Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph Dillard

To: Joseph Dillard

Sent: Sun, 12 Apr 7:36 am

Subject: Happy Easter

How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I am

doing fine and enjoying this beautiful Easter morning.

The prayer chain has ended, and I feel so great

about having the opportunity to agree and pray with

you regarding your requests. After my last email I

became a little more diligent and prayed 14 of 14

days. I committed to praying from 8am - 9am daily.

Although the prayer chain is over, please continue

to trust God with your requests. I believe that He

heard them and will answer in His time, exactly when

you need it. I plan to continue to pray for requests

from the prayer chain on a weekly basis on Wednesdays.

If you would like to make a request and receive a

weekly update and/or report to pray along with me

or just to be included, please respond to let me know.

Finally, please pray that God continues to bless my

family. Pray regarding financial concerns for college

and other obligations. Finally, I pray for direction and

favor regarding my business. I believe God for all of

the things and appreciate your prayers.

Enjoy this day with your family and enjoy God's

blessings. I look forward to hearing from you as

God begins to and continues to answer your

requests. Take good care of you and God bless

you. It's been an honor and a pleasure. Thank

you again for trusting me with your requests.
