Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Crompo Sukra was thrilled to hear that at last he will get a job. When his father Moldia sent him the word of this job at once he came searching for him. Moldia the Janitor told him the story of Emily and advised him thoroughly that he should be doing hard work because some day in ten years or so he will be a captain of a ship. It sounded really good but Sukra wondered whether he will be one at all……

Moldia was thirty when he got married to seventeen year old Timar. Until Sukra was born the year after they had a good married life. Soon after their married life was on the rocks as Timar liked to have more sex. She liked to have two three men at a time. After being with them she wanted to have sex with Moldia also after returning home from all those orgies. The four children born after Sukra had no identity as even Timar didn’t know who the father is. She simply has become a nymph.

Finally the day came when Moldia would separate from Timar as family problems escalated to an unprecedented level. After the separation Moldia cared only for Sukra, the only son he believed that is his. This is the very reason that Moldia wanted his son to be employed. After Emily came into the neighborhood his only prayer was that his son will do well in life. So the time has come. Even Moldia attended the bible studies Emily conducted and was encouraged by the words she spoke. Moldia confided with Emily about his son Sukra and Emily always said with God nothing is impossible.

On Sukra’s part he used to hear many fights his parents had and he was a very unhappy kid. He studied up to the high school and started doing underground work after that. He was an informant to the underworld which existed in New York. At the age of seventeen he was an informant but at the age of twenty two he had his ear to the ground. He had first hand information about Hamas, Al Quida, LTTE, Jihad, Hisbullah, PLO, Mossad, Fata, Taleban, CIA, FBI, KBG and many more of international secret underground activities. Anything that happens in the underworld, he knew who did it and how it happened. Most of those secret agencies were in contact with Sukra for accurate information on events took place in the whole world.  It paid well until he fell in to jam which was inevitable.

Janga was a very influential underworld figure. Time to time Sukra gave him information about many activities of many. Two years back he was assigned to find out about to human smuggle racket which was done by a rival gang which deprived Janga of getting a huge commission. To get to the information he had to associate with a gang member of that party for a few weeks. During this time Samy his contact who had another problem with another rival group committed a stabbing in broad day light while he was with him and he was sent to jail for two years for being an accomplice for the crime. He was silent as ever and never gave up any of his friends while the case was on. When Samy started stabbing Leno his rival, after the second stab Sukra managed to take the flick knife from Samy and when got caught he had the knife in his hand. But he never gave in Samy. For Sukra’s luck Leno, the one who got stabbed didn’t die and after nine long months denied who stabbed him due to a lot of pressure from all sides..

Sukra back after serving eleven months in prison went to see his father, though fifty six, working as a janitor of the building where Emily was staying. Moldia was sad but was glad to see his son once again. He knew that Sukra had nothing to with the stabbing but he had to keep his mouth shut so that he will gain more confidence from the underworld gangs around.

“Son; I am getting old by the day. My only wish and prayer is you get a decent job. Just get out of this mess.”

“Yes Pa! I think the same….. But who will give me a decent job?”

Whenever they met they never discussed about their mother. Sukra knew that Moldia looks older due to the stress factor of his mother brought on his life. Otherwise he had a good job and he had the ability to look after the whole family though he claims the other four children are not his.

So this is the day! He managed to borrow a suit from one of his friends, shaved, bathed for about half an hour, put on the suit, combed his hair nicely and was on time at the Harris Cargo and Shipping sharp at 9am.

Paddy after looking at the business card of Sarah and after verifying of the appointment  sent him on security check before sending him to the 8th floor of the building where Sarah’s office is. After descending from the lift he went and tapped the door in front of him. Emily opened the door.


She inquired.

Sukra showed the business card and asked,

“Is it possible to meet Ms. Sarah Harris?”

“Are you Moldia’s son?”

 “Yes Maam”

“Ok, take a seat she will be here around 9.30.”

Sukra was shown a settee and he settled in. For split second Emily thought how handsome this man is and how he got in to a mess of going to jail? She remembered Moldia saying about it and asking her to pray for him. As the work load was heavy she slowly got back to her seat nevertheless asking the peon to bring two coffees.

When Sarah walked into the office Emi was at her desk. A big flower vase was on Sarah’s desk. It looked lovely.

“Why did you come early Emi?”

“I start work at eight so I came.”

“You don’t have to do that!....because you are my friend and you are living with me.”

“But it will be a bit of a problem for you on the long run madam... because you are running a business here and everybody should be treated alike inside this place. I don’t like favoritism.”

“Why do you call me madam?”

“Inside this place you are my boss, and when we leave this place you are my best friend, most loved sister and you are Sarah. Do you understand?”

“But you are my best friend and I can’t bear to hear you calling me madam.”

“You’ll have to get use to it madam. When I am calling you madam, I will be doing it with pleasure.”

“OK Emi.. As you like...”

“There are so many calls for you to return today and I have all the files ready here with me with the list of names before that you have a visitor by the name of Sukra who is here to see you with your business card. Will you see him now?”

“Ok ask him to come.”

