Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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Everything had walked out just as they had planned. They were to leave for the airport at 4 in the afternoon. The road was 4 hours long. Katherine had called Nikki straight after her talk with her parents. She had to get her act straight. She couldn’t weaken at this point, a lot of work remained pending.

Nikki came over as soon as she received Katherine’s call. She didn’t understand the sudden movement but she didn’t question it either. When she came over Katherine was in her room crying.

“Kathy! What’s going on?” She asked worriedly.

“Nikki!” Katherine cried. She hugged her friend tightly.

“Are you okay?” She asked again.

“Yea. But … I’m...” She tried telling Nikki.

“I know. I know. James just told me.” Nikki consoled.

“I just have to go.” Katherine explained.

“It’s okay. Just calm down, Kathy.” Nikki told her.

“I’m going to miss you guys so much.” She told Nikki.

“I know. Me too” Nikki replied. “Anyways, I brought you the clothes you asked for. What are you going to do with my clothes?” She asked cheekily.

Katherine Laughed softly. “It’s for protection” She replied.

“Protection?” Nikki asked in a confused voice.

“Yea. It’s a long story. Maybe some time later.” Katherine told her.

“Okay. Is everything ready?” Nikki asked.

“Yes, everything is ready” Katherine replied.

James came into the room suddenly.

“Oh sorry!” James apologized.

“It’s okay James. We were just saying our goodbyes” Nikki replied.

“Okay then. We are ready to leave. It’s almost 4. Hurry up downstairs you two.” He said softly.

“Okay. We’ll be down in two.” Katherine replied.

James came over and kissed her on her forehead.

“Be quick” He told her.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be quick James.” Nikki teased.

James smiled shyly. He moved out of the room and after a few minutes Nikki and Katherine came downstairs. Katherine was dressed in Nikki’s clothes

James sat next to Judy and Jonathan. A knock on the door silenced everyone. James stood up.

“I’ll see who it is.” James told everyone.

He opened the door and at the door stood Mayor Harold Banks.

“Sir!. You … here?” He asked

“I had some important things to discuss with you James.” Mayor Banks told him.

“Okay. We’ll talk outside.” James replied.

James moved out and closed the door behind him. They sat down in the chairs on the porch.

“Yes Mayor, what is it.” James asked politely.

“Lucifer is about to reach Tensin. You need to leave now” Mayor Advised

“Okay. We were just about to leave. I think we’ll just go now. Thank you for everything, Uncle Harold.” He said innocently.

“It’s my pleasure, Grand Alpha” Mayor replied.

James got up and went inside. Mayor Harold followed behind him. As they entered everyone looked up.

“Katherine We have to go, otherwise we’ll miss our flight” James said hesitantly.

“Okay.” She Replied. “Bye, Ma, Bye dad.” Katherine told her parents. She hugged her mum and her dad.

“Bye Nikki. Thanks for everything.” She told her friend. She hugged her.

“Bye, Kathy. Take care.” Nikki replied.

“I will” Katherine agreed.

Katherine and James moved out of the house and got into the Chevrolet that belonged to her dad. James slowly backed up the car and drove out of the driveway and onto the main road. Katherine waved for one last time and looked away. She had tears in her eyes again. They sped away and soon Katherine’s house could no longer be seen. Katherine sat silently watching the greenery pass by.

“Are you okay?” James asked in a concerned voice.

“Yea. I’m fine” Katherine replied.

“Just relax.  Okay. We’ll be away from here soon.” James consoled.

“I know” Katherine replied in a faraway tone.

“Good. You rest.” James advised.

It was afternoon and soon it would be night. The sun slowly moved towards the horizon where it would set and bring the darkness of the night upon them.


Katherine had fallen asleep. When she woke up the sun was almost about to set. It was 6:30 in the car clock. The darkness had begun to settle down on them. She looked at the last light of the day lighting up the sky.

“You’re up? Do you need something?” James asked sweetly.

