Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

Everyone is standing when we walk in arm in arm. For the first time since I met these people, I pick out something they have in common. Their expressionless gazes. Like nothing has happened for the past days. Like everything is the way it’s supposed to be.

Even baby Solana who is in Heather’s arms is as still and pensive as a baby in a drawing. Would it be wrong if I say that it’s like I have just entered a house full of ghosts. Would it kill them to show a little emotion, anger, shock, and why are we not smiling?

My eyes meet Heather’s. No reaction from that angle. She unlocks her gaze from mine and gazes into space. I feel my heart sinking as we approach the others and exchange the same old mechanical greetings. Gertrude has finished setting the table and announces that dinner is ready.

The conversations are the same old topics that do not lead to the issue at hand. Hell even Mr. Abiwu seem to be in some easy mood. Should that creep me out? Or maybe he doesn’t know?

They don’t know?

‘You okay?’ Hannah murmurs to me when she joins me at the table where I am eyeing the fruit bowel as though it is the golden jewel among many treats surrounding it.

‘I think I can live,’ I respond. It’s like I have been given a truth serum since Lawyer’s reprimanding approach at me. I am still digesting all that he said. As little as it was.

‘He didn’t hurt you did he?’

I look at her, ‘what? No he didn’t hurt me.’

Hannah nods, ‘I’m sorry Judith I don’t mean to assume anything but these are the Abiwu men.’

I scoff, ‘Hannah- what?’

She shakes her head, ‘it’s just that you look a little freaked out and I figured it must be because of the method he used to bring you here.’

I gape at her, ‘Hannah, I am fine, I look freaked out because—well—look the man didn’t even do more than hold my hand since we last talked, that’s freaky right.’

Hannah snorts picking up a red apple, ‘why are you complaining? He finally decided to respect you until you get married.’

I feel heat go to my face, ‘ah seriously, why are you sore about that?’

‘Because it doesn’t make any sense to me—you always went against every moral code you had since you met the guy—why hold out on that one.’

I press my lips together, ‘it won’t make sense.’

‘So what of your family?’

‘I am still trying to figure out what to tell them since I am not looking four months pregnant,’

‘Yeah you are screwed.’

And we both giggle like two idiots. It’s not even funny. I also pick up an apple and bite into it. ‘I think I can live.’

‘And your family?’

‘well the last time I spoke to father he swore on his great grandfather that he will never give me his blessing, and then five minutes alone time with Lawyer he offers one of his favorite fat cows for the wedding.’

Hannah smiles, ‘wow, I always underestimated the man.’

‘Me too.’

‘well I am glad you decided to go on with the wedding, there won’t be another drama,’ she lowers her voice, ‘these guys have been acting as if nothing happened after that so called family meeting—even Heather refuses to tell me about it.’

I shrug, ‘perhaps its better if we didn’t know.’

Hannah rolls her eyes, ‘I am a curious creature and its killing me—I mean, did you see Heather’s family leave?’

‘I save big cars with tinted windows leaving.’

‘Do you think they left this house alive?’

We stare at each other silently for a moment.

‘I hope so.’


‘We can’t be sure Hannah, we only saw them coming in, besides it’s not like they can get rid of five bodies that early.’

‘Well why not? Charli and Luther look like they can make a person vanish just by staring at him.’

I chuckle, ‘don’t forget Alex.’

‘He’s the Judas Iscariot.’


Hannah rolls her eyes, ‘Alex is still pretty much pissed off about the way things turned out at the so called meeting, he looks like someone about to rebel,’

I shake my head, ‘how would you know that?’

‘I know everything.’

I purse my lips, ‘I think the meeting ended in agreement with everyone, Heather looks fine.’

Hannah scoffs, ‘she looks like someone who has dug a grave and decided there is no way out of it.’

I look around for Heather, ‘maybe there is a reason she didn’t leave with her brother.’

