Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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A week later

Where are we going?” Catherine asked Alexander. She still wasn’t sure what to do about Jackson; maybe some time to let him cool off would be best. And then Alexander insisted on taking her up north on a spontaneous trip. A little time off would probably be a good idea, especially since her parents were on her case now saying she and Alexander needed to start planning their wedding for the spring. “Up north. I have this cabin that’s a nice place to get away,” he said. She nodded and leaned back in her seat. Getting away was just what she needed.


Where the hell are you taking me?” Jackson asked. “Dad and I thought it was best for you to get away, recuperate, and then come back. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of Belle.” “And who’s idea was this?” “Mine. You’ve been wound tight like a spring since all of that went down.” Jackson sighed; his brother was right. He had been wound tight, expecting the Belfords to want more of his daughter. Some time off was just what he needed. He settled back into his seat and enjoyed the ride.

It was a two day drive but they made it to the cabin. It was in the middle of nowhere with no signal and nobody for miles. “Wow!” Catherine said, stepping out of the car. “I came up here a few days ago and stocked this place with enough food for two to last a week,” Alexander said. She nodded, “You and I are going to have fun.” She briefly thought about Jackson and what it would be like to spend a week with him in isolation. She shot the idea down as soon as it was formed. He was probably still mad at her. Alexander carried her stuff in. Thinking back, that was the first sign that something was off. He didn’t bring anything inside the cabin.


Alexander finally got a text from Jacob about 15 minutes after he and Catherine arrived.

Jacob: We'll be there in 10 minutes. R u there yet?

Alexander: Yes

Jacob: Okay good. Don’t let me see you outside.

Alexander: Got it.


Jackson’s eyes widened when a cabin came into view. It was cozy looking. There was a car parked out front. “Someone else is here?” “It’s the owner of the cabin,” Jacob said. Jackson nodded, “Good because I have no clue how to get a fireplace going.” Jacob laughed. They got out. “Grab your stuff,” he told Jackson. Jackson got his suitcase and they went inside. “Your room is over there,” Jacob said, pointing to a door down the hall. Jackson nodded and went to drop off his stuff. When he returned, Jacob was gone. There was a note on the door. He looked at it: You’ll thank me later. “What the heck?” he said. “Jackson?” He stilled then slowly turned around, “Catherine? What are you doing here?” “What are you doing here?” They stared at each other for a couple of seconds before the light clicked on. They went to the window and looked out. The cars were gone. Jackson groaned. Jacob, the little shit, set him up.


Catherine didn’t know whether to kiss Jackson or Alexander next time she saw him. He’d set her and Jackson up. And they couldn’t go anywhere. Jackson turned to look at her, “Looks like we’re stuck until they come back. I should have known.” She tried to hide her smile but failed. He eyed her suspiciously, “Did you know about this?” “Me? No! I was just as clueless.” “Uh-huh. And what would your fiance think about this?” “Alexander dropped me off.” His eyebrows shot up. “And we’re not engaged anymore.” His eyes widened. She decided to get it over with now. Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eye, “We were both in love with different people.”


Jackson gulped. There was no mistaking the underlying meaning behind her words. “But what about the custody thing?” he asked. “I’m sorry. I just had to find a way to not be around you because if I was, I knew what happened on New Year’s Eve would happen again. It wasn’t if, it was when. I was trying to run away from the feelings you evoked in me. That’s why I agreed to marry Alexander. If I was married, I couldn’t have you.” “What’s so bad about me?” “Well, my parents had a special type of man that I needed to be with.” “And now?” She laughed humorlessly, “They still do. But I want to be happy for me. I want to be with someone who wants me for me and who I want for them.” He searched her eyes for any hint of her lying, because by God did he want that too. And he wanted it with her. She gulped nervously and looked down, “I understand if that’s not what you want.” He lifted her chin and leaned down, “I want that too, sweetheart.” He kissed her. It was a slow, sweet kiss filled with thoughts of the future and forgiveness. “I love you, Jackson.” “I love you too, Catherine.”


A week later

We’re back!” Jacob said, busting in. Alexander was close on his heels. Jackson rolled over, taking Catherine with him. She moaned in protest. “Well, well, well, I think our plan worked,” Alexander said. Jackson cracked an eye open, “What are you two doing here?” “To check up on you and Catherine to make sure you didn’t starve each other to death, outright beat each other to death, or fuck each other to death,” Jacob said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Go away,” Catherine muttered, snuggling closer to Jackson. “We’ll just drop off some food then. We were prepared to leave you two here for as long as it took to get you to reconcile,” Jacob said. “We were fine on the first day you dipshit,” Jackson said. “Well, you both tend to be hard headed so you never know.” Catherine uttered a very unlady-like curse then sat up, bringing the sheet with her. “It’s 7 in the morning!” she hissed. Alexander nodded, “It is. Are you two ready to head back to civilization or do you want to stay here?” She yawned, “We better head back. Jackson needs to buy me a ring.” Jacob and Alexander looked at each other then smirked. Twenty minutes later, all four of them were leaving the cabin. Jackson linked his and Catherine’a fingers together and smiled at her. She grinned and snuggled a little closer.