Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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I hear someone. So far away. Its coming nearer.

"James, are you okay... slowly mate, slowly.." Dr. Raymond's voice came to me. I saw light. It was blurred but it became clearer.  I saw the ceiling of the tent. I heard the wind howl outside.

" This is good.. His gaining consciousness again. Paul get some water. " Dr. Raymond told Dr. Cross.

"James can you hear us?.. say something please" Dr. Raymond said pleadingly.

I'm back at base.  Both the doctors are sitting beside my bunk.

"What happened.? ..I was... and then ..." I mumble trying to make sense of everything that happened.

The book, crown, the hole, wolf...

"You fell into a hole near the disturbance that was reported. I think you hit your head hard  when you fell. I rapelled down to get you. You are fine now.. we were worried it might be concussion but its not. But you will need some rest." He told me as camly as anyone could. "No jumping out of aeroplanes for a while."  He added jokingly.

" Thanks Doc" was all i could say. It wasn't really dream was it. My head began thumping again. I fell back into a deep sleep. I will think about it after I have had a nice long rest.


I woke up at 12 in the night or something. I couldn't sleep and I felt hot, almost burning. I moved out of my bunk  and went out side. All I had on was my pants and flipflops, and yet the icy cold wind had no effect on me. The cold air felt soothing to my burning body. I sat down at the same rock I was sitting on the previous day. I started thinking about the wierd day I had. Didn't Dr. Raymond see me as a wolf? But I'm sure I wasn't dreaming, or was I?. This is getting confusing. I remember everything so clearly. All my memories are there, and I feel i'm living it everytime.

" James is that you?" Dr.Raymond questioned cautiously.

I was startled but regained my stature quickly. I looked back and saw him walk steadly towards me. He looked like a teenager in his pyjamas.

" Yeah .. it's me" I answered. I returned my gaze back towards the mountains.

The moon was hidden behind the clouds. It felt strange looking at the moon. A strange feeling crept through my body at the sight. Slowly ans steadly the moon began to come out from behind the clouds. Dr. Raymond sat down next to me.

" You are okay now?" He asked him nicely.

"I'm okay" I replied, still confused about everything.

" I didn't Tell you something about the incident." He told me.

I looked at him. His glasses were back on and he looked like himself again.

" I know .. but what I'm concerned about is why didn't you mention it before?" I conversed with him.

" I thought so." he replied calmly. " Somethings are meant to be kept a secret... can't trust everyone" He added quickly and smartly.

He stood up and bowed to me. He stayed on his knees and looked up at me and smiled.

 I couldn't help but smile back. I looked at the moon instinctively. The last of the clouds had drifted away and the moon shone with full force upon the landscape. As the light fell on me, I felt different. I felt stronger. My body began to change.

" Time for your transformation" He told me and stepped away.

I let the power take over me and change me. I felt my senses grow stronger. My limbs began changing. It was painful as my bones shifted to allow my body to change into that of a wolf. Hair began growing all over my body, and soon I was covered in hair. Grey, hair streaked with dark brown ones. I grew taller and taller. My jaws changed distinctly and it felt excrutiating.

 the change was painful yet powerful. I stood on all four feet and reached a  breathtaking  height of six feet. my grey eyes lowed with excitement and power.

I looked around in the darkness scanning the landscape with my newly acquired sense. There was scent in the air. A scent much more different than that of Dr. Raymond and Dr. Cross. It was a strange yet familliar scent. A fear crept through my body. It triggered memories of death. My death, her death , millions of peoples death.

A shernok, The working dogs of the devil. My cousin in a way, but they were foul, viscious and greedy. My hunting instincts kicked in and off i went to hunt it down. It was easy to find with its pungent smell of death. I knew It was bigger than usual. It bounded out from behind some trees. Almost the same size as a huge bear. It had flithy black hair, a jaw filled with yellowing teeth. His breath smelled of the death of the millions he had killed. He bared his teeth at me and was ready to attack. I just looked at it and cocked my head to one side. He jumped at me and went flying over my head. He hit a tree right behind me with all his weight and was stuned for a while.  i wheeled around and was ready to finish the fight once and for all. He was still a little dazed when i jumped upon him. I dug my claw into his side and bit him at the back of his neck. Blood oozed out his lifeless body. His flesh tasted like that of decaying meat. I let him go and returned to Dr. Raymond.

He remained unaffected by my encounter. I changed into my human form and walked over to him. His eyes ran a check over me. I was covered in the blood of the shernok and he was still unaffected.

“You should wash up before Cross comes out." he told me calmly. “There’s a stream nearby, it is still flowing.  Go have a bath." He continued. He pointed me in the direction and and I went off.

As he had said it was there. I heard it first and then I saw it. I walked over to the bank and slowly entered the stream .I sat in the flowing water letting it wash my bloodied body clean. The cold flowing water was soothing to my burning body, and i fell into a trance. No! A dream or a memory.

It was about her. The one that I have been waiting for, for so long.