Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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A few days later: New Years Eve

Catherine was excited for the new year. At first, she planned to spend New Year's Eve with her parents like she did every year, but she found herself asking Jackson what he had planned. He said he and Belle were just going to stay at home. She then found herself asking if she could come over and spend it with them. At first he seemed hesitant, and she feared she overstepped her bounds, but he agreed. So here she was, again struggling to decide what she was going to wear. She decided to go with some comfortable clothes since she may be staying up until midnight. She got to his house at 7, around the time she’d normally be leaving. Jackson informed her that Belle slept through most of the day to prepare for this. They spend their time watching movies or playing games. To her surprise, Belle managed to stay awake until eleven, when she succumbed to the desire to sleep. Jackson put her to bed then he and Catherine watched some of the New York celebration on TV. Finally, the time for the ball to drop came. A ten second countdown began. Jackson called his dad for the countdown. Catherine called her mother, who was beside her dad. “10 … 9 … 8 … 7 … 6 … 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1… Happy new year!” Catherine said. She looked at Jackson and he looked at her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He hesitated only for a moment before kissing her back. He pulled her onto his lap as their tongues dualed inside one another’s mouths. It was a hot, demanding kiss that left her breathless and wanting more. Jackson’s eyes were dilated. They both were thinking the same thing. He told his dad ‘Happy new year’ then hung up. She did the same for her parents. As soon as she was off the phone, they headed to his bedroom. He locked the door and they tore off each other’s clothes. Their mouths met again and they fell into bed like this was an everyday occurrence. She remembered what he’d liked last time and from what she could tell, he remembered what she liked as well. It was like they were made for one another. They made love until about two in the morning. He collapsed beside her as they got their breathing under control. Her phone rang. She sighed and went into the living room to get it. She had 10 missed calls from Alexander. The gravity of what she’d just done came crashing down on her. She’d just cheated on her fiance. She answered, “Hello?” “Catherine! God, are you okay? I’ve been calling you!” “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear my phone ringing.” “It’s alright.” “You should like you’re having fun.” “I’m at my cousin’s. We had a bachelor bash.” She chuckled humorlessly. “What’d you do to celebrate?” he asked. “...I uh...I spent it with Belle and…” “Jackson?” She gulped, “Yeah. Um...see…” “...Whatever it is that’s bothering you, just say it.” “Jackson and I...uh…” She couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she’d willingly fallen into bed with him, and enjoyed every minute of it. “You slept with him,” he guessed. She gulped. He didn’t sound angry. She nodded until she realized he couldn’t see her, then she said, “Yes…” “I see.” “Are you mad?” He sighed, “Not necessarily, no. You were honest with me and this is a business marriage so it’s not like I’m in love with you or anything. But if you want him so bad, why are you marrying me?” “It just happened. One thing led to another.” “Do you even want to marry me?” “Yes! It’ll be good for both of our families. It’s the least I could do for my parents.” “Okay then. Don’t let this incident repeat itself. Imagine what would happen if someone found out you cheated on me? How would that make you look? How would that make me look?” She gulped, “Right. It was a one-time thing.” “Good. Talk to you later Catherine.” “Yeah, bye.” She hung up and turned around. Jackson was standing there in all his naked glory. She glanced at him and he had an unreadable face on. “That should have never happened,” she said with as much conviction as she could muster. He stayed silent for a moment then nodded, “True.” “I’ll just get my stuff and get going.” He nodded again but stayed silent. She gathered her stuff and left as quickly as she could. She could only hope that this little slip-up didn’t affect her relationship with Belle.


Jackson was pissed. He was pissed at himself for falling into bed with her. He should have known better. She was engaged. But the sex was so amazing. God, she was the best lay he ever had. But then he overheard part of her conversation with her fiance. Of course, how could he forget- she was engaged, and from what he could tell, happy to marry him. Only now did he realize he might have been wondering what a life with her would look like. Would she stay home with Belle or want to pursue a career? He clenched his fists: he’d never know, because she was marrying another man. He went back to his room. It smelled like their joining. He opened the window and tore all the sheets off. Then he threw on some clothes and went into the living room. The couch would have to suffice. He couldn’t sleep in the bed where he just fucked her. Where he just fucked another man’s fiance. Ugh. That’s how low he’d just gone. He was disgusted with himself. If her fiance came after him, he’d deserve it. How would he feel if his fiance slept with another man? Let’s just say she wouldn’t be his fiance any longer. He grumbled, got somewhat comfortable, and went to sleep.


On the way home, Catherine made up her mind. She wanted to be in Belle’s life, but the ever present temptation of Belle’s father wasn’t going to go away, unless she sued for part custody. To do that, she had to talk to her parents to get access to the family lawyer. It was going to be a hard conversation to have, one she’d been avoiding, but after tonight’s incident, she had to do it. The sooner, the better.