Dawn by Bridget Ratidzo - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

Mr. Abiwu is pacing again. Faster this time. Double frustration.

I cocoon closer to Taylor on the couch who tightens his arm around me and continues to rub his hand up and down my arm. It’s helping to soothe the shock I had been in earlier and the bloody fist fight didn’t help. I mean bloody not as a swear word but as an adjective.

These men are many things that includes flaunting guns comfortably like its everyday business—but who knew they fought like they were doing a rerun for kick boxer?

Julian is sitting with Hannah of course with an ice pack on his knuckles while the rest of him seem untouched—because I swear I witness him rolling on the ground when Alex had given him a blow in return.

Alex—well he looks well beaten up. Bloody nose, disheveled clothes – the whole nine yards and I am sure he don’t know where to put the icepack that’s why he glares at Gertrude when she brings it to him.

Judith seems like she is not sure what is going on as Lawyer is holding her the same manner Taylor is holding me. Celine is just like—well she has seen this before, as she is standing between Luther and Charli who also have—I have seen this before—expression son their faces.

‘A week—that’s all we had to endure for this holiday to end perfectly.’ Mr. Abiwu stops pacing and glares particularly at Alex and Julian, ‘I was going to suggest that everyone pack and run on boxing day because that’s when everyone is allowed to take out whoever they want but I want this over after tonight’s party.’

Luther nods as if he is agreeing with him and my heart skips when his eyes land on Hannah. That means Julian now has two great uncles who want him dead.

‘Whatever man!’ Luther mutters before walking to grab Alex’s arm and leading him out of the room. Charli gives Mr. Abiwu one pregnant look before going after them.

Hannah and Judith share glances before Lawyer takes both of them out. I can’t help but think that a silent battle line has been drawn and things are about to get ugly. Some normal people worry about being dead broke after Christmas and the January disease. As for us? How to escape murdering each other.

Julian is walking towards me when Taylor gives him a seething look, stopping him in his tracks. ‘Are you okay?’ he asks instead.

I nod. I don’t have any physical wounds right? Julian nods back in satisfaction before walking out of the room. That leaves Mr. Abiwu, Taylor and I in the room.

‘You promised not to run.’ Mr. Abiwu concludes the whole thing with his easy threats as usual, ‘I trust you to keep on with that promise.’

I try with all my might to not scowl at him but being  polite to Mr. Abiwu is an uphill task right now I should start writing a book.

‘Father!’ Taylor says and Mr. Abiwu just nods at me before walking out.


And minutes later Gertrude is putting ointment on my now not very swollen arm while Taylor is on a phone call in the balcony.

‘It took longer this time around.’ Gertrude finally says something after treating me quietly I thought she was having a mental breakdown, ‘it’s usually entertaining all month with the fights and I get to be the nurse.’ She actually smiles impishly at that one.

I raise an eyebrow, ‘are you kidding me? These men wants to kill each other.’

Gertrude rolls her eyes, ‘like they ever could. Killing a member of the family is the biggest sin here, don’t worry about it.’

Like it’s that simple.

Then she shocks me by her next words, ‘so what are you going to do?’


‘Alex isn’t keeping it secret that he doesn’t want your family and his joined—


Because why in the ever loving hell would Gertrude be interested in what is going to happen. I thought her only mission was to make sure everyone retained their sanity?

Gertrude sighs, ‘I’ve been here for a long time,’ she glances at the balcony where Taylor is still on his phone call then back at me, ‘they don’t only care about their positions and influence—they genuinely care about their families—believe it or not.’

I just shake my head because well I can say it’s no news. Even the devil cares in his own twisted way about his demons. So there is that.

‘Anyway—the party is in a few hours and I need to get you ready.’ She pats my arm, ‘get ready for this one—these people have their own definition of business mixed with pleasure.’


The party is outside in the gardens by the pool. During this night time the place is like from a dream. Dimly lit, flower scented, soft music and the surface of the pool glistening like diamonds under the moonlight. The giant Christmas tree had been shifted outside and stood like a large sentinel overlooking the whole party.

