Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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The sun began setting while they sat near the river watching it. Slowly the guy turned towards the girl with flowing reddish brown hair.

“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked her softly.

“Yes! It very beautiful” She replied smiling. Her eyes twinkled in the fading light.

“Just like you” He told her.

“Oh, really?” she teased him

“Yes really” he replied with so much passion.

He leaned forward and put his lips on hers. He kissed her with all the love in his heart and the girl replied with the same amount of passion. Soon it became dark and in the dark their silhouette could be seen sitting near the river holding each other.

*Flashback ends*


“Shit! Shit! Shit!” She thought in her head. “Really? Me and him? How could I even think that he would fall for me? Him? The perfect, most amazing guy and me. The most childish, nervous train wreck. Aaahhhhh!!” she screamed at herself.

“I can’t believe I thought he would kiss me” she squabbled. She kept blaming her for acting so foolish but after a while she began blaming him.

“Why wouldn’t he? I mean. Ain’t I hot? Okay maybe not that much. But I must be a bit hot. It’s not like Robert Banks, the hottest, most popular, and the dream man for all the girls likes me for no reason. I must have something in me.” She told herself. She kicked her blanket off the bed in rage.She was trying to regain her lost confidence. But so far it wasn’t working. James looked up and smiled at her. She melted again.

“But then, James is far hotter and well perfect” She told herself tiredly.

“So what! Even I’m something. Hundreds of guys like me. I will find someone way better than him” She told herself. “I hope” She prayed.

Her inner conflict had started at that moment when she thought James would kiss her but he didn’t. He just said thank you and walked off to prepare lunch. After lunch he was preparing for his newly acquired job. Katherine didn’t really know what, but she had no interest in knowing this also. She was angry at him and herself. Her subconscious was laughing at her and she felt hurt. She didn’t understand why it hurt so much just because of this one guy she barely knew.

She hated him for making her want him this much. He seemed to be unaffected by her presence and that just made matters worse. While he was so composed and calm, she was A nervous train wreck. Her heart began racing, her body began to burn with a sudden desire and her face went red, as red as a tomato. Yet he stood there in his tanned complexion so perfect and beautiful. It was unfair.

She wanted him to feel what she felt. The pain her soul went through when he didn’t kiss her. The desires, which unfolded in her every time he came nearer. The feelings she felt every time she thought of him. She wanted him to feel it.

She looked at his perfection as he sat in his bed reading something related to his job. He had a cute smile on his face.

“What’s he smiling for?” She thought. “Must be reading the playboy magazine, that jerk” She scowled at him. “Ohh… once I’m through with him, he’ll never think another girl again.” She told herself. His smile grew bigger and his face lit up.

“I only think about you. I only love you” came a new voice which was not her subconscious.

“What! Wh. Who... Said that. Shit!”She screamed in her head. “I’m imagining things again. Stop thinking! Stop thinking” she told herself softly. She plugged in her earphones and blasted “California King Bed” By Rihanna on her iPod. She decided to go to sleep, but she couldn’t. IT took her three more songs and finally she fell off to sleep. And for the first time she would not be having one of her nightmares.


She didn’t realize when she fell off to sleep, so when she woke up to find herself wrapped in her blanket, she didn’t understand how. The last she remembered she had kicked her blanket off her bed in rage and now here it laid on her. She turned around and found James sleeping like a baby in his bed. His blanket was on the floor. And he lay there half naked in the chilling cold.

It was raining outside and the breeze made the cold weather even colder. She knew who had put the blanket on her. The same man who lay half naked on the spare bed. He was so sweet but Katherine still hated him for what he made her feel. She lay back down and she felt a smile slowly spread across her face. How could she be angry at him? But she was still going to act as so, because of her ego. She closed her eyes, and thought of him. Her heart beat increased and her insides were melting. She wanted him to touch her, but he wouldn’t. She became angry again and finally she fell to sleep conflicting with her inner self about whether she should be angry at him or not.