Cold Sweetheart by Ria F - HTML preview

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Two months later

Quick, put it in here before daddy gets back,” Catherine told Belle. Belle slipped the lid onto the box and Catherine hid it behind her back just as Jackson walked inside the house. Over the last two months, she and Jackson had solidified their relationship. Her parents still didn’t know. They didn’t seem to notice that she was wearing a different ring, either. She and Jackson planned on telling them tonight over dinner. But first, she and Belle had a little surprise for him.


He looked at them quizzically, “What’s going on?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. She smiled and gave the box to Belle. Belle handed it to him. He looked at Catherine; what did she have up her sleeve now? He opened the box and his breath caught as he stared at the pregnancy test. He looked up at her, “You’re pregnant?” She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. He scooped her up and spun her around and kissed her. “God, I love you.” She laughed. He set her down and gave her a real kiss, then picked up Belle, “You’re going to be a big sister!” She beamed, “And we can paint our nails together!” He and Catherine laughed. Catherine looked at the clock, “We need to get ready to go. We’re supposed to meet my parents in 45 minutes.” Jackson nodded. He got Belle dressed because Catherine always took longer. Then he got ready and Catherine did Belle’s hair. They were out of the door in 30 minutes.


The drive to the restaurant took 15 minutes. They’d be arriving fashionably late. He unbuckled Belle and they went inside. Her parents, Samuel and Patrisha Belford were already seated. They looked at each other when he, Belle, and Catherine approached. “What’s going on?” Patrisha asked Catherine, “Does he not like the custody arrangement?” Catherine chuckled, “This isn’t about custody, mom.” “Then what’s going on?” “You’ll find out soon.” “Where’s Alexander?” Catherine sighed, “I don’t know. Now please, let us do the talking.” Her mother humphed but didn’t say more. Jackson sat Belle down and everyone ordered. He could see Patrisha becoming more and more agitated. Finally, Catherine spoke, “Mom, dad, I’m sure you both know Jackson Forester.” “Yes. He’s Belle’s father,” Samuel said. Catherine nodded, “And my fiance.” Patrisha sputtered, “Never!” “Alexander and I terminated our relationship months ago. I’ve decided that Jackson and I are going to get married and we have another baby on the way. You can either support us because you love me, or you can keep acting like rich snobs and I’ll be out of your life, with your grandchildren.” Jackson was taken aback by her sharp tone, but it seemed to be just what her parents needed to hear. Her dad nodded for a moment before he extended his hand to him, “Welcome to the family.” Jackson shook his hand, “Thank you, sir.” Patrisha, on the other hand, didn’t say anything further. Surprisingly, the meal wasn’t strained. Jackson actually had a conversation with Samuel.


After the dinner, Patrisha took Catherine aside, “Dear…” “Mom, if you’re about to try and talk me out of this, it won’t work. I love Jackson and I’m going to marry him.” Her mother searched her eyes for a minute then sighed, “I can’t stop you, can I?” Catherine shook her head, “It would mean the world to me if you’d support me.” Patrisha nodded, “I’ll try.” Catherine hugged her mom, “Thank you, mom.” “Do you like to paint your nails?” Belle asked her grandmother. Patrisha smiled, “I do darling. Would you like to come over tomorrow and paint our nails together?” Belle smiled widely, “Yes, please!” “Such a well-mannered child,” her mother said to Catherine. Catherine motioned to Jackson, “All his doing.” Patrisha studied Jackson who was in a conversation with Samuel about the best whiskeys. She smiled softly, “He’ll make a fine husband. He cares for you.” Catherine nodded, feeling tears threaten to come out, “He does. He really does.” Her mother gave her a hug, “I’m happy for you Catherine.” “I’m happy for me too.”


Once they parted ways with her parents, they headed to Jackson’s. By the time they reached the house, Belle was asleep. Catherine carried her in and put her to bed. Then she joined Jackson in the room they’d been sharing. “Tonight went well,” she said. He nodded, “I expected more fight from them.” Catherine laughed, “To be honest, so did I. Maybe Alexander told them something already.” Jackson shrugged, “Maybe. I’m just glad they’re on board with our marriage.” She kissed him, trailing her fingers down his chest, “Me too Catherine, me too.”



Jackson and Catherine went on to get married a few weeks later. Jacob was his best man and Quinn was her maid of honor. Tara couldn’t because she was pregnant again and not feeling so well. They bought a house together. Jackson ended up being a stay-at-home dad while Catherine continued to work at her father’s business. Jackson mostly ran the business aspect of the club since his dad wanted to retire soon. He and Catherine had a baby boy which they named Jason Forester. Belle was always trying to paint his toes so Catherine had to find some gentle nail polish for her to use, finally.


As for Samuel and Patrisha, they became doting grandparents. Belle and Patrisha even started having salon days where they’d spend all day painting their nails and eating danties. Catherine was just a little jealous.


And as for Alexander, he did end up going after the girl. As it turns out, she was his father’s assistant. They did end up getting married about 6 months after Jackson and Catherine did. And they all lived happily ever after.