Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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Where am I? It's so dark. Wait I see light, I see it coming from somewhere in front of me. Where is it coming from? Is it a way out ? I hope so, but why can't i move. I need to move towards it, but i can't. Why? M I asleep? I'm asleep, still asleep.

I woke up startled and coughing. I see the sky not far from where i am. I try to move, i can move but my body is sore. As long as i can move. i hear something. No! Someone.

"James, James!.." Dr. Raymond Called to me. His voice showed concern.

" I'm here" I yelled, but was not sure if he could hear me or not. After a few minutes i see a figure appear against the bright back ground of the sky.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

" yeah.. i'm good...Is there a torch or something with you there?.. It's kind of dark in here" I asked him trying hard to hide the fear or the excitemnet out of my voice.

" Wait I think it's with the other equipments, I'll be right back." He told me and went away.

As he went off to find the torch, I looked around a bit, trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness.

Oh man ! It's so dark here. Dr. Raymond came back.

" Here catch .. or find " He said. He threw the torch down and I caught it mid way just like a relfex action. I stared at the torch for a minute or so.

" Did you get it , Tell me it works?" he asked worried.

I snapped out of my train of thought and replied, " Yeah i got it". i turned on the  flash light," and it works".

I was still quite confused, and just stood there fora while. A fter a while i started  looking around.

" what is it.?.. a big crater or something" Dr. Raymond asked.

I was awed, left speechless. It was amazing. A big chamber with intricate and ancient writing , drawings and paintings. What was more interesting was the throne and the three objects in the centre of the chamber. A crown, A book and a sword. The Crown was gold with many jewels studded into it. The book looked ancient but still had that shine. It seemed like it was made of pure gold and had many patterns made in it. The most magnificent was the sword, a golden hilt with a shiny blade which was double edged. It had something written on it. i tried to read it and i don't know how i was able to. It said " Sword Of Light".

"What do you see? James.. are you ok...? Dr. Raymond enquired. His voice sounded faint or maybe it was just my mind playing tricks again.

" Yeah... I'm good... " i told him trying to put the place into words " Its big.. roomy  with writing on the wall and book and sword and throne and crown and ....."

i walked over to the crown and touched it. sudden memories filled my head. A throne. No!  This throne. A big, grand celebration. Crowning of a great person. I need to see his face. He turns  and I see. My eyes are gaping. He is .. he is .. me. But how? How can it be? this not possible.

" James .. hurry up and find a way out." Dr. Raymond urged.

I snapped out it quickly and looked at the rest of things. I touched the book. It miracuosly opened. The page had something written in an unknown language. I knew it!. But how can I? Is that even possible? Whatever it was , I knew it and  whatever written was even wierder than me knowing the language.

Well I dont know what it really was but what ever it was  this is what i made of it:

    " The one the crown chooses is the true lord of theworld and who ever the sword bows to is the Protector of Light, Love and Humanity.

And So he shall be the protector of the light,and Shall be immortal while his body remains mortal and shall die and be born again until the Devil him self is destroyed and world saved from the impending apocalypse.

  He shall be known as the saviour of the world and the Wielder of the Swords of  Light and truth."

I hadn't  even Finished reading it when something very strange happened. The crown flew over to my head, and the sword  lay at my feet , as if it were bowing. I found it strange  and so i picked up the sword. As soon as i did that, the sword began to glow brighter as i felt my self get stronger.

I remember now. Everything is so clear. My past , My present my future , everything. It all came back to me like a lost coin in a corner. My birth, my destiny , my life before and before that, my death and Her. So many memories of her. It felt like she was my everything and I couldn't understand the feelings. A bright light appeared and I was blinded. When the blinding light subsided I looked down at myself. I had changed. Instead of my jeans and t shirt, I wore a long robe, belted at the waist and long bands attached to the sleeves. It has silver lining and a high collar.

A surge of power ran through my body, and a shiver ran down my spine. I felt strong, Invincible, incredible. But what i felt most was incomplete. A void in my heart. I willingly let the sword disappear, deciding i will call upon it when I need it.  I shook off my robe and  let it fall to my feet. I felt my body change. All my bones began shifting. It was painful and I couldn't stop the change. I fell to my knee. It took sometime but  when the transformation was done the pain was gone. I walked over to the pool and in the clear water i saw my reflection. A big wolf with grey hair and grey eyes. My eyes felt burning and soul barring grey. I looked up at the sky laden with clouds. I climbed out of the hole and stood near the edge watching at the hole for a while.

A scent filled the air. A familiar scent. I look around in the white ocean of snow and in the white background I see an outline of a figure. I creep closer and watch him watch me. He looked shocked and it amused me. He seemed familiar to me. Oh yes! It's Dr. Raymond. I look at him for a while and then turn my attention to the searing heat. My body felt like it was on fire. I looked up at the sun. I felt weak, so weak. My knees crumbled. I changed again. I see someone coming near me. And then its darkness and it swallows me whole.