I am in a turquoise dress that I had argued over thirty minutes with Gertrude to wear. It was beautiful and looked stunning on me, I’d rather prance around in comfortable pajamas but I don’t want to fuel more stress to these people.

Tonight is when great decisions are to be made. Decisions that some of us couldn’t escape. Had I known the depth of this issue I would have ran away long time ago. Promising Mr. Abiwu that I wouldn’t run was probably an ignorant pact on my part. Promising to stay with my child in the family before fully understanding what I was signing for was also a lame move.

Now here I am all elegantly dressed my child days from coming into this world and she already has a say in what goes. I sigh, life is just so complicated.

‘You shouldn’t be alone.’ Lawyer comes and takes my arm into his, ‘where the hell are Julian and Taylor?’

I shrug ‘I ditched them, they are probably tearing the entire house apart.’

Lawyer sighs, ‘woman—you shouldn’t be looking for trouble right now.’

I look at him, ‘that’s the only thing that makes sense.’ I narrow my eyes at him, ‘where is Judith?’

‘She’s with Hannah.’


‘Well they don’t have anything that could possibly cause chaos between two strong clans.’

I press my lips together.

‘It will be fine Heather—we won’t let you out of our sight and the little stunt Alex pulled was out of line—it won’t happen again.’

I tilt my head to one side, ‘blood is thicker than water Lawyer—you all just can’t abandon Alex, Charli and Luther for me—so please don’t give me that sense of security.’

He pauses for a moment digesting my words then nods, ‘you are right—but maybe this will be helpful.’ He takes both my hands in his and give me a sincere look. ‘As long as you are Taylor’s, I protect and care about what is his just as he does with me.’

‘And if I leave him?’

‘Will you?’

My heart skips for a moment. I want to say a strong yes because that’s the decision that my sense and logic are screaming at me to make. But the thought of having to stay with my brother who I barely ever got along with is just sickening. Maybe I am a lost cause. I really don’t know which direction I am taking anymore. Or which voice in my head to listen to.

‘I will save you the trouble of overthinking.’ Lawyer says after a while, ‘it doesn’t matter what you decide Heather—all I know is that it will rain cats and dogs before Taylor lets you walk away from him.’

I shake my head, ‘he walked away from me.’

‘for heaven’ sake Heather when are you going to let that one go?’

He actually groans as if I am the one unreasonable here.

‘Well I can’t—I can’t dedicate myself to this relationship again to have to watch him leave a second time.’

Lawyer regards me for a long moment before he nods and says, ‘I know I have told you—but the decision is yours.’

Geez I have been hearing that a lot lately that can’t be a good sign.

I only nod and flash a tight smile at him before we continue into the party. I exchange pleasantries with a few people I recognize and meet those I don’t. Later, Hannah and Judith join me for a stroll in the gardens, Julian and Lawyer behind us.

‘Heather, my mom and sister wants you to say hello.’ Judith says

I nod, ‘sure, how are they?’

‘they are fine I am sure—they only worry that I am not telling them the truth—at least if they confirm that I am really spending Christmas with you.’

I touch her arm, ‘I will—I can’t believe Malcom didn’t tell you out.’

Judith scoffs, ‘the threat he received was no joke Heather.’

I get that.

‘If he really loves you he wouldn’t cause that kind of trouble with your family.’ Hannah points out.

I shake my head, ‘if they even believe him.’

‘Maybe not—but these people monitor anyone who knows about them—a mistake is not correctable it’s pricey.’

‘I will keep my family out of all this.’ Judith says then rolls her eyes, ‘if mother didn’t possess some kind of sixth sense.’

I chuckle softly, ‘that she does--.’

I remember the first time I met the woman. She only looked at me for a few seconds and I could tell she could tell that I was not okay.

‘And what about you?’ Hannah looks at me, ‘are you ready to see your brother?’

I shake my head, ‘I don’t know—I just want tonight to be over.’

‘We all want to know whether you are staying or leaving.’

