Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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The sunlight broke into her room, making it difficult for her to sleep. She tossed around in her bed trying to hide from the blinding sunlight. Suddenly a shadow stepped between her and the annoying sunlight. Katherine slowly opened her eyes. She looked up and found James standing there like her knight in black armor. He looked so adorable in his black T shirt and Jeans. His hair was unruly and it made him look hot. Suddenly she became conscious of her condition. She felt embarrassed because in comparison to him she was a mess.

“Morning” he said in a sweet and calming voice.

“You’re up early?” She asked him in a half sleep half excited voice.

“Yeah! It’s Sunday, I was gonna go for a tour of the town.” He told her calmly.

“Still not affected.” She thought.

“Oh… with whom? Someone special?” She asked angrily.

“Yeah! You.” He replied happily. He had a childish grin on his face.

“Oh!” she exclaimed. She could feel her cheeks burn and she didn’t need a mirror to know she was red.

“And James strikes again” She thought grimly.

“Hurry up! Get dressed! Really wanna know about this place. You town, your school, your life here, you” he said casually.

“Yeah, yeah… go out so I can get dressed.” She said in a lose hope voice.

“Why does he want me to show him the town? Can’t he see it himself? If he doesn’t like me why do he does stuff like that? This guy is making me crazy. Ahhhh!” She screamed in her head.

“Ok” he replied innocently and stepped out of the room closing the room door behind him.

Katherine quickly got dressed and went downstairs.


After 15 minutes she came down. Her parents weren’t home again. She went into the kitchen to get something to eat. As she entered, she found breakfast already made and a sugary letter next to it.

“Ah… and he strikes again. And this time he leaves his stupid sugary love letter” she yelled angrily. She picked it up and was about to throw it when she decided not to. She opened it and read it. Once and then twice.

This time it read:

“Morning Sleeping beauty! Hurry so we can go hang out. i'm waiting at the porch. I can’t let you go out without eating anything so I made you breakfast again. Enjoy!”

                                                            LOVE : JAMES :)

“The same love James and the same smiley face. Can’t he make up his mind.” She thought.

She didn’t understand why she was so angry at him but she was. She knew it wasn't a big deal but she still felt angry. She quickly finished her breakfast, which was just as good as the first time.

"Damn!!! this guy is awesome."  She thought, gulping down the last of the bacon. She put the dishes into the sink and made her way to the porch slowly. James was sitting on the step and watching the cars pass on the road. As soon as she opened the door he looked at her.

"So! you ready?" he asked sweetly.

" yeah" she replied in a don't care manner.

They began walking.

"So. how was the breakfast?" He asked softly. He had a very curious and cute look on his face.

She was about to lie to him, but she couldn't. He looked so cute so happy, she didn't want to hurt him.

"It was lovely. Thank you."she replied happily.

"What!... You had to lie. Hello!!!!.. anyone home??... You are falling for him again. Are you insane? " Her subconscious screamed at her. She ignored it. His face lit up and he looked so happy. Her heart melted and she soon was not angry at him. How could you be when he looks like that.

She loved it when he smiled and when that happened she didn't care about what anyone said. Even if it was her subconscious. " He's charming you. and you are falling for him. I'm telling you he could be a player!" Her subconscious tried  again.

"Ssshh.... Does it look like he is playing me. He is just being sweet, and childish and lovely.  and i don't care."She told her self. And after that her subconscious fell silent, cause it knew it had lost this battle.

"So..Where are we going first.?" he asked innocently.

"Well.... the school is near by. Why don't we go there first.?" she told him

"Okay. It will be nice to see your school."He agreed.

They walked on until they reached  her school. The school was open because students and teachers were there for practice. She took him inot the school and showed him her classroom, the principal's office and other important place.

"So what subjects do you take.?" He asked curiously.

"Me?." She questioned. He shook his head to confirm.

"I Take Biology, Geography, Arts, Music, Maths, English, French and Chemistry." She told him.

"Ohh ok." He said. taking everything she had said in.

They walked over to the grounds  where the students were having practice. Nikki was there too. She had soccer practice on Sundays.

Nikki was shocked to see Katherine in school on a Sunday. But what caught her attention was the attractive, Beautiful young man with her. She rushed over to her friend.