When Sukra walked in to Sarah’s office he was amazed. He thought he is in front of Miss America. This is the first time he got so closed to a very beautiful woman of Sarah’s caliber. Before coming he thought that he is going to meet a middle aged woman.

“Your father is a good man. He wanted his reward he earned to go to you.”

“Yes madam.”

“Today we have one of our ships sailing at 2.30pm from NY to Hamburg. Take your letter of appointment from the personal department and go and meet Captain Leeroman of the ship named “LEEPOSIN 47 Harris” and you will be sailing today. Do not forget to surrender your passport to Mr. Leeroman.  As I have told your father that you will be a captain of a ship in ten years, work hard and honestly so that you will achieve that target. In the meantime while working you could do all your shipping exams with study leave. Do all the necessary exams at least part time so that you are qualified to take over a ship someday.  I will speak to Captain Leeroman personally and I will ask him to help you.”

“Thank you madam this is taking someone out from a garbage dump. I will never forget this opportunity you have given me and I will work hard.”

“Alright, happy sailing and good luck.”

When Sukra finally left Emily came to the office.

“Ok madam; are you ready to take the calls now?”

“Ok! Put them on.”

Emi buzzed Peggy and gave her all the telephone numbers and asked her to connect the calls to me. The next two hours I was very busy with Emi as after every conversation I had to give instructions to Emi regarding future proceedings of the clients. Finally we managed to finish all the calls by twelve and then it was time for lunch.

I wanted to take Emi out for lunch but she refused. She said that she will have lunch at the staff canteen. She said that she don’t like to make enemies in this place by seeing with me. I think it is true and couldn’t grumble about it. But I couldn’t make my mind to go out and eat alone. So I got my lunch delivered to the office.

After lunch Emi was very busy, as she had to prepare so many documents and letters. I got up from my seat and went to the

personal department. Our personal manager was there and I sat down in front of him to have a little chit-chat.

“Tell me Mr.Bernard, how many people are employed by us in this company?”

“We have about three thousand employees madam. The amount is inclusive of staff at overseas offices too.”

Only then I realized why I am questioning him. I promised Shane that I will look into the workers facilities here. Though I am trying my best to forget him, I have started looking in to a matter I discussed with Shane.

“Is it possible for me to have a computer printout of all the employees with their full names, designations and their salaries?”

“Of course madam it is a matter of only printing time.”

“Ok then I will wait for it.”

He called his secretary and asked her to get the printout fast.

“What do you think of their salaries Mr.Bernard?”

“I think it is quite reasonable and it is in total agreement with the labor constitution of the United States.”

“What if we revise them?”

“To reduce the present salaries will be a problem but for the new recruits we could do that by keeping the basic bottom line as it is and reducing the facility costs.”

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that.

“You understood me wrong Mr. Bernard, what if we increase their salaries?”

“Well if you decide to do that it is good but there will be a lot of pressure from the other shipping companies. By doing that all the other shipping companies will become our enemies.”

“What makes you think that they are our friends now?”

“I know that we compete with each other but what I meant was if we do it they will have a lot of problems with their employees and it will make them angry.”

“You have a point there but if our employees can’t lead a good life with the money they are getting we should make them happy. Don’t you agree with me Mr. Bernard?”

“I agree fully madam if you are determined to do it, we will find a way to face the opposition from the other companies. Whatever you propose we will discuss this at the next board meeting and we could come to a decision.”

“There is one more thing Mr.Bernard how about their meals? What is the system you have here regarding their food specially on board?”

“Well.., according to the work force in a ship we allocate certain amount per capita for a day and make that payment directly to the captain of the ship and he is directly responsible for the food of the crew. Whenever they dock at a port they can buy the stuff from that country for the next voyage.”

“How do you know that all Captains are utilizing the whole quota for food or not?”

“We have no way of checking that madam but so far we haven’t received any complaints about food. Therefore it is a good point to believe that the captains are giving the crew to eat well.”

“For what type of a meal do you allocate this money?”

“For a type of meal that we have in the canteen every day....”

The girl brought the print out.

“Ok! Mr.Bernard; thank you very much for the little information and if I am to give them an increment, will you help me?”

“Of course madam...I am at your service all the time.”

“Thank you Mr.Bernard I’ll be seeing you soon.”

The printout was heavy and when I walked into my office Emi was surprised to see me carrying a load of paper.

“What’s this Madam?” She asked me.

“Here I have all the details of our employees. I want to go through it.”

Then I put a call to our investigation unit. A girl took the phone on the first ring.

“I am Sarah here.., can I speak to Clay please?”

“Most certainly madam... if you wait a second....”

The next moment Clay’s voice came on the line.

“Yes madam what can I do for you?”

“Find out what they served for the crews in all 71 ships during the past week as meals.”

“When do you want the file madam?”

“As soon as possible; and Clay, thank you...”

“I am at your service madam.”

Clay said. I kept the phone.  Clay wondered whether something has gone wrong. Nevertheless he has to obey his boss and therefore he started making the inquiries by contacting all ships and asked them to send the details at their earliest.