Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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When we reached her former place it was six thirty in the evening. We got down from the car and went to the house keeper’s room first. Emi was holding half of the ten kilos of candy, which she bought. On the first knock itself the door opened. When he saw Emi and me together he looked glad.

“I have done my duty I promised to you dear lady. Everybody in the place is now fully aware of this lady’s innocence, they regret of thinking of her badly.”

“Call all of them who are there to the hall.”

That was Emily. When she said that she had a ten tons of weight in her voice. It was not loud, but it had authority.

It took fifteen minutes for him to gather the whole crowd to the hall. They were asking so many questions from Emi and she asked them to wait until everybody comes. When everybody came, she started distributing candies. I noticed that the kids were really glad to see her. Almost everybody kissed her with respect. They were telling her how glad they are to see her again. After distributing candies she started addressing the people.

“Until ten O'clock in the night yesterday I was poor. Living on one sandwich a day.”

Emi had tears running down from her eyes while she addressed the gathering.

“I would say I was worse than you. You have heaters in your rooms but I had to leave this place to a room where there were no heaters because I became poorer than you. I got chased out from my only decent job as well as from my room. But I never lost faith in God. Just like Job I praised God and thanked Him for every change that took place in my life. I think you can remember the story of Job. I have told you that story many a times before. From the day I lost my parents up to yesterday God let Satan tempt me but I am happy to tell you Satan lost that battle. I became the winner.”

I can’t wait there any longer so I came to the car and got in. I can remember Shane telling me this same story. I felt that God would reward him for winning the battle very soon. Suddenly tears were running from my eyes and I don’t know why?

It took about one hour for Emi to return to the car. All the people came behind her.

“I am leaving now and I will be back on Sunday again to teach you. Is it alright?”

Emi was talking to the crowd who gathered near the car.

I saw everybody nodding their heads with hundred percent approval. Then the housekeeper came running to me.

“Are you satisfied my lady?”

“I am.... Your son will start sailing tomorrow; if he is hard working and learning, he will be a captain in ten years and that’s a promise.”

“Praise the Lord lady... thank you a million. I will ask him to work hard.”

When we went to the next place it was eight thirty. I knew what is going to happen and what is Emi going to say to them so I stayed in the car and asked Emi to take her own cool time.

I can’t understand why I am doing this with Emi.. In one day she had become very close to my life. Though I don’t know anything about her God, I endorse one hundred percent of her work for God. May be that is because I want to make Emi happy. If Shane knows about this he will also feel happy. I wished that Emi would come soon.

Tomorrow is Friday and I must go to work, so as Emi. Janitor’s son will be there for his job.

Finally when she came back it was ten O’clock. We came back home straight and Martha was ready with dinner.

After dinner she settled down in my room to hear my story. Half way through that story I had to tell her Shane’s story also for her to get a good understanding and some of the things he said I can’t remember also because when he was relating his story, my mind was somewhere else. Emi didn’t question me even once until I finished telling her the complete story.

“So you wanted to offer your platinum Amex card to him to have him.”

“I didn’t do that because I felt that it is high time that I forget about him.”

“I could tell you one thing Sarah... You have lost the battle. You must never forget that you lost it to a God’s man. You must be wondering what happened to you. Whether you looked as an ugly looking girl in front of him, or when all the men you know are craving with desire to have you how come this man doesn’t show any interest in you. The answer is Jesus. Shane is doing things on God’s command. When somebody is on God’s command he will lose so many things in normal life. But when the time is right God will let him have the best and much more. Take me as an example.”

“Yes I agree with you... He was a very different man. He never had those lustful eyes other men had for me. He was very attractive and good looking. This is the very reason that I fell for him. I thought it is going to be another one off thing.”

“During my twenty three years of life, I came across so many people like that and I understand them perfectly. But in your surroundings this is the first time that you came across a man like that and you can’t swallow it.”

“Is there a way for me to have him Emi?”

“If you are only interested in sex, the answer is a BIG NO.”

“What else do you expect for a young couple to do other than making love when they meet each other for the first time and when they like each other?”

“Now you are getting things mixed up... What made you think that Shane liked you and he wanted to make love to you? If he was thinking like you, he would have made love to you on the first day itself because you were ever ready. I think he liked you as a friend, like you and me now. I am sure when Shane saw you for the first time he must have got tempted to have you because you are very desirable to any man’s sight. You are one of the most beautiful ladies America has. Desire at first sight for a Christian is called temptation. It will become sin, only if you meditate upon or if you act upon it. All the Christians have God living in their hearts and when you are tempted, God the Holy Spirit who is inside you first warn you that you are going to commit a sin. That is called conviction, but a God’s man will never leave room for temptation. That is what took place when Shane met you for the first time; he overcame the temptation of having you.”

“I don't understand Emi. I am sorry, but now I have you, don’t ever leave me and go Emi. Will you promise me?”

I had to put my arms around her. I feel that she is good enough to be my sister.

“I promise you Sarah I will never leave you until the day God calls me home.”

“Do you have a boy friend Emi?”

“No I don’t....I am the oldest virgin in New York.”

“Don't tell me that you are a virgin?”

“I am Sarah....If God thinks that I should bring more Christian children to this world, and then he will find me the correct husband at the correct time. Until then I will wait. I think you should hear my story and I will tell it to you tomorrow. I think it is a very sad story up to yesterday. If you like to hear the sad story of mine, I will tell you.”

“I am interested Emi, I want to hear it tomorrow.”

By the time we went to sleep it was two thirty in the morning. When I went to Emi’s room after getting up at nine, she had already gone to work. In future I must ask her to wait for me. I got ready fast and went to the pantry to eat something before leaving. When I sat to eat Martha started talking.

“You have a beautiful friend here Sarah my girl. I don’t like her, but I love her. From the time she came into this house she is calling me Ma.”

Suddenly she started crying.

“I longed for twenty three years to hear somebody calling me Ma. It was bad luck. It’s hard luck. If I didn’t lose my little daughter she would have been twenty three now.”

Suddenly she had started talking about her past and this is news to me.

“I am glad that you love her. Will you tell me what happened to your daughter some day?”

“Yes, I will.. When you have some free time I will.”

It was time for me to rush to the office.