Date with Purpose by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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work, and the how you use your time for that work, which matters. Don’t fall into the trap of overextending yourself and your time. People will appreciate your work more if you give quality more than quantity, and this will be reflected in the income you earn from building a career this way.

If you need more time and energy to pursue your life goals (and yes, to find a lifetime partner), you can wisely lighten your work load by:

• Not taking on every single chance to do a project. You don’t have to take on every job opportunity that comes your way, just because you’re worried the opportunity

might never come your way again. (If you really think about it, this “it might never come my way again!” kind of thinking isn’t logical.)

• Not making yourself available for every single project or favor people ask of you. Learn when you should say no for your benefit, and how to say no to different sorts of people. Knowing how and when to say no is an art form you need to master, because it will free up more of your time and energy so you can concentrate on bigger, more important work. In this way, you help guarantee yourself excellent results for whatever project you tackle.

• Pacing yourself for tasks you must do. There are things which fall into our lap regularly, which we must do, but hate doing, anyway. To free up more time and energy for the things you love to do, find ways to break up your

“hated” tasks over smaller units of time, spread across one afternoon, a day, or a week. For instance, if you hate filing work papers, washing the dishes, or paying your bills, see if you can break up the mundane work into 15-20 minute-blocks, and spread them in between longer time blocks when you can do what you want.

• Arranging your life simply and efficiently. This should be your lifelong strategy. It means structuring all the elements of your life, freeing yourself from negativity and distractions, so that you spend more time and energy on working towards your life goals. What you should let go of will depend on how useful it is to your needs and

goals. For instance, do you really need to work hard for that big house or luxury car? How can putting yourself through all that stress and hard work be worth it, if having a cheaper car or home would have the same impact

on your life goals?  And would these really be required of you, for you to find a lifetime partner?

C.  Controlling Your Daily Expenses


I’m not here to advocate being a miser. If you work hard for your money, of course you deserve to spend it, and to enjoy life!

But there’s a big difference between spending your money wisely, and spending it carelessly. Spend your money without thinking, and you could drag yourself into troublesome