Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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The rain had subsided. Katherine and her friends had finished the movie and were now shopping in the mall. Christine had bought a new dress. A black, off shouldered Gucci, cocktail dress. Nikki bought new shoes.  Converse Allstars, black sneakers. While Shyna bought a new purse, which was white and Gucci.Katherine didn't buy anything cause she didn't like anything.

They had roaming around the mall for an hour and all of them had become tired. They decided upon going to th Cafe', to have some refreshments. As walked to the Cafe' downstairs, They passed a odd looking shop. Katherine stopped infront of it. She felt  wierd and  found the shop unusual. 

"Let's go in" Nikki suggested, and they all agreed.

As they entered, they encountered a strange smell. A sweet but intoxicating smell. Katherine felt she had been here before but could not remember when. The shop was owned by a old lady known as Martha Stephens.  She was in her mid 60's, greyish white hair, tanned skin, grey eyes and a warm and welcoming smile. She wore a round framed black and white glasses. She was dressed in a casual skirt and top with a knitted sweater on top.

She talked softly and sweetly, using all the necessary magic words. The girls became settled into the shop very quickly. As they looked around the shop, The lady  watched Katherine very keenly. Katherine Could feel the grey eyes bore holes into her soul. What was more wierd was the eyes were the same grey she saw in her dreams. She shook the wierd feeling was getting and started looking at somethings. There were mostly antiques in the shop. Her friends were looking at some jewellery which were made in the 17th and 18th century.

After a while, Martha went to the back of the shop. She came back with a chain with a golden pendant. It looked antique but still had the shine. It was a heart  with an angel and a human holding each other. The human boy  had a rose in his hands. White gold outlined the shape of the angel and the human. At the back of the pendant  a  'J' And a 'K' had been engraved. The lady gave the pendant to Katherine.

" Take it. Keep it. I have been waiting to give this to you for so long. It had always belonged to you and would always belong to you." Martha said sweetly.

" But .. How can I? I would not be able to afford it. No no. this is something I cant take." Katherine replied hesistantly.  She pushed the necklace back towards her.

" No .. please. I will not take anything from you. It's yours. Take it my child, take it! and always keep it near you, It will protect you." Martha insisted. She put it into Katherine's hands.

"But..." She argued. But Martha would not be budged.

" Please! For me. Keep it." She finished the argument strategically. " may god bless you" she said. smiling at her.

 Katherine took the necklace and put it on. It was strange for someone to give her something for free, but she didn't question it further. She liked the necklace and didn't mind having it.

After a while they all left the shop and went down to the cafe'. While they were having their coffee, they showed their purchases to each other. Christine had a bracelet made of many colored jewels and it had a 'C' hanging from it. Shyna bought a ring  and on it a 'S' ahd been carved, While Nikki also bought a Necklace with a' N' hanging from it. It had wings.

All the while Katherine sat quietly thinking about something else. Thinking about the beauty around her neck. 

"Kathy???..." Nikki questioned. " What are you thinking about.?" 

" huh??... What ?" Katherine replied. Her day dream had just been broken.

" Are you okay?. You seem lost. Everythings okay, right.?" Nikki asked Katherine

" Yeah.. im fine. Just sleepy i guess." She replied. She knew lying to her friends was not a good idea but they sometimes stretched the simplest matter into a comfusing circle.

"ok. " Nikki Said closing the matter. " Hey! Did you buy it from the shop. Let me see..." She grabs the chain and looks at it. " This is so pretty. And you want to hide it. Think we will steal it. huh?" She teased.

" aww.. thats so nice." Shyna exclaimed.

" Pretty.!" Christine Said. 

" Thanks. " Katherine said. She couldnot say anything else. Her mind began drifting again, and soon all the outside noises were gone and she was left in her own mind thinking again.


By 6 in the afternoon they returned. Katherine was quite tired after the movie, the shopping and the wierd encounters. She went to her bedroom, Washed up, got into her pyjamas and went to bed. She thought she saw someone in her compound  but it was just her imagination running wild again.

In the background of her room a pair of grey eyes glowed. Someone was there and that someone was watching her.