Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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In the fiery depths of the earth, a dark castle stood alight. In the throne room stood a throne made of pure gold and behind it in the shadows, stood a tall, built and handsome man. His face remained covered by darkness. A servant came up to him and bowed humbly.

“Oh great lord of the Darkness, Lucifer” He bellowed.

“What is it?” the man in the shadows boomed.

“Sire, Mirthesus is here to see you. He says it’s a matter of great urgency.” The servant informed.

“Let him in” He told the servant.

The servant slowly backed away. After a few minutes Mirthesus entered the throne room. Mirthesus was one of the commanders of the legion army that Lucifer had been building. He was the clan leader of the vampires which was now under the command of Lucifer. He was tall attractive man with white hair, blood red eyes and very pale skin. He bowed in front of Lucifer.

“Oh my great lord” Mirthesus praised Lucifer.

“Yes, Mirthesus! What is the important news?” Lucifer asked emotionlessly.

“We have found them” He informed.

“Have you now.” Lucifer said sarcastically.

“Yes sire. They are in Tensin. One of our Shernoks found her scent. This time we got them” Mirthesus told him excitedly.

“Calm down Mirthesus. Don’t underestimate the protector. Where did you say they are?” Lucifer told Mirthesus.

“Tensin, My lord. They are in Tensin” Mirthesus repeated.

“Tensin. Well done Mirthesus. Go get the Armies ready. Tell the commanders that we leave for Tensin tonight. Now go!” Lucifer ordered.

Mirthesus bowed again and moved out of the room swiftly. Lucifer stood in the room alone. He slowly moved in front of the throne and into the light. In the bright light his face showed for the first time after a long period. He looked the same as before but just a bit more ruthless. His beautiful face shined in the moonlight just as his grey eyes did. He brushed away his dark brown hair from his face.

 A dangerous and ruthless smile lit up on his face. He knew that this time it was either him or them.

“It seems we’ll be going home this time.” He smirked to himself.


It was almost 12pm. He was still asleep when Katherine woke up. She could remember everything now.

She looked at James fondly. He looked cute when he slept, almost like a small baby. She ran her finger across his cheek softly. After a few minutes she slowly moved out of the bed and put on James’s shirt which lay on the ground. She moved quietly and swiftly to the mirror. Her shoulder was a bit painful but it was better than yesterday.

She examined her shoulder carefully. The only the bite marks remained, the wound had almost healed. She was used to the pain. Every lifetime she got marked, and every time she was marked she remembered her past lifetimes. She was used to it by now.

Usually when a werewolf marked its mate, they mated straight after it. But in certain circumstances they couldn’t mate straight after it and then they had to mate with in two weeks or else the marked one would die. These cases were rare but it did occur sometimes.

She was worried, but not about the mating. She was worried about the hunting and what was to happen when Lucifer caught hold of them. She had nightmares about it throughout her lifetime but this was different then her dreams.

She was still looking at the mirror wondering when James came up from behind her. He held her around her waist and pulled her close to him. He looked at the mark and then looked apologetically at her.

“It’s okay. It was important. I know.” Katherine replied sweetly.

“Did it hurt too much?” James asked guiltily.

“Nope. Not at all.” Katherine replied smiling.

“Okay” James replied innocently.

Katherine turned around and kissed him on the cheek. They looked at each other lovingly. Sudden Screeching of tires broke off their contact. They both hurried to the window and saw Katherine’s parents get out of the car. They knew it was time to tell them and leave. They had to leave quickly before the Shernoks began hunting them again.

“Will you be able to do it, or should I?” James asked Katherine softly.

“I’ll do it. It’s my job.” She told James bravely. Her heart began aching.

How could she tell the parents she loved so much that she was leaving them forever? She could never have family love even if she wanted it. It just wasn’t in her fate.

“You go. I’ll follow after I tell Nathaniel that we are leaving today. I’ll come down quickly after I have made all the arrangements. You really don’t have to do it alone. I’ll be there. Okay.” James consoled her. He could feel her pain and it hurt him a lot.

“No its okay. You take care of this. We have to leave as quickly as possible.” Katherine told him.

He kissed her on her forehead and she left quietly. She quickly got dressed.

“I love you” He thought.

“I know” Katherine thought

She disappeared out the door. James got out his cell and dialled Nathaniel’s number.


Her parents had just returned from Costine, a neighbouring town. They hauled in heavily. The drive had been tiring but they seemed happy.

“You guys seem tired. Sit down.” Katherine offered.

“Sweetie. I’m so glad to see you again.” Jonathan exclaimed happily. He walked over and crushed Katherine in a tight bear hug.

“I’m happy that you’re home soon.” Katherine told him.

“Oh my baby. Was everything okay at home? Did you guys have a nice time?” Judy asked worriedly.

“No Mama. Everything was fine.” Katherine replied with a smile. Judy hugged her and sat down onto the nearest couch.

Katherine sat down on the opposite couch and looked seriously at them.

