Date with Purpose by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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Slowly let the questions take shape in your mind, one by one. Take your time; do not rush.

Are you happy in your life right now? (Be honest.)


What would make you deliriously happy, like a child? (Go ahead, and don’t be afraid to answer that question.)

What would make you deeply happy, as an adult?


Based on what makes you happy like a child, and happy as an adult, what should your goals and dreams in life be?

If you keep at it, your own mind may begin volunteering grandiose dreams. Let it! Let your inner child loose and daydream about your successes.

Do you wish you had your own house, car, and sailboat? Wish that you became a respected doctor / scientist /

lawyer / entrepreneur / writer / artist / CEO / athlete (or anything else)?

Do you see yourself traveling around the world, skiing or bungee jumping from dramatic heights?

Do you see yourself running an organization, or your own company, and getting famous for it?

What do you see when you imagine your true love? What do they look like?

How do you spend your time together?


Dream in detail! Aside from the big dreams, don’t forget the little wishes or dreams. Like wishing you were a more ideal weight, or had a bit more money. Or wishing your last job interview went well and that they’d hire you.

Keep a journal of your dreams, big and small. For every time you start daydreaming about them, write down what you think of. By writing down the

thought and dream you take one step closer to making it a reality.

Write each dream on a separate page, and dedicate at least five minutes to it twice a day, when you first wake up in the morning and last thing before you go to bed at night. During the day think as much as you can about what you really want in life, and whenever a negative thought pops in your head, immediately go to your dream book, and think of the goals and dreams you have. If you feel like turning your journal into an artistic scrapbook of sorts, complete with pasted cut-outs of photos or objects that best illustrate your dreams, do so!

Make your journal as vivid as possible, because doing so will help you discern which of your dreams are the most compelling to you. Take note of the wishes or dreams you seem to keep writing about most passionately, because this could be what you’re meant to do in life.

Some of you may be disinclined to keep a journal. Perhaps you don’t feel like writing, or don’t have the time. Here are a

few things you can try as alternatives or in combination with the journal:

Audio journal. You might enjoy the feeling of documenting your own life like a journalist or biologist on the field, talking