Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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Two weeks later

Jackson hated courthouses. He hated suits as well. But here he was, in the courthouse in a suit, about to fight a legal battle over his daughter. His family had not taken well to the news. They cursed the Belford one way or another. Especially Jacob. He’d been furious. And rightfully so. He went into the room and sat down beside his lawyer. His family was by no means poor, so they could afford a good lawyer. Maybe, just maybe the judge would only give Catherine 3 months or something. He wasn’t sure how he’d be able to handle 6 months. “How are you feeling?” his lawyer, Danielle, asked. He replied, “As okay as I can be in this situation.” She nodded, “I understand. Just let me do the talking and we’ll be fine.” “Okay.” Catherine and her lawyer came in a few minutes later. He couldn’t even look at her. It wasn’t so long ago that he’d been wondering what a life would look like with her as his wife, but oh how the future had other things in store. Now they were fighting a legal battle. The judge arrived only moments after them and he took his seat. Each side presented their arguments. Catherine didn’t really have any proof that her parents sent her child away without her permission, but she did have proof that she’d been in a coma at the time. Danielle, on the other hand, pointed out that Jackson had been raising Belle her whole life and Belle was doing just fine. She also showed how the Belfords had already signed over full custody. Lastly, she pointed out that Catherine had only been in Belle’s life for a week now, and that it was too early to throw her fully into that without her father so soon. Jackson felt satisfied that she’d made a good argument, and that whatever would come from it was out of his control. The judge sent them out on a break for thirty minutes while he deliberated over the evidence. Jackson paced the entire time; the suspense was killing him. He had to know the fate of his daughter right away. When the time was over, he practically ran back into the courtroom. The judge sighed, “Okay, so here is how this is going to do. For the next 6 months, Mr.Forester is to take Miss.Forester to see Miss.Belford at least once a week. You two will have to work out what day that will be based on your schedules. After that 6 month time period, Miss.Belford is to get 25% custody of Miss.Forester- that means three months out of the year. That will be July, August, and September- the summer. That is all.” That could have been worse. Jackson stood up and walked out, followed by Danielle. “Not bad,” she said. He nodded, “Thank you for everything.” “You’re welcome.” “Could you work out a day for Catherine to see Belle. I’m free any day so it’s up to her.” She nodded, “Will do.” “Thanks.” “No problem.” He collected the paperwork then headed home. Jacob had come over to watch Belle. “Well?” he said as soon as he walked in. “Six months of monitored visiting then the summers.” Jacob nodded, “Could have been worse.” Jackson nodded, “ Could have.”


Catherine felt a twinge of disappointment at the verdict: three months a year?! That was it? She knew for a fact that Jackson wasn’t going to let her visit during the 9 months he had her, not after this. She met up with Alexander to lunch after the court case. “Well?” he asked as they sat down. “I have to start with 6 months of monitored visiting so she can adapt to me, then I get the summers.” He nodded, “You don’t seem happy about that?” “I don’t know…” “Would’ve been a lot easier if you just told him you have feelings for him and not agreed to marry me.” Her head snapped up, “What?” “Come on Catherine, any person with eyes can tell you two have it bad for each other.” “But…” “Not ‘but’ Catherine. If you would stop for a minute and think about what you really wanted, none of this would’ve happened.” Her jaw dropped. Her fiance was telling her she should be with another man. “When did you become a therapist?” He shrugged, “Here’s the thing Catherine, I think we should call this engagement off.” “What?! Why? We’ve been engaged for a month!” “I know, but you should be with him, not me.” She couldn’t help but feel like he wasn’t telling her everything. “What aren’t you telling me?” he flinched. “Spill Alexander Jenson.” “...There’s this woman…” “OOOOO!” “Shush!” “Anyway, we were seeing each other before you and I happened.” “Then why didn’t you object?!” “Well see, my parents would never approve of her, so...I don’t know. I guess I thought this was a good escape.” A good escape for the both of them, Catherine admitted to herself. Before the engagement, she’d daydream about what it would be like to be with Jackson. She did like him and he was an excellent father. But in the back of her mind, she knew her parents wouldn’t approve of him. They’d said so not too long ago. Is that why she’d readily agreed to marrying Alexander? Was she, like him, trying to find an excuse to run from her growing feelings because of her parents? And her lack of belief in everlasting love? God, she was pathetic. It was crystal clear: she was. She looked up at Alexander, “Promise me you’ll go after this woman if I go after Jackson.” He grinned, “Deal.” “So engagement off?” “Engagement off.” They shook hands then dug into their lunch.


Leaving the restaurant, Catherine felt invigorated. Now, all she had to do was find a way to ‘go after’ Jackson. Maybe Quinn and Tara would have some ideas. She called up her besties and told them they needed to have a meeting tonight. They readily agreed. Tara promised to bring wine.


That evening

Jacob nudged Jackson, “Look. Who the fuck wears suit to a club?” he said. Jackson looked up and saw Alexander coming towards the bar. He gritted his teeth, “That’s Catherine’s fiance.” Jacob’s eyes widened, “What’s he doing here?” “Beats me. You serve him. If I do, I might slip something in his drink.” Jacob snickered, “Who says I wouldn’t?” “Because you’re responsible and he didn’t do anything to you directly.” Jacob rolled his eyes as Alexander came and sat on a stool. He walked over, “Hello.” “I’m guessing your brother told you all the juicy details about me?” Jacob deadpanned, “Yeah. Why are you here?” “I need to talk to you.” “Me?!” “Yes, you. You’re Jacob Forester right? Jackson’s brother?” “Well, yes, but why do you want to talk to me?” “I need your help.” Now Jacob was really confused, “You need my help?” “Yes. How well do you know your brother?” “Very well, I’d say.” “So you know he has feelings for Catherine, right?” Jacob glanced at Jackson then back to Alexander, “Yeah…” “Catherine feels the same way. She was just too block headed to realize it before she agreed to marry me.” Jacob arched an eyebrow. “You can’t tell Jackson any of this.” “Okay…” “Catherine and I called off the engagement.” “You did?! Why?” “Because we’re in love with each other,” Alexander deadpanned. “Huh? I’m confused.” Alexander rolled his eyes, “Because she’s in love with your brother and I’m in love with someone else.” “Oh!” “Anyway, I have a cabin up north that’s a great vacation spot. I need you to get Jackson there and I’ll get Catherine there.” “You want me to help you set them up?” “Do I need to spell it out?” Jacob grinned, “I’ll do it.” Alexander slid him a card, “Here’s my cell. Text me so I’ll have your number. I’ll send you the details when you do that.” Jacob took the card and nodded, “Okay.” “Whiskey.” “Huh?” “I want a whiskey.” “Oh, yeah, sure, one sec.” Jacob went and got a whiskey for Alexander. No sooner had he finished than Jackson pulled him aside, “What bullshit was he feeding you?” “He and Catherine are setting up the nursery at his place. He was talking about the stuff they were going to buy Belle.” Jackson looked downright deadly at that. Oh yeah, his brother had it bad.