Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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At 3 in the morning they both got up automatically and both of them felt it is time to pray. So they started praying after taking a wash and having coffee.

Soon they were praying in tongues. Soon they felt the presence of God the Holy Spirit in the room as a cloud of mist came through the window in to their room and rested on the ceiling. No sooner they were foreign to the sounds around them and in the Spirit and both of them heard a voice saying;

“I am here to witness you marriage. I am well pleased with you both. Hear the words I speak and repeat them with me.”

Though both Shane and Sarah were like in a different plane in the Spirit, they heard what the voice said and they were ready to take oaths.

So the voice started to utter the words;

“I Shane, a child of God Almighty, chosen from his mother’s womb do hear by take Sarah a child of God Almighty, chosen from her mother’s womb as my soul mate and wife for the rest of my life here on earth. I promise to love her honor her all days of my life according to the words that is written. I will never tempt her to sin against God. I am ready to raise children that God gives me without me deciding how many I should have. As I am blessed by God, I will be a blessing to others by serving God all days of my life. Today I make God the witness of our marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”

Both Shane and Sarah had to repeat what the voice said. Though they were fully anointed in the Spirit of God, both of them felt what they were repeating after the voice they heard.

“Now I declare you to be husband and wife and I have witnessed this occasion and I am the witness of this matrimony as I am the initiator of the sacrament of marriage here on earth.”

While both of them came back to their senses the cloud of mist slowly left the room. It is the happiest moment of their lives. Both of them wondered whether this could happen to anybody else. They were praising God for what happened and they were happy.

“May I kiss the bride?”

Shane asked Sarah laughing.

“You can do anything you want; now I am yours.”

She jumped in to Shane’s arms and they kissed each other. When Shane’s lips met Sarah’s she knew that she is not sick anymore as she felt the wanting inside her body.

Shane slowly lifted her up and laid her on the bed………… and said;

“You are the most beautiful woman in this world. I know God gave me the best.”

If I tell you more, you might tend to think that this is a sex story. I want you to know that it is not. I have noted down reality, and this is the common man’s way of relating a story. Only God can change lust into love. We were legally married the same afternoon. There were a few people in the church to see us getting married legally and it was done according to the law of the land.

As we had a lot of influence with the US government, Shane’s visa to enter USA came in no time and on the 29th of July 1991 we were on our way to New York and I was carrying our first daughter inside me when we entered the British Airways flight from Hamburg to New York. I cannot ask God for more as He has given me everything, and how much ever I thank Him, I still feel I owe Him.