Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

A cold shiver shoots down my spine as we enter the room. Now I am in the middle of my own self counselling session I don't have time to analyze how the hell Julian got here before us.

I take a deep breath and stamp the dark feeling of guilt rising within me down as I flash a smile at Heather the moment I step fully into the room.

She is sitting on the bed, in a nutshell she is glowing. While some women look like something else during pregnancy, Heather well, she just became even more beautiful

And looking at her now, she is not going back to her ordinary self but it even gets worse.

Sometimes I secretly hate her for being simply breathtaking and not realise it.

"Judith!" She stretches her arms towards me like a little kid with unwavering excitement in her voice. And me, like an equally little kid I rush to wrap my arms around her.

"Hey congratulations, I am so proud of you." My words cone out muffled because I am still trapped in a bear hug.

And surely I am proud of Heather. Where most women were burned to the ground after meeting all these lunatics, she managed to remain intact and even stole the affections of the entire family.

I could swear on my own life that Mr. Abiwu deeply cares about Heather, but he'd go to his grave a hundred times before admitting that

"Thank you, I'm so glad you are here."

I pull back and mock scowl at her, “and where else would I be?"

She rolls her eyes to the other side of the room where Julian, Lawyer and Taylor were hovering over a bundle that was securely stuck in Julian's arms.

And I am also immediately caught up in the moment as I make my way to the baby. My heart bruising my ribs. How long has it been since I avoided newborn babies? Like forever. There just weren’t any in my circles and I have had nine months with Heather to prepare for this moment but I guess it wasn’t enough. I am destined to be tormented for life with the memory.

I shake my head, earth to Judith. I take a deep breath as I approach the little giddy group and do what I know how to do the best.  A big smile always hides all other dark feelings right?

‘You are disrupting the baby’s oxygen supply.’ I wave a finger at each of the men who all pay attention to me because of the tone of my voice, ‘look at the poor girl, she is only been here for a few hours and already seem to regret it.’

Julian laughs and walks to me with the little bundle, ‘here is your crazy aunt Judith, starting from today you can just ignore her like we all do.

I roll my eyes at Julian, ‘congratulations!’ I give Taylor a brief hug before turning to receive the little one in my arms.

‘Bend your arms a little more, her head need to be completely comfortable.’ Julian instructs as he gently lowers the baby into my arms.

‘I know how to handle babies professor!’

‘I can’t take chances with Solana I am her god father.’

I make a horrified face and turn to Taylor who is already at the bed raining kisses on Heather’s face, ‘how can you make crazy Julian the godfather?’

I don’t wait for his comeback and concentrate on the baby. And holy crow—are babies supposed to look this perfect their first day on earth? I knew the two love birds were bound to make cute babies but oh hell—this can’t be normal.

‘She is so pretty.’ I breathe as my heart thuds loudly, not from panic but that instant fall in love at first sight feeling.

‘Like her mother.’ Julian and Lawyer are quick to emphasize.

Taylor plants another kiss on mommy’s face, ‘that she is.’

There is that moment when love is just floating in the room like its coming from a deep burning furnace. Like warm sun rays that light and warm us at the same moment. Something you rarely experience with these lunatics.

‘What does Solana mean?’

‘Sunshine.’ Heather answers with a smile, ‘she is my sunshine.’

I flash her a gentle smile, indeed, in the dark world this little girl has been born in, she at the moment seem to be the pillar of some peace between people who wish to kill each other.

‘Our sunshine babe.’ Taylor kisses her again, ‘our sunshine.’

I almost scoff, it doesn’t take Taylor long to be possessive towards his daughter. I walk to the hospital bed and lay Solana in Heather’s arms. The beautiful sight of mother holding daughter breaks my heart into a million pieces and I am caught up in that moment until a loud clap startles me.

‘Okay so where are the presents?’

We all turn to look at Taylor. There is a silence at the moment. I left, no I got dragged here by that man I couldn’t even grab my well thought of and prepared present. I am now so cross with him it takes all my will power to not glare-dagger him to his deathbed.

‘They are with Gertrude.’ Julian announces, ‘she is on her way.’

Lawyer and I turn to him and he shrugs in response. If indeed they are with Gertrude that means she had to go through my stuff to find it. Grrrrr.

 An hour later we are in the restaurant next to the hospital premises after the nurses (because one wouldn’t have managed) had to chase us out and let the cute family rest.

Hannah and Gertrude had also joined us with presents and stuff. In conclusion we left the room looking like it had just had a visitation from a bunch of enthusiastic artistic kindergarteners.

‘So you have to help us convince Mr. Abiwu to not hold a welcome party at that house.’ Hannah pleads with Lawyer and Julian,

‘Why would we change his mind?’ Julian says seriously, ‘she’s his granddaughter too.’

‘Yes,’ Lawyer agrees, ‘honestly, it would have been worse today if that man hadn’t accepted this child to join the family.’

‘This is not about your family politics.’ Hannah tells them, ‘this is about a little girl who deserves a less stifling environment.’

Gertrude smiles gently at Hannah, ‘well I don’t see the point of it. Mr. Abiwu, I still don’t know why, but he is so obsessed with his granddaughter right now, and of course knowing Taylor she is bound to have stifling moments her whole life so why not start earlier?’

The table goes silent for a moment and we all look at Gertrude in surprise.

Suddenly Julian smiles approvingly at the woman, ‘good take it from someone who knows--- when it comes to Solana, don’t try to interfere—just be there for her... besides I know Heather won’t give those two control freaks an easy task with raising the kid.’

A silence again before a soft chuckle erupts among us as we all in our own way envision poor Solana with grandpa and dad hovering over her mercilessly. They should have had a son. A strong-willed on like both of them.