“Mama, Dad. I need to talk to you guys.” Katherine told them

“What is sweetheart? Is something wrong? Did James do something to you?” Judy asked worriedly.

“If he did, I will kill that bastard.” Jonathan said angrily.

“Jonathan!” Judy scolded him.

“No! Dad. He didn’t do anything to me. He was just amazing. It’s something else.” She tried again. Her eyes filled with tears and soon they streamed down her cheek. She began crying and Judy and Jonathan moved to sit on either side of her. Judy hugged her.

“Babywhat’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

“Mom, I have to go. I have to leave you. And I can’t ever come back. I can’t every hug you again. I can’t ever talk to you about my problems. I can’t ever Give you secret birthday parties or take you out to dinner dates with my friends. I can’t!” She cried out.

“I knew this will happen.” Jonathan said softly.

“What will happen? Jonathan, are you hearing what your daughter is saying? What wrong with her? No, Baby you don’t have to go. You are just imagining it. Okay. You’ll stay here we can do all of it anytime you want.” Judy Said hysterically.

“Judy! It’s time. It’s time to let go of her” Jonathan explained.

“What let go?!” she Screamed angrily. “She isn’t going anywhere. You two are just imagining too much.” Judy told them.

“Mom, I have to. I’m sorry.” Katherine Told her. She got up and moved a bit away from her parents.

“No!!! She’s lying. You’re lying to me” Judy hysterically screamed.

“Judy! It’s over. Just accept it.” Jonathan begged.

“No…No” Judy repeated softly.

Jonathan moved closer to her and held her in his arms. “It’s okay Judy. She knows what she is doing. She is brave girl” Jonathan consoled. Judy cried into his chest and pushed herself against his body.

She slowly let go and got up. She went over to Katherine and hugged her for one last time.

“My Baby. I love you” She told her

“I love you to, Mama” Katherine replied emotionally. She was crying again.


As soon as Katherine was gone he called Nathaniel. After a few rings a familiar voice answered.

“Hello, this is Nathaniel Kyle of Kyle and Kyle associates. How may I help you” He said formally.

“Nate. It’s me James.” He told him.

“Jamie!! So good to hear your voice again.” Nathaniel Replied excitedly.

“Same here bro. I just called to tell that I’ve marked her and we need two tickets to Australia as early as possible.” James told him.

“Great. I’ll see what the earliest flight possible is” He said cheerfully. The sound of clicking could be overheard. “The earliest flight is at 8 in the night, but you will have to fly from Illinois so leave 4 hours before aye.” He advised.

“Yeah it’s fine. Just book the flight we need to leave as soon as possible.” James told him.

“Okay. You pick up your tickets from the counter at the airport, I’ll inform them. You don’t worry. Okay, what have you decided on Katherine’s scent?” Nathaniel asked worriedly.

“Yea. I’ve asked her to borrow one of her friend’s clothes for the ride from here to Australia. There, I’ll ask Renae to bring her clothes so as to mask her scent. A human’s scent is a little stringer than hers” James explained.

“That’s a great idea. You get everything ready. If you need anything You call me okay.” Nathaniel Offered.

“Okay.” James agreed

“Great.” Nathaniel Said happily.

“Okay I better go. Bye bro. see you soon” James told him.

“Yea. See you” Nathaniel replied.

They both hung up together. James waited a bit and then dialled Renae’s number.

After a few rings she picked up the phone.

“Hello?” Rang an angry voice

“Renae?” James asked carefully

“James?” Came a confused voice

“Yea” He replied

“James!!!! How are you? I have missed you so much. Why didn’t you call me before?” She screamed excitedly.

“Nice to talk to you to Renae” James replied cheekily.

“What have you been up to? Forgot your friends so easily?” She asked him sarcastically.

“No. I’ll tell you when I come to Australia. I called you because I need a favour.” James told her

“You are coming to Australia?” she asked.

“Yea. My flight is today” He told her.

“and you are telling me now.? You wait I will kill you when you come here” Renae Warned him.

“Fine! Fine! Just listen to me. I need you to bring some clothes of yours. A pant ….a shirt…. Pair of shoes and an overcoat.” He told him.

“I’ll buy them…. Right away” She told him

“No! No!.you bring your clothes. Please. I beg you” James begged

“Okay fine. But what will you do with girls clothes? James..are you?” she teased

“Aye!. It’s for Katherine.” He clarified.

“Oh. Who’s this Katherine?” She asked Curiously.

“She is ..a friend” He told her hesitantly. “hope she doesn’t question more.” He thought

“A friend? James are you running away with her?” She asked in a shocked voice

“No!, Renae. It’s not that. It’s something else” He told her exasperatedly

“Then what is it?” She asked eagerly

“I’ll tell you when I get there.” He avoided the question

“I don’t want to waste her time, we are already short on time” he thought

“I have a lot of time. Come on. Spill it” She told in a relaxed voice.

“Crap!. She can still read my mind” He thought

“Okay. Fine. But let me tell you it’s a weird story.” He informed her.