“No. I’m fine” Katherine Replied shyly. She stretched herself and then lay back watching James. She looked lovingly at the beautiful man who was doing everything to save her. In the dim sunlight and the pale moonlight he looked angelic. His hair shined and his eyes seemed brighter. His tanned skin seemed to give a faint glow. He looked perfect.

She was left breathless. She turned her head away shyly, smiling to herself. Suddenly the car stopped. In front of the car stood an enormous beast, A Shernok!

“James..” Katherine stuttered.

“Don’t worry. This time he will die” James Told her.

They knew who it was. It was Jarkah. James got out of the car and walked towards the beast.

She looked around to find out their position. They seemed to be somewhere between Tensin and Costine. It was still a long way to Illinois, almost 2 and a half hour more. They had to hurry if they were to catch the flight, either that or Nathaniel.

She quickly searched for James’s cell. She found it in his coat. She dialled Nathaniel’s number and waited for him to answer it.

After a few minutes he picked up the phone.

“Hello” Said a sleepy voice.

“Nathaniel. It’s me Katherine.” Katherine said hurriedly.

“Kathy! So good to hear your voice again. How are you?” Nathaniel asked excitedly.

“I’m good Nathaniel. How are you?” Katherine replied happily.

“Awesome. I’m so glad you guys are coming over. Missing you guys so much. It’s boring being all alone.” Nathaniel told sadly.

“Aww. Don’t worry we’ll be there soon. Anyways, I called because I need your help.” Katherine told him.

“Shoot. What is it?” He asked.

“We are on the road to Illinois but  ... Jarkah stopped us. We are about 2 and a half hour away. James is out fighting with that idiot.” Katherine told him

“Don’t worry Kathy. He will win this fight.” Nathaniel encouraged

“I know that. That’s not the problem. The flight won’t wait for us. What are we gona do?” Katherine told him.

“Hmm... I see” Nathaniel replied.

“Can you do something?” Katherine asked hopefully.

“Can I do something? Of course I can. I’m Nathaniel Kyle, the greatest Computer genius in the world.” He replied sarcastically. “I’ll see to it that the flight doesn’t leave without you. You relax okay. Hurry up here. I’m bored.” Nathaniel told her innocently.

“Thanks. We’ll be there as soon as possible. Anyways bye. Take care.” Katherine told him.

“Bye. Take care” Nathaniel replied.

They both hung up. Katherine sat back relaxed. “One down. One more to go. Come on James. Finish it” Katherine thought hopefully.


James stood between Jarkah and the Chevrolet.

“Well, well Protector. Nice to meet you for once.” Jarkah slowly said.

“Yeah… Same here. Lump head” James told him

Jarkah had hurt his mate so many times and now it was time to avenge all the pain that she had felt each time.

“I see you have locked the princess in the car. Don’t worry even that won’t protect her.” He sneered.

“First you need to go through me. And that’s going to be harder than last time.” James warned.

“We’ll see” Jarkah said arrogantly.

James changed into a dark brown wolf. He looked bigger than Jarkah and was more agile than him. They slowly circled each other, eyes locked and waiting for the other to attack.

Finally Jarkah attacked. He jumped onto him and tried biting his neck when James kicked him away. Jarkah fell to the ground with a thud. He was still a little dazed when James jumped and caught hold of his neck in his mouth. He tore out the flesh and Jarkah lay burning in pain. James dropped the rotting meat and slowly moved away from him. He changed back into his human form and walked over to the Chevrolet. Katherine sat in the car waiting. She looked at him worriedly.

“I’m fine. Pass me the towel and the bottled water.” He told her

She passed him the towel and water. James took the bottled water and washed his face and chest with it. He then wiped his body to remove all the blood.

“The spare clothes. Pass them.” He asked her.

She passed him the clothes and he changed into the clean clothes. He closed the car door and started the car. Soon they resumed their journey.