And there it is. The summary of what is happening tonight, plain and simple. Had the bastard brother of mine came six months ago I would have gladly gone with him. I didn’t know much then, I didn’t know all the stakes. And I definitely hadn’t made an agreement with Mr. Abiwu.

But I still can’t answer the question plain and simple the way Judith put it. So that means I have indecision and I am screwed. Well it’s not like they are going to place me on some platform and ask me to choose a path before they start cutting each other. But the picture fits them.

‘I don’t know.’ I decide to be honest with my friends, ‘is it really my decision to make?’

Hannah looks at me levelly, ‘it is if you hold on to the right to make it.’

‘It’s not the supreme court.’ Comes Lawyer’s sharp voice, making us all jump, ‘it’s a family meeting.’

We all stop strolling and turn to look at him with similar scowls on our faces.

‘We know better.’ Hannah raises an eyebrow at him.

‘You are not helping Heather.’ Lawyer glares at her before he turns to me, ‘it’s time Heather.’

My heart skips as I follow his gaze to where Taylor stands waiting for me. He is looking at me the same way he was looking at me from the balcony earlier. I finally, for those few seconds understand that look. This decision really is up to me. Whatever I say really is going to go. Of course whatever decision I will make will fuel a fight, that’s inevitable. But what breaks my heart the most is that he looks afraid. Something I have never seen on his face before. I have seen him angry, determined, fighting—never afraid.

Is he afraid that I will leave? Is he really that powerless to stop me if I decide to leave? Will he try? No, am I going to leave with my brother tonight?

I walk to him and he takes my hand. I have a strange moment I want to pull him in my arms and wipe that look off his face—but where is the part of me that was so done with his drama and family?

‘Let’s go,’ he says.

I nod and flash a small smile, ‘okay.’

There is a moment where he almost says something and I am also battling with my words but we both decide to let it go and start towards the house.

And the man does it again, he actually has us all stand in the front of all these people that I have no idea who they are and there is that moment of gawking and unauthorized pictures. I shake hands with people who swear are glad to see me but I have never seen them from Adam but this time I don’t want to run because I am dreading the meeting at the end of this party.

Because they came. No one missed their entrance but I am the only one who recognized them. For all the time I have lived with brother I had been fighting my own demons I never really thought much about his existence, but the man looks a lot like father. He was in the lead of the group of my four uncles. I had just gawked and wanted to hide.

The worst part was when they had approached the Abiwu clan which consisted of the great uncles of cause, Mr. Abiwu himself, Lawyer and then there was Taylor and I. a very stiff and formal greeting was exchanged and Mr. Abiwu had implored them to feel at home.

But that was not what put a permanent lump to my throat. That came when brother seem to be glad to see me and for a moment we shared the deep unspoken pity for the loss of our father. I had always respected him and we had never been close siblings but what the hell? I had asked about mother and aunt and he refused to say anything about them.

So by this time when the people are gawking and taking pictures my mind is reeling so much I don’t mind standing there like a freaking statue for an hour.

But of course it comes to an end and the dreaded moment comes. Yes, that same darn room again. Only this time there is a table set such that each family sits facing the other. At least Celine is here to sit at my other side, the testosterone could kill someone.

My brain companions are all over the place yelling—historic moment! I mean this needs to be documented. The hard feelings are solidly hung in the air I can feel its cold existence snaking deep in my bones. What would it take for these men to just take out guns and shoot at each other? Nothing! And the worst part? They can all get away with it.

‘Oh what a pleasure to be on the round table together again Elvin!’ Mr. Abiwu begins with his usual annoying false polite gait. And by the way brother’s name is Elvin.

Brother doesn’t wipe the dark look on his face, ‘don’t even start Rolland—whatever respect I had for you as a fellow city runner is long gone.’

‘Hard feelings?’ Mr. Abiwu grins, ‘state your case against me.’

Brother grits his teeth, ‘are you kidding me? its infuriating and ridiculous that I have to sit here with you after what you did to my father—to my family—but I believe in more reasonable ways to settle matters.’

