likely try to take out Ryder.”

“So you're basically saying that I could kick Ryder's ass, then?”

Kellan looks at me in surprise. “She jokes! Didn't expect that to come out of your mouth.”

“It's true though, right? I mean, I don't know what she's gonna do when I shift.”

He stops walking and faces me. “From what I heard from Ryder about what she did when you shifted, she probably still has a grudge against him, so it's up to you to communicate with her and try to soften things with the Alpha male. Naturally, she's gonna want to dominate those around her because she's an Alpha, but that's where Ryder comes in.”

“And what's he gonna do?”

Kellan smirks and starts walking away. “He's gonna dominate you and make you submit to him.”

“He's gonna do what!?”

I march to keep up with his long strides while he laughs at me. “How is he gonna do that if she can't stand him!?”

From out of nowhere, I feel somebody walking behind me, I turn around and smack right into Ryder's bare chest - who wears nothing other than blue jeans.

Why all of a sudden was everyone half naked?

“If she submits to me then I won't have to fight or hurt her for dominance which I shouldn't have to do anyway.”

He leaves with Kellan through a door at the back of the house where it leads out to the garden. I quickly have a look at the house and notice the white walls completely bare of any pictures or memories of either one of the wolves, and it makes me feel quite unhappy. Happy or sad, everyone should have pictures up on the wall. Now that I think about it, maybe I don't know these people as well as I thought I did.

I stand in a big archway that gives the view of the living area that I didn't see last night. I was so oblivious last night that I didn't see the beauty of this room, I feel downhearted that I missed seeing what I'm looking at now. The living area is enormous and by enormous I mean I could fit my kitchen and living room in this space. A large television takes up the whole wall on one side of the room with all sorts of consoles placed neatly on the floor. Potted plants are placed on either side of a glass desk with an expensive looking laptop left untouched. Two black sofas are placed on either side of each other with a black coffee table sitting between them, but what draws my attention is the white marble fireplace placed at the back of the room with flames already ignited. A sheepskin rug lying in front of the fireplace - making it look so tempting to lie on right this second.

I jerk in surprise when I hear my name being called from outside and rush to catch up with everyone. The moment I step out I see that all the wolves have gathered outside; waiting for me presumably.

Bane stands with his arms crossed over his chest with a bored look on his face.

As long as he isn't sneering at me then I guess we're making progress. Kellan stands with his back to me looking out into the woods while Silver stands beside Ryder; looking flirtatiously at him. Ryder looks at me with an expression I can't figure out. I stare back at him, but look down when I notice Silver placing her manicured hand on his bare chest. Why all of a sudden do I feel so territorial?

After what happened last night between us, I would've thought that we had somewhat of an understanding with where we stood with one another, but with the looks of things, he's not quite ready to let Silver know how he really feels.

The silence is broken when unexpectedly a womanly gasp breaks the stare I have on Ryder's chest to see that he has a firm grip around Silver's throat. Silver looks at him in desperation to let her free but Ryder shows no sign of letting her go just yet. I look to see Bane staring at them with a disinterested look while Kellan places his hands on his hips waiting for this moment to be over.

“That's the last time you do something like that, understand?” Ryder says to her in a serious tone.

Silver looks taken aback as she stares back at him with a look of confusion. With what happened last night I'd probably have the same reaction, so I don't really blame her for that.

Doesn't make me pity her though!

He lets go of her throat causing her to stumble backwards and walks to stand in front of me.

“Today's all about you. It's a chance for you to let your wolf go and explore the areas around the property.

Hopefully, she'll gather a sense of freedom while she's at it.”

“What are you guys gonna do while she's exploring?”

Ryder points to himself. “I'll be following you at a distance. Far enough for me to know where you go.”

“Didn't Kellan say before that if she sees you she might attack you...again?”

Ryder takes in my appearance. “She can try.”

“Okay, whatever.” I shake my head in denial even though I know that Ryder is much stronger than I am, “Shouldn't our strengths be the same considering that we're both Alphas?”

