Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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It was rainning outside. Torrents of rain hitting the roof, making it sound like a car hitting a truck over and over again. It was always like this in Tensin, America. It rained for more than half the year. The residents were used to it. They had other indoor activities planned out for them selves. Most teenagers stayed indoors and played videos games or spent their time talking to their friends on the phone or internet.  This was everyone except Katherine.

She felt like a prisoner in her house. She loved the sunshine, the fresh air and the mountains, but she lived in the rainiest  place in the continental US. A place where there was hardly any sunshine. She never understood the reason why she liked the outdoors but she did and that was all that mattered. Right now she sat near the window watching the rain pour down. She didn't realize when she fell into a daydream. No! A memory. A past embedded deep in her mind, that she didn't realize it had happened before and could happen again.

It was pouring just like right now, getting dark as the sunset in the distance. Someone was following her and she was trying to run away. She stops, but why? Something lurks in the shadows infront of her. The smell of death found its way into her system and she began to choke. Soon she found her self getting used to it. A fear crept through her body. She looked around trying to find  the source, the place it was hiding. She prayed in her mind for him to come, but he was somewhere else. Stuck somewhere. Oh how she wished she knew where he was. She called to him. "Where are you" she said silently. " Iam near" came the reply faintly. The shadows moved slowly in circles around her. She took a stance which looked a but like a attack stance but she knew she could do nothing. She had lost her powers in the accident at the cave. The sword of  power, which was her source had been stolen by the Karnath. It had been disassembled and hidden. They had to find it, other wise they would not be able to defeat the Devil. One who looked bigger than the rest, stepped forward. A ig dog or bear kind of a creature with huge teeth. It had a evil grin on its face.

"Well, well princess. Where is your protector? Dead already?", It said in a nasty snarl, spitting saliva everywhere. A horiible stench of death escaped its mouth as it spoke.

He began to laugh but it sounded more like a metal being rubbed against another metal, hurting the ears. Katherine kept a straight face and tried hard to hide the fear in her eyes.

"Well don't worry. He'll be here. Just have a little patience." She told him. "I hope" She thought.

" We'll see" He smirked.

He was ready to finish the job. He eyed Katherine like a hungry dog eyes meat.

"You'll taste good, princess" He told her.

She felt disgusted. She never liked him and now he was just annoying her.

"Just getting it over with, will you??" She told him.

He pounced on her, but from the corner another shadow and took him down. The shernok got up and retreated. all the other shadows followed him. All except one. This newcomer was bigger then the rest. He stood infront of Katherine and waited until all of them had gone. He turned around to Katherine. He slowly changed into a young man. Beautiful and tanned with grey eyes. He walked over to Katherine and as he did his muscled danced over his body. His dark brown hair fell over his eyes and he removed it slowly. He had a torn pair of pants on. His eyes were serious. Katherine ran over to him. Holding him tight. He picked her up and against his bare chest. He checks her over and then hold her tight again. She can feel his heartbeat and It feels just like her own.


"Kathy" Katherine's mother, Judy called for from the living room.

Katherine's friends were here to take her to the movies. She had completely forgetten about it. She had been daydreaming for so long that she didn't realize it had become so late.

"Hurry up honey.. your friends are already here." She called out to me once again

she just pulled on the first thing she saw. A pair of denim jeans and my purple hoodie. She literally ran down the stairs trying not to trip on the stairs. As she stumbled down, she saw my friends standing  there looking quite annoyed. Shyna had  her "i dont wait" look on while christine just had  the "there she is" . Nikki was a bit kind and had the " Yay!! she is here" look.  She quickly put on my black Converse sneakers. Looking apologetic about the late dressup.

" Sorry" She said sweetly to them.

" I think we just missed the whole movie!!! " Shyna exclaimed.

" It's okay... Kathy... Dont mind Shyna .. you know she is a little exaggerating.  " Nikki consoled her, while rooling her eyes at Shyna.

" I think we should leave now... if we don't wanna miss the movie." Christine said breaking the moment between the three.

" lets go.... i cant miss the movie.. it is the next big hit..... Bigger than Avengers.!!!" Shyna said hyped.

"I didn't know you even watched Avengers." Katherine commented  on Shyna's Words.

" ahh... i don' t.. but i do know it is a big movie which was very good.. so this one will be better.." She replied.

All of them laughed. Shyna was still confused. Christine and Shyna got into Christine's brand new Lambourghini Aventador. Her dad had given it to her for her 18 th birthday. While Nikki and Katherine Got into Katherine's Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible. Katherine's dad had bought her that. and she loved it. She had been into cars since she was a kid, and she loved convertibles. It had a 6.2 litres, V8 engine with 455 horse power which achieved 17 mpg in the city and 29mpg on the highway.

They arrived just before the movies began. Christine and Shyna Ran to get the tickets while Katherine and Nikki went to freshenup. As she was coming out of the Washroom she felt someone watching her. She looked around but  no one was familliar, or suspicious. She walked over to her group, she attentive to the people walking around her.

She was scanning the area when suddenly she see's a relfection of a familliar figure. Dark brown hair, grey burning eyes, kind of tanned body and a cute shy smile. Nikki turned around at the same time.

"What's wrong" she asked Katherine in a concerned voice. She had seen the look on her face.

"Did you see?" She asked her in a hasty hushed tone. "Did you see him?"

" See who?" Nikki asked her confused.

Katherine looked back at the mirror. There was no one there.

" but how can that be? He was right there"  she thought to her self.

"Kathy? Are u okay.? " Her friends asked her.

" hmm.. Yeah... Im fine..." She replied." I think i just imagined it all "

Her voice went shaky and she looked pale, but kept her cool and they finally entered the movie theatre. In the Darkness she felt  a little calmer and soon she forgot about the event.


From the corner of the movie theatre in the shadows, a pair of grey eyes watched the crowd. It moved out of the theatre and into the darkness behind the complex.