Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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The next day: December 18th

Catherine couldn’t decide on what to wear. Should she go with casual jeans (now she owned a pair or two), or should she go with a dress? She had this maxi dress that she’d been wanting to wear too. But would he think she was dressing up to impress? Was she trying to impress him? Her mother stuck her head in, “Going out?” Catherine bit back a retort, “Yes.” “Let me guess, you can’t decide what to wear.” Catherine shook her head. Her mother stepped in, “Where are you going? Maybe I can help?” “Going to visit Tara and her son Toby.” The lie rolled off her tongue too easily. Her mother nodded, “I’d say pants then so you could get down and play with him.” Catherine nodded, “Thanks mom.” “That’s what moms are for.” Her mom walked out. Catherine grabbed the dress and headed to the bathroom to change.


She pulled up at Jackson’s house around 11 that morning. She was nervous. Her hands were trembling. Slowly, she got out of the car and headed to his front door. She knocked and waited. He opened the door and smiled, “Catherine, come in.” She came in and her eyes landed on the little girl in the living room with all pink on. Her hair was blonde like her own and in two braids. When she looked at her, Catherine saw she had Jackson’s caramel colored eyes. “Belle, this is Catherine. Catherine, Belle.” Catherine knelt down in front of Belle, “Hi.” The girl smiled brightly, “Hi! Do you like to paint your nails?” Catherine smiled, “I do.” “Daddy, can you get the nail polish, please?” she asked. Jackson nodded, “Sure sweetpea.” He went upstairs then came back with a little basket with an assortment of nail polish in it. Belle pulled out a neon pink color, “This one is my favorite. Pink is my favorite color. What’s your favorite color?” Catherine felt herself relaxing, “Blue.” Belle cringed but fished out all the blue nail polishes and handed them to her. Jackson settled onto the couch and watched them as they painted their nails. Thank goodness Catherine hadn’t had her painted already. Surprisingly, Belle was pretty good at it; she only missed her nail a few times. She held up her hands to Jackson, “Look daddy!” He examined her hands, “That’s wonderful! You could be a professional one day.” Her smile brightened at her father’s praise then she turned to Catherine, “Do you like them?” Catherine nodded, “I do.” Belle examined her nails, “I like yours too. Daddy, do you like ….?” “Catherine.” “Do you like Catherine’s daddy?” Catherine held her hands out for Jackson to look at. He nodded, “Yeah, but yours are better.” Belle grinned, “True.” Catherine chuckled. “So what do you guys want to do while you wait for your fingers to dry?” Jackson asked. “Princess and the Frog!” Belle announced without hesitation. Jackson looked at Catherine, “That’s her favorite movie. We’ve seen it at least twice a month.” Catherine smiled, “How cute. I haven’t seen it in ages.” Belle grinned, “Put it on daddy!” “Yes ma’am.”


After Princess and the Frog, they ate lunch then they worked on a princess puzzle. Jackson joined them on this one. After working on the puzzle for a couple of hours, Belle wanted to color, which she and Catherine did. Then Jackson ordered pizza for dinner. At 7, Catherine was preparing to leave. “You’ll come back tomorrow?” Belle asked. Catherine looked at Jackson and he shrugged. She smiled at Belle, “Same time, same place.” And that was exactly what happened. Over the next week, Catherine spent everyday with Jackson and Belle. Out the window flew her theory that she may not feel any motherly instincts toward Belle. Once, Belle had tripped and fell, scraping her knee. Before Jackson could reach her, Catherine scooped her up, wishing she could take away her pain. She’d put a bandaid on and kissed it better. In her free time, she’d done some shopping for Belle and a little for Jackson as well.


December 24th

I wish I could stay a little longer but I have to get home,” Catherine told Belle. “But you stayed longer yesterday,” Belle whined. Jackson picked her up, “Let her go. She'll be back.” Catherine nodded. “Tomorrow?” “Well, she may have plans with her family…” Jackson said, “And so do we.” “I bought you two gifts. Maybe I can drop them off?” Belle smiled, “Yes!” Catherine looked at Jackson. “Sure. I’ll text you where we’re going to be.” She nodded then headed home. Once home, she changed into a more evening dress and did her make-up and hair. Her parents told her they were having dinner and wanted her there. A dinner the day before Christmas was weird. She headed downstairs to be met by her mother, “Come dear, he’s waiting.” “Who’s waiting?” Catherine asked. “Alexander Jenson and his parents.” The Jensons had always been close to the Belfords, and Catherine would consider them friends. She followed her mother into the living room. Alexander and his parents were sitting on the couch opposite where her dad was sitting. Her mother sat next to him and she sat next to her. She greeted the Jensons with a small smile. “Catherine, we’ve been talking with the Jensons, and we think that it will benefit both of our families if you and Alexander were to marry,” her father said. She wasn’t surprised. Her parents had hinted at it before. “You and Alexander are friends; I’m sure you’ll grow to love him like I love your father,” her mother said. Everyone was looking at her. Did they expect her to make a choice right now? Yes. Yes they did. That’s how business was. And that’s what this marriage would be to them: a business deal. She let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding and plastered on a fake smile, “Sure.” It’s not like she was looking for love. She didn’t really believe in it. She’d seen many couples who ‘loved’ each other separate over one thing or another. No, her parents hadn’t, but they were never the warm, cozy type anyways. Better to go into a marriage knowing it was a business deal than thinking she loved Alexander. Her parents smiled. “Good choice, dear. Come, everyone, let’s have dinner. We’ll announce the engagement at tomorrow’s Christmas party,” her mother said. No wonder they wanted her to agree to it today. As they headed to the dining hall, Alexander pulled her aside. “Are you sure about this?” he asked. She nodded with a shrug, “Sure, why not?” He let out a deep breath and got on one knee, pulling out a ring box, “Then let’s do this properly. Will you marry me, Catherine?” She smiled. He wouldn’t make such a bad husband. He didn’t have to do this because it was a business deal but he did anyway. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” He slid the ring on and got up. “Let’s go eat,” she said.