The moment the word leaves my mouth, Silver and Bane both look at me with frowns written on their faces, while Kellan looks at their reaction with a grin.

Ryder crosses his arms over his chest. “Just because you're an Alpha it doesn't mean that you can easily overpower another”

Bane steps into our conversation. “How is this even possible?”

Silver spits on the floor. “She doesn't even have a pack to be an Alpha.”

Kellan snorts. “You're one to talk. You couldn't even control two wolves in your previous pack until your rank lowered of course.”

“You really wanna talk about rankings, you weakling?” Silver hisses.

Ryder grunts. “'Enough! We'll discuss this later but for now, I need everyone's attention.” He looks at his pack. “We don't know what's gonna happen when Alice shifts. I'm going to make sure that I'm in her line of vision when she does. I want you three to stay behind her at a distance. I don't want her attacking either of you so if it's me she goes for, I want you to let it happen, and don't interfere.”

Silver huffs. “You want us to just sit back on our asses and watch you get attacked by that feral thing!” She growls at me.

“Silver don't say things like that.” Kellan looks at me with pity.

“Why? We all know it's true so what's the point in denying it?” She squares up to Kellan. She's clearly showing that she's a much higher ranking wolf than him. “I mean, she'll probably be much stronger than you, and she hasn't been a wolf even for a week. That would really hurt your pride, wouldn't it?”

Kellan goes to speak but not before I say. “I can stick up for myself you know Silver, but thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Her eyes shoot to mine. “As if I'd ever stick up for you! You're a pathetic excuse for a wolf!”

“I said enough, Silver! If you don't want to cooperate, then I'd rather you leave.”

Silver frowns at Ryder. “Would you like me to leave?” Ryder doesn't hesitate. “Yes.”

She sneers at me before she runs away into the clearing with the sound of her clothes ripping just before she disappears. Bane watches Silver's every footstep until he nods at Ryder. “She's gone.”

Ryder moves to put his hands in his pockets, stares at me and sighs,. “Take off your clothes.”

Excuse me?

“I'm sorry what”' I look at the three of them in confusion. “You heard me. Strip.” Ryder bites his lip in anticipation. “Why would I do that?”

Ryder grins. “To shift.”

“You're crazy if you think I'd actually strip in front of you three.”

Kellan chuckles. “We've seen it all before Alice.”

I cross my arms against my chest. “No, I won't do it.”

Ryder rolls his eyes. “Do you want to let your wolf out today or not?”

“Well yeah but...”

At that moment Ryder starts to undo the button of his trousers with Kellan and Bane doing the same.


I put both of my hands up to halt their movements, “Wait! How do I actually shift if all of you shift before me?”

“My only advice for you is to not think too much about it. Just relax, calm your breathing, steady your heartbeat, and just let her come to you. She'll know what to do.”

No pressure.

“You know, I think what would be better is if I shift on my own without having anyone around. I want to be able to shift on my own without having an audience. I think she'll attack you guys if you surround her. She might think it's a threat, and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.”

“Fine. We'll do it your way, but as part of teaching your new abilities, I want you to come and find me.” Ryder winks at me just before he slides down his blue jeans along with his briefs.

Maybe I should have turned away when I had the chance because that image will forever be inside my head.

When I try to gather my thoughts after seeing Ryder's

naked body, I turn to see that Kellan and Bane have shifted already and started to run into the woods. I look back at Ryder when I find that I can't contain my breathing. The view right in front of me suddenly feels unrealistic.

He stands twice the size he was just now, I'd need to stretch my whole arm upwards to be able to touch his snout. He lowers his head as if he's studying me very carefully, and he probably recognizes my scent from before when I attacked him in Sam's house. I don't move a single muscle in case any kind of movement will aggravate the Alpha standing fearless in front of me.

A few minutes go by with him just staring intensely at me, a part of me is scared of what this beast might do to me, but I know Ryder wouldn't hurt me on purpose. Ryder takes one more look at me, turns around and follows the same footprints as Bane and Kellan.

I let out a breath of relief when Ryder's form disappears but I'm left feeling lost with what to do next.

I was told to keep calm but how can I when my heart is racing?

