Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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A Shernok.  Not just any but the one named Jarkah and he was following her, but why? She ran up the middle of a tombstone lined pathway. Somewhere in the distance a howling could be heard. Sad and painful. she continued to  run. She looked back and saw nothing but darkness, but he was close and his stench was closer. She knew she could do nothing but run. It has been one month since she lost all her powers. They had stolen her sword, and with it her powers. The sword of power which only activates with her body heat. But she didn't care about that right now. She was more worried about him. She hadn't seen him the whole day and she had understood that he was in trouble.

" Where are you? " she thought in her mind.

" I'm near" came the reply. It was soft and almost inaudible.

She reached the end and stopped.  She turned around and looked everywhere. She could not see him anywhere. His stench, the smell of death was choking and so she knew he was here. She shifted her head carefully, watching every moving shadow. The silence strangled her and She stood waiting for the storm which was going to arrive. Her breathing becaming faster and she could feel her heart beat against her chest. The wind and the sound of howling stirred the night.

Finally he came out of the shadows and in the moonlight his eyes glowed with hunger and lust. He moved slowly in circles around her.  He paced forward, savouring the fragrance of her blood rushing in her veins. He bared his yellowing teeth and the girl stiffened at the sight.

" Attack already, you filthy mutt!" She said to her self. A spilt second later he did. He pounced on her and knocked her down onto the dirt ground. He stood on top of her grinning a evil and stenchful grin. His saliva dripped from the sides of his mouth and atlast he tasted her flesh. He dug his teeth into her neck and blood dripped down her shirt. He savoured everybit of blood that he could.

" You are tasty, Princess" He said lustfully.

As he feasted upon the body of the Carrier, A new shadow appeared in the background of shadows and took the shernok down with one swift movement of his paw.

 The shernok skidded to a stop against one of the trees. The new shadow claimed the body as his own and stood over it  barring his teeth. His grey eyes glowed with anger and revenge. The shernok retreated and ran off into the woods.

Slowly the shadow changed into a young boy with dark brown hair and glowing grey eyes. His eyes held tears which were threatening to spill out. This beautiful young boy knelt next to the body of the dying young girl and lifted her onto his lap.

" Katherine!..... Kathy... Im sorri..." He whimpered. His tearsflowing down his cheeks like there was no stopping. " Nothing gona happen to you.. You here me . Nathaniel will solve everything....He'll solve everything." He continued.

He gets up to carry the girl to his cousin, but the girl pulls him back to her.

"No.. don't.. stay.. with me. I..I don't have much time. It's over" She told him. pulling him closer.

"No...No.." He cried. He held her, His tears never stopping and it never would.

" I'll be back. You know i will. Wait for me..." She told him.

" Kathy.. " He cried. His heart broke to see her in such a condition and not being able to do anything.

" You always remember.. I love you.. and will always love you." She said softly. " i'll love you..." She said, Her life went and with it the Boy fell into a deep slumber.


Katherine woke up startled. The sun had begun its fight with the dark night. She sat up in her bed . She was sweating even though the temperatures were low. She threw her blanket off and clambered out of her bed. She turned on the lights of her room and looked around. She had felt like there was someone there, but there was no one there.

She walked to her adjoining bathroom and washed her face with the cold water. She stayed there watching her face. It was the same , but somehow she felt  she would find it different.  She came back to her room and she stood near the bed. Her digital clock blinked a 6:30 AM signal.

She decided to get ready for school. It was their fun night at Christine's today, and she was glad for that. Her life had gone from wierd to freaking and she wanted to forget about it. Spending some fun time with her friends would be the best way.

She back down on her made bed and  began wondering about all that had happened. A sudden sound scared her. She looked towards the sound . It was just a branch, She felt silly. She stood up and went over to open her window to let in the fresh morning breeze. A stench filled her head and she was just about to close the window when it  disappeared. It was a familliar smell but she couldn't remember what it was.

She decided to get dressed for school and get her  clothes ready for the over night stay. She would be going to school tomorrow from Christine's place. She dodged into the bathroom for a lon shower.

After half an hour or so she came out. She had washed her hair and began drying it. She tied it in a pony tail. she pulled on a pair of shorts and a lose blue Tee. She put on her Blue High heeled Nike Sneakers and got  her Backpack sorted. Today was the last day of the week, and tomorrow was a public holiday. At 7 she trudged downstairs. Her dad was awake and reading his special daily newspaper. He was a successful businessman and a very sucessful family man.

Her beautiful mother was cooking. Eventhough they were rich, her mother always wanted her kids (well in this case kid) to eat what she made. She was interior designer and despite that she had time to do all the house hold work. She was humble just like her father and very caring. Katherine loved her parents and she thought of them as her gods.

She entered the dining room  and sat down next to her dad. Her dad put the newspaper down and looked at her shocked.

"Is today a special occassion?" He asked teasingly.

"i just woke up like that." She scowled. Her dad always teased her and she really got irritated.

" Ohh... ok" He said pickly.

She glared ate him and put his hands up in defeat. She couldn't help but smile.

"What's for breakfast, Mom? " She asked.

" There's bacon,eggs,pancakes and fruitpunch. If you don' want fruit punch, there's some chocolate milk left. I'll get a fresh bottle today ." she replied Calmly.

Katherine admired her mother. She did her work and then she also did the housework, but she never complained. She was very lucky to have a family like this. She walked over to the freezer o get her chocolate milk.

She sat back down and  her dad's investigation started again.

" So.. You'll be staying over at your friend's home today." He asked quizzically.

" Yea dad. It's our Fun night tonight." She replied without looking at him.

" Ohhh.. all girls?... No boys?" He asked teasingly.

 She glared at him again. "No!!!.. dad" She said through gritted teeth. " It's not funny" She continued.

"What.. It's my duty to make sure you are not doing anything bad.. right?" He told her clamly.

" Yeah.. sure.." She replied failing to acquire the right tone.

" aye my little princess. im kidding. I trust you and You know that. Have fun okay." He told her and hugged. He went off to get ready .

She quickly finished her breakfast and left for school. She kissed her mom on the cheek and said bye to her.


She walked to school all the time. It was just a few minutes away and she liked the feel of the wind on her skin. Her school was a few blocks away and she passed the Cross Shaw forest which ended behind her school. She had been walking that way to school for many years yet now it felt strange walking past it.  It had been strange for quite some months now. She though she knew her life inside out but  now she felt she had to start over again. her dreams had become stranger and wierder.

She felt someone watch her and she searched her surrounding cautiously, but there was no one there. Suddenly she caught a glimpse of something familliar. A pair of something grey. or maybe it was nothing but her min playing tricks. She felt the same familliar tense feeling. Her throat began constrcicting making it harder to breathe. Her heart beat furiously against her chest.

It was suffcocating her and making her head giddy. The school gate was so close to her and all she had to do was rush over. She quickened her pace and soon she had entered her school gate.

" Wait .. don't go..I'm here" A familliar sound went through her head.

She thought she was dreaming again, but it was for real. She left the thought at the ate and hurried into school. The gaze fell and she could breath normally. She wanted to forget it and so stopped thinking about.

A pair of soul barring grey eyes watched the school intently. Soon the eyes disappeared and a young man came out of the forest. He walked into the school and disappeared into the hall.