Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

It’s dark. No, the lights are still on but there is a dark invisible blanket hovering over the room, on all of us. A few men are on the floor wriggling in pain where the bullets had penetrated not to kill but to hurt. Or that’s my own opinion.

Then there is the blood and the faces of people who are not going to back down. Or perhaps I see it that way because as of now it seems I am the only one fazed by this entire ordeal. Many days and weeks with these people and I still can’t expect what they are capable of. The answer is simple.

I wasn’t born for this.

Tension is thick in the air and seconds seem to tick by loudly on an invisible clock as Mr. Abiwu and brother share a long pissing contest. Looking at two of my uncles pressing bleeding wounds and the other one still under the edge of Julian’s sword, he has no choice but to back down.

I can’t help but think that Mr. Abiwu should at least appreciate such act of bravery it’s very rare. At least in his circles.

‘Now that’s just messy.’ And the man has enough grace to look offended by the way the whole thing ended. ‘Can’t you just give up now?’

And brother does something that I can imagine any loving brother would do—but he is no way near loving when it comes to us so what the hell is he up to?

‘I am not leaving Heather with you—not after the separation of our clans.’ Brother seethes, ‘I will not be taunted that I was powerless enough to leave a connection between our families after such obvious acts of hatred and dare—and no revenge was taken.’

‘You are free to take revenge.’ Mr. Abiwu exclaims, ‘but as long as Heather is carrying a child that has my bloodline she is not going anywhere—when the child comes however—whether to take her is no option because I intend to give my grandchild the best and that best includes having her parents with her. Heather is not a surrogate mother.’

Brother’s nostrils flares as he utters the most unbelievable words even Mr. Abiwu with all his ruthlessness couldn’t have reached that level, ‘not when the child is not in the picture.’

Taylor’s entire body stiffens while all the Abiwu uncles and Mr. Abiwu himself pins him with such a hard look I was positive it would stop his heartbeat.

At this point I decide to take things into my own hands—

‘You can disown me.’

Even as the words leave my mouth I can’t believe it myself. The hard stares all falter for a brief moment as they shift their gazes at me all saying the same—what the hell?

I shrug and carry on because I have already jumped into this hole and there is no crawling out now.

‘Disown me… as my brother you have the same position as my father—disown me, because I am not going anywhere with you.’

Brother straightens his spine and turns his indignant stare at me, ‘you have always been a disobedient one.’ He growls, ‘they are not your family.’

‘Neither are you.’ I retort back, ‘look around you—if that’s how you want to roll your dice these days that’s fine—but why do you have to appear in my life like you have the right to just because I was unfortunate enough to have been born by the same crazy man as you.’

Even in this heated moment where a dozen intimidating men are all ears for a small woman like me--- I mean, its phenomenal—Julian smirks humorously his eyes twinkling at me. Seeing a smile, even though it’s small and twisted and surrounded by blood and evil, it warms me.

In fact if I am to be honest with myself—seeing all the great uncles—yes even Alex—unharmed and taking their powerful stand, brings me relief. That’s when it hits me. Like a damn tsunami. Maybe I have been twisted because well how could I escape it when I have been living with these people for months—but deep down in that part of my heart that I had sworn I would never open to anyone—I really cared about them. All of them. Facing the choice of leaving and never seeing them again is unbearable for me. It seems like a darker place because this is a dark place presently.

Maybe brother sees my epiphany on my face because his expression shows that he has given in and is going to back down.

‘Very well if that’s what you want Heather.’ Brother says, ‘I will henceforth, remove you from our family—you will not be recognized as a part of it as from today and forever.’

‘For pete’s sake.’ That’s Celine, speaking at the conclusive part as usual, ‘we got it we are not in elementary school--.’ She comes to where Taylor and I are standing, ‘we will leave you to your business then,’

Taylor looks at her, she rolls her eyes, ‘she saw all this just now and chose you—can’t you just trust that she won’t run off with me?’

‘It’s you that I don’t trust.’

I slowly pull myself out of his hold, ‘I need to--.’

He reluctantly let me go—well mostly because even if he wants to keep me in this room by his side like a damn tick—the scene is still bloody and there are people bleeding to death here and they have other manly businesses to take care of—my work here is done.

He nods and Celine and I flee from the room like frightened hens.

I don’t know how I feel about all this. I have a certain sinking feeling about brother’s words. Like the words blood is thicker than water are finally waking up in the deepest part of me and I don’t know how to escape it.

And then there is the fact that I have just put my life in the hands of the very people I knew well enough I should run from. Okay—conclusion is that I am insane. There, no need to ask what is wrong with me anymore.


I raise my head as he enters the room all well put together and immaculate like he wasn’t in a bloody room moments—okay hours ago—but well still—and I watch him with a mixture of conflicting emotions as he walks to me and in a few strides he is sitting on the bed and has me enveloped in his arms.

There are no words necessary here. Everything has already been said and done and he spells it all in just four words;

‘Thank you for choosing us.’

Like I would have chosen otherwise. Like I would have had enough brain power to shake off the hold he had on me since that day I fell and looked into his eyes. If there was ever a fight in me against this unexplainable connection we have, it’s all gone.

Gone with the wind and I remain here willingly in this place where I sense doom but I am unwilling to budge and leave. Yes I know the best choices and the right decisions but that’s all gone with the wind as well.

I lean into his embrace and close my eyes, maybe this makes sense. Maybe it is in my power to make it make sense.

‘I was afraid you were going to leave with your brother.’ He lets me go and takes my face into his palms.

‘Would you have let me go?’

He snorts, ‘I was afraid of what I would do to stop you from leaving me.’

And Lawyer’s words about Taylor never letting me go flash in my mind. I place my hands on his cupping my face.

‘Don’t ever leave me again like you did Taylor.’

‘I will never again, I promise.’

‘Good because if you do, I will kill you.’

He leans forward and kisses me hard.