Chin Up Girl by Joseph Dillard - HTML preview

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----- Original Message -----

From: Jenny

To: Joseph

Sent: Monday, April 13, 10:55 AM

Subject: Re: Happy Easter

Thank you so very much. I am having emotional challenges from the break-up. I lost who I was during the relationship (4+ years) and behaved in a manner that was not consistent with who I am. I tried and tried to make it work but when only one person puts their all into it they're the one who ultimately has to endure the pain. I'm sure he doesn't even think of me anymore. One thing I do know is that on the other side is something better. When able to talk more I will. Thanks for keeping me in prayer as I will you.

Much love


-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Mon, 13 Apr 11:14 am

Subject: Re: Happy Easter

You're very welcome, Jenny!

You are so right - there are better days ahead. Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. You're a very special lady. Time will reveal your blessings. I am sure that God will give you the desires of your heart. I will be here when you are able to talk more. Take care of you, my dear and try to keep smiling. Know that I am continuing to pray for you. God loves you and so do I. God bless you.



-----Original Message----- From: Joseph Dillard

To: Joseph Dillard

Sent: Wed, April 15 9:24 am

Subject: Reports

I have gotten some reports of blessings and wanted to share them with you to encourage you and to bless you.

One requested prosperity for her non-profit with an increase in funding and clients. She was lead to ask for free office space and it was given to her. Also, she has seen an increase in clients pay a fee and sign up for an annual event in which she participates.

One requested prayer for her husband who has gangrene in his toe. His toe was not amputated and is healing.

One requested prayer for a closer relationship with God and help with her discovery of how living without her father in her life has affected her. She has a closer relationship with God and is experiencing healing in her life, marriage and other relationships.

One requested complete healing for her teenage son who has gone through two years of chemotherapy and surgery for cancer. She also asked wisdom in decision making. She recently talked to her son's surgeon and was told he is healing very well. Also, she has peace about the decisions she has to make. She said she is not worrying about circumstances but trusting God, so she has more peace.

Another requested that her daughter return to the Lord as her first love as she goes through her college experience. She reported that her daughter is getting on track.

A mother requested prayer concerning her family because her house is in foreclosure. Very recently, the mother received an offer on the the house that was higher than the asking price.

Another requested blessings for her upcoming art show. She reported that traffic was light but sales were good due to a few strong buyers.

These are great blessings. Some are big and some are small; nevertheless, they are blessings and answered prayers. Your report may not be on here today, but I am believing that you will read about what God has done for you too. Stay encouraged. Keep smiling. God bless you! I'm praying for you. Joseph

-----Original Message----- From: Joseph

To: Jenny

Sent: Thu, 16 Apr 6:51 am

Subject: Today's Gift - 04/16

Good Morning, Jenny!

How are you feeling? Every day I get a reading to remind me of the things I need to do in order to overcome some of the challenges I have faced and continue to face in my life such as self esteem and codependency issues. Well, today this is the reading that was sent to me. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Enjoy and be blessed.



P.S. Also, affirm yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself:

I am beautiful

I deserve to be respected

I am worthy of love

I am ok

I love myself

Honestly, it's hard for me to do this sometimes, but I know it's just what I need to value myself. I love to hear others say it about me, but I need to start by saying it to myself about myself. God loves you. Keep smiling!