Hannah sighs, ‘well I intent to find some answers—we are all stuck in this family as well... we have to know what is going on.’ A long pause, ‘by the way, ho knew Heather’s family were so hot.’

I choke on a piece of apple till Hannah rubs my back.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Hannah seriously?’

‘Come on Judith—didn’t you see them entering. Did you see her brother? Good god—why do the evil ones have to be so breath taking?’

We look at each other and start giggling like idiots.


Every key of the piano makes my heart jump as I put one foot in front of the other down the red aisle. Rose petals are dusted on top of it. Flowers and ribbons are hung on the chairs and pews the people are standing next to as they watch me do the good old walk down the aisle.

I raise my eyes and there is Lawyer waiting for me at the alter like he said. His words ring loudly at the back of my mind. In them I have always sensed an unspoken warning. That always sobers me up like it is now.

But one thing I need to get clearly. Why do Mr. Abiwu have to be the one to marry us? I mean really. To my family, he’s a travelling evangelist who also run a business empire other than a crime lord. Lala is there with the other bride maids. I had no idea my sister had it in her to be this person. She knows everything, yet there she is standing like she doesn’t know what is going on. I hope for her sake she remains that way. Though I know lawyer knows that she knows. He hasn’t said anything about it.

I guess she is safe, for now.

I reach the altar and the part where my dad gives my hand to Lawyer’s. A smile on his face. I still don’t know what Lawyer told my family but the people love him to bits these days. I see my parents exchange a smile before they all sit for the ceremony to begin.

I turn to face Lawyer. Our hands together, ready to exchange our vows.

Mr. Abiwu faces the congregation, ready to say the first part when a resounding bang pierces into the calm warm atmosphere. Gasps and surprised cries follows it before a thick white smoke rises into the air.

I stand there my mouth open like a fish on a hook as I watch real live commotion break before my eyes. People are running everywhere, covering their eyes and noses because of the choking smoke.

Others fall and others step on those that have fallen.

People are yelling other people’s names over the commotion. I am just frozen into place. But I then realize that my hands are free. Wasn’t I just holding Lawyer’s hands a few moments ago? Where did he go? I turn to look behind me and I am greeted by a thick choking smoke. I squeeze my eyes shut and cover my mouth a nose.

Then someone grabs my free hand. Lawyer, I know because the hand is so familiar to me. I have held it a thousand times. Before I even manage to force my eyes open I am being dragged off the platform. I follow because we are obviously going to a safe place.

It all happens so fast. Soon I am jumping into a car the stinky smoke slowly fading as I felt the car speed away. I remove my hand from my mouth and start taking deep breaths while my eyes are tearing.

‘Keep taking deep breaths, we will be to a safe place soon.’

I freeze. My entire body just stops. I sit up straight and open my eyes. Tears run down my cheeks. Though my vision is a little blurry I will not mistake that face.

‘Malcom.’ His name comes out of my mouth as if I am in pain. More than I am surprised. Sure I wasn’t expecting this, not even during my wildest dreams. But it is the ramifications of all this that hit me first before I go berserk.

‘What did you do?’

‘Judith-.’ He holds my arms with both hands, ‘it will be alright, I will take you to a place he will never find you.’


‘You have to trust me.’

‘What did you just do?’ I yell at him, ‘what did you just do?’

He pulls me against him and wraps his arms around me, ‘it will be okay Judith—I will take care of you—I never gave up it just took longer to process but you won’t ever see him again.’

I sob. Not from relief. But because this is just downright insane. Malcom. I wasn’t expecting it. But Malcom came to kidnap me from my wedding. He has acted directly against the family and the clan. It wouldn’t matter what the circumstances were. Mr. Abiwu will come after us. After everyone I care about, even worse in Malcom’s case.

Even Lawyer won’t protect me.

Continue with Judith’s story in the short novel Smitten. The other characters from the Worn series are also found in the story. And also, Hannah and her quest for revenge while she gets tangled up with Julian.