Mr. Abiwu nods ‘that’s a start.’

The uncles stare at each other across the table and I know if a fight is going to break out each person has already picked up their opponent. My uncles all go by the names that start with Es’. Edwin, Edward, Erinson and Enzo.

‘No it’s not a start Rolland.’ Brother raises an eyebrow, ‘it’s the end… as you know me intent to recreate my father’s clan to a new phase. This is just another lose end I am tying up.’

That can’t be good.

‘By all means let’s conclude this.’ Mr. Abiwu carries on with his false polite tone, ‘what are your terms.’

‘I believe that you had been misinformed about the joining of our families-.’ Elvin, my brother states seriously all eyes settling on him, ‘there will be no joining. Our history proves that the Makoni clan and the Abiwu clan cannot work together.’

‘That’s an overstated opinion Elvin.’ Charli, the second oldest Abiwu son speaks, ‘your family agreed to this union.’

‘Elvin wasn’t around the day the agreement was made.’ Edward, the oldest of my uncles explains casting a dark look Taylor’s direction.

‘Eric was the leader of the clan back then.’ Luther argues, ‘Elvin’s absence doesn’t count as anything.’

Brother pins the men with a hard look, ‘there was no clan back then either.’ He grits, ‘and now there is and I am here to say that my sister was taken without my approval.’

Oh wow I am so touched.

‘this marriage is bringing both of our families down a gutter I don’t want to leap into… there will be less dead bodies if we all just mind our own businesses.’

‘Is that a threat?’ that is from Alex because the freak is so violent thirsty he’d actually die in any peaceful environment.

‘It’s a warning.’ Enzo the youngest of my uncles says coolly, ‘we want a peaceful settling of this matter, but it’s entirely up to you.’

And my heart started beating fast because somehow I know where this conversation is going now.

‘State it then,’ Mr. Abiwu says, ‘what are your terms of a peaceful settlement?’

There is a moment silence before brother finally speaks.

‘We don’t want anything to do with your family and the Abiwu clan. We want this union to end the same way it started… I intent to take my sister back with me as early as tonight.’

My jaw hits the table followed by everyone else’s eerie silence.

‘What about the child?’ Mr. Abiwu asks, ‘the child is an Abiwu.’

‘I have spoken to my lawyers—you will have full child access to her but there is no connection to our families.’

Mr. Abiwu nods and I am close to hyperventilating. I swallow a lump in my throat as many emotions the leader being anger surges through me. How dare he just show up here and start making decisions about my life all because of their stupid clans.

‘Is that all?’ Mr. Abiwu asks calmly

‘Yes and obviously after the separation we all expect you to never contact anyone of us unless it’s about the child.’ Brother nods towards me, ‘and you will be communicating through the lawyers to do that.’

Mr. Abiwu nods continuously and the great Abiwu uncles all remain expressionless during the staring contest with my uncles who seem entirely satisfied with brother’s decision. Celine, Lawyer and Taylor’s expressions are the same as the great uncles. You’d think you were talking to stone walls by the way there were looking. I almost implore on brother to please emphasize his point again because I don’t think they got it clearly.

Not that I am supporting his views—I am personally seconds away from standing up, jabbing a finger on his chest and shouting expletives that  would bring this sensitive meeting to a full fighting mode.

‘Very well.’ Mr. Abiwu stands and starts to pace around his chair—that can’t be good, ‘so here are my terms.’

And Celine stands with a bundles of laminated documents in her hands. Was she having them all this time? She begins to distribute them to brother and my uncles before she returns to her seat and Mr. Abiwu resumes his talking.

‘People who have become a part of our family cannot be released—it’s a clan rule that has served us well for generations.’

Tension lands in the room with a resounding thud.

‘And if a member is to leave they can state it themselves… that kind of decision can’t be decided by any other person.’

And yes, all eyes settle on me. I squirm in my seat inching closer to Taylor beside me.

‘as for the child—we do not let the children go… she is Taylor- my son’s daughter—she is not going to live with strangers—that is none negotiable.’

