Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Hannah, Gertrude and I finish hanging the last of the party lights. We didn’t manage to convince the men to convince Mr. Abiwu or grandpa as he goes by now, to change to venue but he did agree to only make it a family thing. We used the baby of course and put all horror stories in his head. She really is our sunshine.

‘There, that should be perfect for a two week old princess.’

Hannah sighs contently, ‘I think we need more flowers.’

‘I will tell the gardener to bring some, I’m going to finish in the kitchen.’

We both wave at her silently because we have tried and failed to make her let us help her in the kitchen.

Hannah sighs again and runs her hand through her hair, the diamond on her finger glistening under the lights.

‘We need to go and change, the party begins in thirty minutes.’

I nod silently and start up the stairs.

I choose the dark green dress. It’s perfect and comfortable and I am sure it blends well with all the girly colors that have decorated Solana’s welcome to the family party. I am just starting to pin my hair in a bun when a soft knock comes at my door.

‘Hey you left your phone in the kitchen—a Lala has called ten times already.’

I turn to Hannah, ‘ten?’

‘Better take it.’ She gives me my phone, ‘you look hot in green.’

I blow her a kiss before dialing Lala’s number.

"And how is mom?" A lump forms on my throat as I finally get the courage to ask. Things didn't go down well at home when Lawyer showed up. Of course my parents, because they are normal put up a fight against this whole thing. It didn't help that Malcom found his new preaching fervor by assuring every living human that he came into contact with that I have been damned and have sold my soul to the devil.

I had no idea that hate for someone you once loved could be twice as strong. Until now

"She's fine," Lala my younger sister answers after a long pause. "It's not like some of us exist to those two anymore. Everyone s eyes are fixed on the road for the prodigal son to return."

I squeeze my eyes shut. "That's not true and you know it

"Please Jude we both know you will eventually come to your senses and leave that criminal...you always do."

Yes, like every miserable human being on this damned planet, I have my paraphernalia of mistakes and I have come to my senses on regular occasions. 

But this one of those normal mistakes. It's a mistake I wanted, one I still want and gave no plan to come to my senses about this one.

I have already lost my childhood friend because of that.

"Well if you say so." I mumble.

"Good, and please visit home soon you are not that prodigal yet”


"Talk to you soon Lala," I mumble before I end the call. I won't make promises I can't keep. I have learned that so far

I put it all at the back of my mind and concentrate on the arrival of princess Solana.

My head is spinning a little after the make out session with Lawyer and the phone call with Lala. I give my head a little shake as I walk into the living room the same moment Taylor is ushering his wife and daughter inside.

A gentle smile spreads on my face at the lovely little family. An awed silence follows and I'm positive all of them are also thinking the same thing. The members of the family are all lined up in the middle of the room ready to welcome the little family.

Mr. Abiwu with a bow tie and all walks forward and plants a welcome kiss on Heather’s cheek while he simultaneously patted Taylor on his shoulder. Heather smiled at him as she gently placed Solana into his arms.

Mr. Abiwu chuckled like a jolly Santa when he holds her. We all exchange glances and smiles. This little girl is bound to unleash the man’s softer more human side. Perhaps that is a good thing.

Still chuckling, Mr. Abiwu exclaims, ‘let the party begin now.’

And it does. For a while we are all so lost and happy and everything seems normal. Even Luther and Charles are agonizing about the party decorations.

‘Does everything have to be pink?’ Charli eyes the paper plate in his hand with a wince.

‘That’s not pink Charli, its light red.’ Alex tells him while his eyes are fixed on the couch where Heather is with Solana along with her admirers and Mr. Abiwu is not leaving her side. Even Taylor gave up I guess. I wonder what Alex is thinking, he made it no secret that he didn’t want anything that connects them to Heather’s family.

‘It’s coral,’ Hannah looks at Alex, ‘stop with the murder look at the baby.’

Alex scowls at her, ‘the baby?’ he scoffs, ‘that little bastard is going to rain trouble on all of us when all this little dreamy part is over.’

Charli lets out a sigh, ‘your caring for the family is touching Alex.’

‘don’t mock me, I am only being reasonable, while the rest of you fools pick up random women from pathetic connections to make our family even more pathetic than Taylor has already made—I am making sure this family retains the power and splendor it once had,’ he shoves his plate into Charli’s hands before he turns to Hannah, ‘coral is a blend of pink and orange, it’s the same thing.’

Hannah and I watch him worriedly as he strides right across the room and leaves. At least he didn’t bang the door.

‘Don’t mind Alex, he has his issues,’ Charli tries a reassuring smile that looks so wrong on him, ‘just focus on Solana.’ He gives the coral plate to Hannah and follows after Alex.

Hannah sighs, ‘you know there are always odd seeds in a family pod right?’

I nod, ‘Charli and Alex are definitely one.’

‘Do you think Heather is safe?’  

I look at Hannah not sure whether to settle for the soft healing lie or embrace the dark truth. After learning about her sister who was once Taylor’s lover I am a hundred percent not sure to believe her resolved stance regarding the issue.   

Her story is just so watered down and I can’t believe these people just took it lightly. They are evil, cunning and dangerous. How in the world could they have not known Hannah was following them around? A lot about this family spooks me, but this one made my heart race when I over think on a sleepless night.

‘Let’s hope Mr. Abiwu’s new found adoration for his granddaughter would save her and Taylor from the impending horrors.’ I force a smile.

Hannah laughs, ‘I like how you think--- I don’t think I like what I am thinking.’

‘It’s not like Heather can leave anymore—she made her choice.’

Hannah shrugs, ‘did she have a choice?’ she says airily, ‘do we?’

My heart skips a moment at the serious look that clouds her eyes but I don’t have time to observe it further because Julian comes to snake his arms around her in an octopus wrapping kind of manner.

My eyes leave the sickening couple and focus on Heather. She seems happy. I guess that is all that matters. Choice or not. Taylor and Heather belong together. I knew it the first time I saw Taylor grab her arm after that hike. Now back there I didn’t know as much about him as I do now but I always knew that the man was a mysterious closed door. A dangerous kind of closed door.

And besides, it’s not like I ended up here with my eyes closed. I knew what I was getting myself into. Yes. So then why am I so scared of—I don’t even know what I am afraid of