Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

Boxing Day? Don’t ask!

Nothing much happened anyway. Hannah and Judith were the only ones who had no idea what had taken place last night while the rest of us were still trying to convince our minds to not think about it.

Gertrude doesn’t disappoint with her cuisine and the rest of the day goes in a blur. Brother has left even traces of him cannot be found in the house or the yard. A sudden fear grips me when it finally dawns on me that I now completely have no place left with family but here.

And I push it at the back of my mind because—well there is no need to think about what I can’t solve.

It is on New Year’s Eve that Mr. Abiwu finally gathers everyone in the living room. By everyone I mean no one has left yet and today is the last day. But if I had thought this was a goodbye parting speech I was so wrong. It was another trouble that is rising.

Hannah has been found out. Well by Mr. Abiwu and we were all screwed.

‘We are dealing with things outside but I do not expect secrets in my own family.’ Mr. Abiwu gets to the point like always and the room falls silent. At least no one darts a glance at Hannah because what else could he be talking about?

‘No you are dealing with things outside.’ Alex says with a bored tone, ‘if you have something to get out of your chest why don’t you just get to the point?’

All heads turn to him. I mean, I guess I’m not the only one who has never heard Alex directly snap at Mr. Abiwu before. Perhaps the past night was too much for him, pyscho that he is and all that.

‘I don’t mind taking matters into my own hands.’ Mr. Abiwu says.

‘Haven’t you been taking matters into your own hands all these years? What has changed?’ Alex rises to his feet, ‘do so now.’

A small evil smile appears on Mr. Abiwu’s face, oh now what? ‘You are all loyal to the family business I assume?’

The other three great uncles scowl at him disapprovingly, ‘like you even need to ask,’ that comes from Charli.

‘Then I suggest you do what is right honoring that title.’ He finally settles his gaze on Hannah who doesn’t even flinch, ‘do we offer mercy to a person who openly comes in to destroy the family?’

‘You tell me.’ Julian speaks, coming to the woman’s rescue like we have all been accustomed to now, well maybe except Mr. Abiwu, ‘you can’t tell me that you were completely in the dark all this while.’

‘I was giving you all the freedom to make the right choices.’

‘And your choices are always right?’ Julian rises as well, great, this could be a replay of Christmas Eve night, ‘Taylor is the new clan leader, and we are following new rules.’

I swear eight pairs of eyes slid warily at Mr. Abiwu who to my great disappointment was not bringing steam out of his ears by now.

‘Oh please do enlighten me what you intent to do with Miss Zara’s obvious misintentions.’

Of course Julian answers, the man is going to get us all killed, ‘Zara’s betrayal no longer has any value of threat since she is joining the family.’

Zara jerks to her feet, ‘no I am not.’

Judith reaches out to sit her back down when Lawyer takes back her outstretched hand and gives her a stern look. She raises her chin at him stubbornly.

‘Join or die,’ Alex, the bloodthirsty one is kind enough to interpret the situation to her.

‘I’d rather die than be with people who killed my sister.’

Am I the only one who blinks? I don’t think so—but based on the way the men seem like they almost want to roll their eyes, I guess they know what sister she is talking about. At least Judith seem lost as well so I’m not alone.

‘that is a matter between you and Taylor,’ Mr. Abiwu shrugs, ‘I merely took it upon myself to see to it that my son didn’t destroy our family because of the little whores he brought to the picture.’ He looks at me, ‘sorry Heather.’

‘They were engaged!’ Hannah looks Mr. Abiwu straight in the eye, ‘you are willing to destroy any thing that stands in your way—there is no good reason for it.’

‘We already know that.’ Luther raises his eyes to the ceiling, ‘we can’t sit here for a stupid revenge speech, and let’s get this over with.’ He also stands, somehow it now feels wrong to be the only one sitting—in case we have to run for our lives any minute that is. But there is no way, for the sake of my life am I going to stand and try to put down arguments with these crazy men in my present condition.

Luther looks at Mr. Abiwu, ‘Hannah is part of the family now—she is not to be touched,’

‘They are not yet married so that status has no ground.’ Alex points out. I mean whose side is he on.

The side where he gets to strangle someone, wild mind reasons. Makes sense, Sense agrees, I nod mutely at my thoughts.

‘We can do that today.’ Julian announces, ‘no pressure.’

Hannah recoils from him as if he is holding a snake, ‘what? Are you insane, I am not joining this family—you are crazy,’ she tells Julian then turns to all the great uncles, ‘you are all crazy—that explains it.’

Luther gives Julian a pointed look. With an exasperated sigh, Julian marches towards Hannah and lifts her off the ground as if she weighs nothing before throwing her over his shoulder.

‘Close this case,’ he calls out as he matches out from the room with a yelling Hannah throwing blows on his back.

Mr. Abiwu shakes his head, as if he is agreeing to Hannah’s declaration about them being crazy men. Well I couldn't agree more.

"So what's the next agenda on this meeting?" Alex asks as soon as the eerie silenced that had followed Julian's departure settled.

"We prepare for an impromptu wedding” Mr. Abiwu answers and walks out from the room.

The drama of this household never ends.