‘Now wait a minute Rolland--.’ Bother stands.

Mr. Abiwu raises a hand, ‘sit down Elvin.’ And he does, wow, ‘you are young and ambitious and fearless—good attributes—but you don’t want to start a disagreement with a strong older clan believe me—and if you have any love for your sister at all…’ he trails and I know what he is not saying.

We all do.

There is no leaving—the only way I will ever get to leave is my right now impending death. Just like his wife and Zelda. I feel my heart drop to my feet as the reality slaps me in the face. And Taylor?

He is sitting silently like all this is normal. Maybe it is.

‘You wouldn’t.’ brother growls.

‘You want to bet?’ Mr. Abiwu says the same moment Alex stands and comes to my side. A cold shiver runs down my spine.

The executioner.

And for the record I never liked Alex—so it doesn’t matter if he is the executioner or not—his existence is just suffocating. I am already short for air why the hell is he coming to stand beside me.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ Taylor storms standing on his feet casting a fiery look at Alex such that he stumbles back from me a few steps before he remembers that it’s Mr. Abiwu who is first in command.

‘I will not let my sister stay with people who are willing to hurt her.’ Brother also stands.

‘oh how touching Elvin,’ Mr. Abiwu’s voice raises an octave higher but in a mocking tone, ‘your dedication to bringing your family back together is out of this world—wow do you all see that?’

Julian throws a smirk at brother speaking for the first time, ‘this meeting will not conclude well if you don’t tell us what you really want.’ With raised eyebrows, he eyes each of the uncles individually waiting for an answer.

‘What makes it hard to believe that we want to take care of our own?’ Says Edward speaking for the rest of my brother’s family.

‘She is my wife, she stays where I am.’ Taylor says in a cold voice, ‘if you are not interested in any joining this meeting is over—we promise to stay out of your way if you stay out of ours.’

And just like that, all the little threads that had been holding people’s violent tendencies snaps and all hell breaks loose.

You know that scene in a gangster movie where by a bunch of nervous criminals meeting to close a deal with limited time on their hands because a few annoying die hard detectives are always sniffing in their business? That’s exactly the feeling—and before we all know what is happening, I am looking at eight murderous men pointing assortments of weapons towards each other.

I am already familiar with the guns—I mean yeah big deal of course I expected them to have been carrying guns under their belts—but a freaking sword? And a dagger. Maybe Julian likes to be all fun and games but I am positive I wasn’t hallucinating when he pulled out a large freaking sword from out of his jacket. Even Enzo, one of my uncles who had the sword aimed at his windpipe blinked in shock and almost dropped his gun.

Okay, maybe Julian isn’t as crazy because he at least have a way to defend himself—but Luther is just staring darkly at Edward who stares back. I guess they settled for fist fight…

Taylor pulls me behind him, using his body to block me from this PG18V scene before me. Lawyer comes to stand in front of me again, creating a complete men wall so that I can’t even see a thing.my brain companion’s huff in disappointment. It’s not every day you find yourself stack in the middle of a holly wood style killer scene.

‘This is why we don’t want anything to do with you.’ Brother growls glaring daggers at Mr. Abiwu, ‘what exactly do you benefit from keeping a member you don’t approve of?’

‘A lot actually,’ Mr.  Abiwu exclaims openly enjoying the scene before us all, ‘I don’t want you to shoot at my family behind my back. We both now both strong clans can’t operate in the same region unless they are one and you and I are not really compatible.’

‘We don’t want to compete with any of you—we just want away from you don’t you get that? You killed my father and I have no plan to make you pay for it—that alone should show my true intentions unlike you.’

‘I’m sorry you don’t find us to be good role models?’ Mr. Abiwu is really enjoying this, ‘now that we are at the hard topics—how are you planning to settle your father’s debt?’

Brother’s face hardened and he pinned Mr. Abiwu with a steely look, ‘my father’s life was the payment, and do you really want to go down that road?’