I hastily take off my white sandals, my white tank top and throw it to the floor followed by my ripped jeans. I look around consciously hoping that nobody can see me but relax when I realize that nobody would be out here, other than the occupants that live here. I undo the straps of my bra followed by my underwear and stand alone in the wolves' yard. I close my eyes to focus on slowing my heart rate and take deep breaths.

I repeat this until my breathing and heartbeat is slow and steady.

I take one last breath and lower my posture to be on my hands and knees when suddenly I feel as if I'm shrinking on the inside. I don't know how I brought this feeling onto myself, but knowing that I'm about to shift into a beautiful wolf excites me. I shake off the feeling of stopping everything and just try to relax when suddenly the feeling of needing to shiver comes unexpectedly, and without realizing what could happen next, the shiver takes over my whole body.

And the shift happens so effortlessly.

I don't feel any different other than having the feeling that I'm in a bubble. She stands to her full height, and after a while of getting used to the new height, I try to get her to move but she seems reluctant.


I try to communicate with her from inside my mind but she seems to be ignoring me or she doesn't understand.


Again, she doesn't listen to me.

Instead, she moves towards the discarded clothes and stands in front of Ryder's pile. She lowers her head and starts to inhale the scent. I expect her to start growling from what happened when she was in his presence the last time, but what I don't expect her to do is lie on top of his clothes and start rubbing her scent over them.

What are you doing!?

She does it for a while but suddenly stops, she stares into the woods like she's trying to figure something out.

Did she hear something or did she sense danger nearby?

She slowly starts towards the clearing where all the wolves disappeared through and stop just outside it. The view before me is utterly breath-taking.

Tightly knit trees stare at me as though they seek permission from me to enter the forest. The scent of foliage mixed with decay and dampness tickle my senses, the bright sun above playing hide and seek in between the leaves of the trees. I don't realize that we've moved deeper into the forest until I hear a spine tingling howl coming from the other side of the forest.

When I think that she'll turn around, afraid of what she might come across, she instead decides to run towards the source.

We continue running until we come across the end of the path. She looks around at her surroundings - probably wondering where the howl came from. She inhales the ground when suddenly a noise of a twig breaks nearby. Her head shoots up in alert - waiting for a clear sign that she's safe.


I don't know why I'm telling her to keep steady but with fur as white as snow and this height, there's no explaining to anyone about what they can see.

A few seconds go by when suddenly a fierce growl comes from behind us. In a second she turns around and faces whoever dared to approach her and the first thing I see are the blood red eyes of an Alpha and the black mass of fur. Ryder walks towards us with integrity - clearly showing who the strongest Alpha is. He circles around us, drawing closer and closer until the two bodies start to touch each other. All through this, she does not growl once. Instead, she lets the Alpha does what needs to be done.

After the close inspection, Ryder then starts to inhale her scent for a long time.

Will he attack when he realizes that she was the one who fought him or is it all forgotten?

He lifts up his head, moves to stand nose to nose with her and gently nudges his face against hers.

I'm taking this as a sign of truce.

Both Alphas seem to be happy in the company of each other when suddenly a gut wrenching howl comes from the wolves' house. Ryder looks down at the path and runs at a dead fast speed.

I take it as a sign to follow him but for some reason, seeing Ryder run off like that stirs an unwelcome feeling inside me.

Can Ryder sense something that I can't?

I reach the clearing just after Ryder and notice the three wolves standing in a half circle - looking down at something in the middle of them. The wolves turn around as if sensing that their Alpha is in their company, but when Kellan spots me, he growls at me as if warning me away.

I ignore it and follow behind Ryder.

He stops and stares at the scene in front of him. My heart stops when I see that a body lies unmoving on the ground. A bloodied body of a man lies on his front.

With the face hidden from view, I have no idea who the dead body belongs too.

Kellan rushes to stand next to me, urging me to leave, but I have no idea why.

There must be a reason otherwise he wouldn't be doing this.

All the wolves have gone quiet, and when I reach over to turn over the lifeless body, I can fully understand why.
