Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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The next day: Christmas

Catherine woke up Christmas morning feeling happy. She was excited to see Jackson and Belle and give them the gifts she’d gotten them. She slipped out of bed and headed into the bathroom where she showered and got ready for the day. She wore a cotton, red dress that hugged her nicely. She paired it with some heeled boots and a light face of make-up, complete with red lipstick. Knock knock. “Come in!” Alexander stuck his head in, “Merry Christmas, Catherine.” She smiled, “Merry Christmas. What are you doing here so early?” “It’s 10. People are already starting to arrive.” “Oops. I must’ve lost track of time getting ready.” “And you look stunning.” She blushed, “Thank you. So do you.” “Why thank you.” She pulled the ring out of the drawer and slipped it on, “I’m ready to go and mingle.” He grinned and held out his arm, “Then let’s go.” The announcement of their engagement was met with clapping. Everyone seemed genuinely happy for them, which led Catherine to wonder if all of them had business marriages and this was normal for them.


Around 3, she slipped out and checked to make sure all of the gifts for Jackson and Belle were in her trunk. “You’re leaving?” Alexander asked. She jumped then sighed, “Yeah. No more than an hour.” He motioned to her trunk, “That’s a lot of stuff.” She smiled, “You want to come with me?” “Sure. It’ll probably be better that way if anyone notices we’re gone, they’ll think we went to make-out somewhere.” She ignored that comment and got into her car. She didn’t want to makeout with Alexander. He got into the passenger seat and they left. “So where are we headed?” he asked. She sighed, “I’m going to tell you something that you are not going to repeat to anyone.” He raised an eyebrow, “Are you secretly feeding the homeless or something?” She rolled her eyes, “No. I have a daughter.” His eyes widened, “What?! Since when?!” “Long story. Anyway, she lives with her dad. We’re going there now to give them those gifts.” “How old is she?” “Three.” He nodded, “And he has full custody?” She nodded. “You could get back some.” “You’d be okay with that?” “Of course.” She bobbed her head; maybe she should. She’d have to talk to Jackson first. He’d been so welcoming this past week that she didn’t want to seem ungrateful.


They arrived at the address Jackson had sent her about 20 minutes later. There were a lot of cars parked in the front. “Stay here while I go get him to help me.” “Okay.” She went to the front door and knocked. A lady opened the door, “Yes?” “Hi. Merry Christmas.” “Merry Christmas.” “I’m looking for Jackson.” “Jackson!” the lady yelled. He came from the living room and smiled, “Catherine’s here!” he said. Belle came darting from somewhere and threw herself into Catherine’s arms. Catherine hugged her, “I missed you too.”

Jackson watched the exchange between his daughter and Catherine. She seemed to be getting set into that “mother” role, which worried him just a little bit. Then he noticed the ring on her finger. Had that always been there? And why did the knowledge that she was engaged to someone else piss him off? He shook off the feeling as Catherine set Belle down. “I got you and your dad gifts.” “Me?” Jackson asked. She grinned, “I did. Come on and help me get them from the trunk, Belle.” Belle raced down the stairs with Catherine behind her. Jackson stepped into the doorway to watch. He saw a man standing beside Catherine’s car. He looked at Jackson and gave a slight nod. Was that her fiance? Belle came staggering up the driveway with a box. Jackson took it from her and sat it inside. Catherine came next with an armload of gifts. “Geez woman, when did you have time to get all of this?” he asked. She grinned, “Oh you know. Come and meet my...uh...fiance.” She seemed so unsure about the word ‘fiance’ on her tongue. Jackson reigned in his annoyance and walked over. “Jackson, meet my … fiance, Alexander. Alexander, meet my daughter’s father, Jackson.”


Alexander shook hands with Jackson. The moment Catherine had said ‘my daughter’s father, Jackson’, he knew he was facing an impossible challenge: winning her heart. In fact, he didn’t even want to begin that challenge because he’d already given his heart to someone else. He could hear the smile in her voice when she said Jackson. He saw the way Jackson’s eyes trailed after her when she went to get presents. These two buffoons liked each other. So why had she agreed to marry him? He liked her as a friend and wouldn’t have been mad if she turned him down yesterday. It was very clear that this marriage was a business deal. His parents would have been insulted but at the end of the day, they weren’t the ones tying the knot. He looked between her and Jackson. Were they purposely not acting on these feelings? That would be stupid since they had a kid together. And why hadn’t he known about this kid? Or was something else keeping them apart? He wanted answers, but he already knew neither of them had them.


After dropping off all the gifts, Catherine watched Belle open a few before she and Alexander headed back to their own party. Jackson eyed the gifts she’d gotten him. What would be inside? “Who was that?” his cousin, Rachel, asked. “Belle’s mom.” Her eyebrows shot up, “I thought she was like, gone, or whatever.” “Apparently,” Jacob said with a roll of his eyes, “her parents had given Belle away without her knowledge.” “But, she carried the baby.” “She was in a coma.” “Oh! And the guy with her?” “Her fiance,” Jackson said, with a little too much disdain in his voice. Rachel and Jacob eyed him. “What?” he snapped. “Nothing. Are you going to open her gifts?” Jacob asked. Jackson shrugged, “Maybe later.”


He and Belle stayed at his dad’s house until around 8 when Belle was tired. He packed the trunk with all of their gifts then went home. Tonight he got off, so once he put her to bed, he had free time to himself. And he found he didn’t like having free time. It made him think about Catherine. And he didn’t want to think about her. He sat on the couch and opened one of the gifts she’d gotten him. It was a white Gucci T-shirt. He rolled his eyes; while thankful for her gift, when would he ever wear this? Not at work. At work, the dress-code was black shirts. It could be collared or just a plain T-shirt, like he liked to wear, but it had to be black. That way you’d fade more into the background and not stand out like a sore thumb. He sat the shirt back into the box and pulled out his phone and texted her.

Jackson: Thanks for the gifts.

Jackson: Belle really loved the stuff you got her, especially the nail polish

Catherine: I’m glad & you’re welcome. Did you like your stuff?

Jackson: I did, thank you. I should have gotten you something.

Catherine: Letting me be a part of Belle’s life is the greatest gift you could give me

Jackson: I see

Catherine: Is she in bed?

Jackson: Yes

Catherine: You?

Jackson: No, just sitting on the couch.

Catherine: Sounds nice and quiet.

Jackson: It is

Catherine: Well I’m going to head to bed now. Today’s festivities were energy draining

Jackson: Goodnight Catherine

Catherine: Goodnight Jackson /book-images/1645809861/tmp_68e7e17f233fff52577bb34927ba2c60_UzSkbJ_html_12655ad5.png


Jackson refused to read too much into the heart she’d sent. She was engaged. He tossed his phone onto the couch then headed to bed.


Catherine waited for Jackson to respond but he never did. She chided herself for putting that heart. Why had she put it? It wasn’t like she had feelings for him or anything. And even if she did, it was too late: she was engaged to someone else.