‘no I don’t—just thinking about that good for nothing swindler makes me want to burn the entire city down. And it doesn’t help that he has a little brainless bun just like him to continue the generation.’

Brother’s face hardens even more, turning a darker shade of black as his teeth ground together. My uncles stood on alert, ready to take any command he wants to offer. They seem ready to sacrifice their own life and not care about the consequences if it all comes down to a fight.

The great Abiwu uncles look ready to do the same. And then it occurs to me that these people don’t value their own lives the same way they don’t value others. They have done and seen it all and nothing looks scary anymore. Maybe.

I watch brother relax his features a little bit and I am secretly relieved that he decides against the hissing blood lust that has permeated the air.

‘Well then Rolland we are here to help you not have our brainless genes from your family line.’ Brother grits out and I think he tries a taut smile but comes out like he is a man in great pain.

Mr. Abiwu throws back his head and laughs, ‘Heather darling why don’t you tell your dear concerned brother about your decision?’

My body stiffens, in all the chaos I had illumined that at this moment I am invisible and now all eyes are on me. Mr. Abiwu pins the two men hovering over me with a hard look and they open a way for me like they are curtains of a stage play.

Brother settles his eyes on me and I look back at a stranger. The small amount I have lived with him, I was invisible to him except when he wanted to order me around or marry me to that freak Charles, whatever happened to him anyway.

Now he has the nerve to show up here and try to detect my life. Or maybe I should just be reasonable and think about the next thing that comes out of my mouth. But of course I have no good clean record of deep reflection before making decisions so here goes nothing…

‘Wait a minute before we jump into all the serious stuff!’ I say with a raised hand and all the eight uncles blink momentarily breaking their icy murder staring fest. ‘What is this all about really—because I can’t seem to put together the details that lead to the part where eight grown men want to kill each other because of this?’

I wave at myself for good measure. I mean I am already past the stage of shock and for now I am saying whatever my mouth wishes to dish out.

Great now they are looking at me as if I am the crazy one. I am not the one holding a freaking sword to someone’s windpipe like some kungfu master.

‘What are you even doing here?’ I say this to brother, ‘I spent months just trying to figure out your reasonable existence while you danced between fatherly role and representing yourself as my brother all the while I danced myself into this mess now you want to prance in here like the hero saving me from a freaking dragon castle.’

Brother’s mouth actually drops open as he regards me with surprise. Well I don’t blame him. I bet he never imagined I could speak like this. Well put a decent girl in a house full of crazy uncles, an unhinged crime leader and a husband she doesn’t understand and this is the result.

And Mr. Abiwu raises his eyebrows to brother. Yes, the man is unhinged.

‘Heather—do you want to stay or not.’

And I exclaim, ‘of course I am staying… its safer for me to deal with four crazy uncles I am used to I am not ready to start the circle with the other ones unless you plan to buy me my own private island and let me live in it in peace.’

And Julian snickers at the expression that comes on my brother’s face. I can almost make out his thoughts. Who are you and what on earth have you done with Heather?

‘it’s not your decision to make,’ Brother growls at me, ‘you must all be insane if you think we are taking any decision made by her.’

Oh my geez just when I was about to give him five stars for caring about my existence.

It’s not my place to speak around here—it’s their damn business and I don’t even know a thing about their clan rules but I have had enough.

‘Because dear brother.’ I imply a false sweet tone in my voice, ‘I am the thing that dragged you all here together in this same room and I am not a statue on an auction.’

‘The lady has spoken.’ Mr. Abiwu grins, ‘I am sick of this gathering myself—let’s just end it.’

‘We also have our terms Rolland—either Heather comes with us or we are not leaving.’

‘The house has many extra bedrooms you are welcome to stay however long you want.’ Julian announces, ‘well that is if you can sleep with another eye open of course.’

I am a sore witness. It is Edward who throws a punch at Luther first and of course the man retaliates. Loud grunts follows their first activity.

I don’t have time to see any other action because my body is pushed against the wall and before I even blink Taylor buries my face in his arms the same moment I hear the gun shots.