"Kathy!!!..." She yelled to catch her attention. Katherine turned around to find Nikki coming towards them.

"Nikki!..." she yelled back with excitement.

Katherine hugged Nikki as soon as she reached. Nikki was here for soccer practice. "How could i forget?" She blamed her self.

"What are you doing here?" Nikki asked her. She was confused, but she knew her answer was something to do with the newcomer.

"Ohh nothing. Just showing James around." she replied casually.

Nikki raised her eyebrow questioningly. "a huh?. and who is this James?" She asked her teasingly.

"ohh right. Nikki ths is James" she said pointing to James. "And James this is Nikki" She told James.

"Hey!" Nikki said to James excitedly.

"Hey!" James replied shyly.

Nikki gave a teasing look to katherine. she could see that her bestie had a major crush on this hottie. She went red as soon as he smiled at her. Sh tried hard to try and stiffle the laughter. He was tall and well  built. His dimples made him look cute and his grey eyes made him look hot.

Katherine and them had been to busy to notice another figure running towards them. He yelled Nikki's name and everyone turned around to look. It was Jason, Nikki's elder brother.

"Nikki. What are you doing here.?.. You are suppose to... be..." He stopped midway. It took time for him to realize who else was standing there.

"Kathy!!."He said excitedly. He hugged Her unexpectedly.Katherine was  left shocked and she stood frozen for a while.

"Jason" she spat out. Jason was Nikki’s older brother. He was a University student who was back here on a holiday. He was a Tall guy, almost 6ft 2. He was a hot guy, and there weren’t many you could say that to. His black hair contrasted with his light brown eyes and his pale skin. He had been a half back in his high school days   and his body still looked like that of a half back.

James growled menacingly. His grey eyes glowed with anger and he threatening stepped forward. Katherine awkwardly pushed Jason away. She looked to her side and found James who had just appeared. She Put her hand into his and held him back. This was instinctive, as if she knew she was only one who could control the animal within.

"James..This is Jason.  Nikki's Elder brother. and Jason this is James . A family friend."  She carved every word carefully as so James would understand.  She smiled at him and he stood still, right next to her. He calmed down but he still disliked Jason.

Jason looked at Katherine and then down at their hands. He could feel jealousy grow in him.

"And why is he roaming around with you.?" he asked angrily.

"Ohh no not one more. What's wrong with him.?" She thought. She was scared of what would happen.

"I'm showing him the town. He is here to stay. and work. He's living with us. " she replied.

"I hope it's just short term. And he should not touch you." He said threateningly.

"What.. I have told you before. I'm not interested and there can be nothing between us. I'm sorry. and no he is not staying for short term." She replied fiercely. She hated it when Jason wanted to be so possessive. She had told him she didn't like him and yet he was so Possessive, and persuasive.

Jason starred at James. They glared at each other and Katherine could feel the intense heat of the anger and jealousy rising between them. Or was it the effect of holding his hand.

Nikki punched Jason and glared at him. "Really! Shut up bro. let’s go" She told him. She began pulling him away. "Bye! Katherine, see you on Monday." She told her.

"Byee.." Katherine replied. She began pulling James away from the battle site.

"Bye Babe see you later!" Jason yelled.

James growled again. Katherine tightened her grip on his hand and kept pulling him. Soon they were out of the school and were walking up the street to the town square. Jason Was always being a jerk.

He was scary, when he got angry, but that didn't affect Katherine. She was happy. He was affected. He got jealous when Jason touched her and he was ready to break his head.

"YES!!!!!!...He likes me...."She screamed in her head. She was still holding his hand, and he was letting her. He looked upset, and had grumpy look set on to his face. He looked adorable and so cute. But she still wanted him to smile.

"So... How did you find Nikki?" She asked him teasingly.

"She is okay. A very nice girl" He replied softly.

"OK.. So i set you up with her.. She is, as you said, a nice girl." She replied in a sarcastic manner.

"Wh...What... No... I mean yes.  I mean no.." he hesitated. "I mean.. She is a nice girl but i like someone else." He replied slowly. Making sure he said the right things.

“and you know who" he thought. and from the look on her face he knew she heard it.

She gave him a playful smile. His face lit up, and he smiled innocently.  They continued walking hand in hand, towards the Town square. The town square where the mayor's office was, and where a new beginning was awaiting them.