Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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It is May once again and Shane was playing with his band in Frankfurt before leaving to Kleetgau for four long months of out of work. As they managed to play for three months on a cruise liner from Helsinki to Oslo and back for 3 months this year at double the price he had enough money saved with him to go and see his mother and he was happy.

After what happened earlier he never failed to pray for Sera thanking God for making it happen. Like Sarah, he also didn’t know how it will happen but he believed that God will make it happen. He knew his music carrier will end soon as he understood very well that being a musician like him, a family will be a mirage. He wished that Sera will walk in to the Bayarisch Zell at any day to see him but it didn’t happen.

When he came back to Kleetgau he told Rolf and Susie that he would be going to Sri Lanka for two weeks to see his mother and they were really happy. The next day he started working at the Inn and knew exactly what should be done inside the place by experience. After a week or so God prompted him to fast and pray for a week and he obeyed God and started his fast from the next day.

Though he was fasting he did all the work at the Inn and also spent a lot of time in prayer and reading the bible. The first three days were the most difficult but God’s grace was there for him to continue. He prayed about many things. Especially about his mother and Sera.

Meanwhile Sarah knew that Shane was out of work for four months. She is the one who arranged for them to perform at one of her passenger ships at double salary so that he will be comfortable or thinking that he might visit his mom during the next four months.

She had grown in the Lord and spiritual blessings in her life are manifesting. She has the gift of tongues and discernment of spirits. She had a good prayer life and she looked in to help many through Emi as she was serving the down trodden people in the down town. She gave jobs to many in the ships as she knew and believed what God said to Abraham, that God will bless him to be a blessing to the others. Now Sarah believe everything she has is God given and it is God’s blessing. So she must bless others.

After a good dinner she and Emi decided to go to sleep early and when she went in to the room and started undressing to get in to the track suit she felt that she should pray for awhile. While in prayer God the Holy Spirit tempted her to fast and pray for the next seven days and she decided to start immediately.

The next four days passed without any problem as God gave grace for her to go through the fast and on the 5th day God the Holy Spirit spoke to her in her sleep and asked her to go to Germany to visit Shane and end fast with him. As she heard the voice of God The Holy Spirit audibly she decided then and there to go to Germany the next day itself.

In the morning she told the news to Emi and reserved her ticket to go to Germany the next day and she booked tickets for Sholky and Logus as well. The newest protection she has is God the Holy Spirit and she never believed in having body guards. As it is normal in the States for big people to be accompanied by security she didn’t want to ask Sholky and Logus to leave their jobs. Today they are also born again Christians.

When she left home to catch the flight she had a bit of a headache and slight fever. As she was on fasting she thought it is an attack from satan and just ignored her condition. Before leaving she booked three rooms at the Gastof Rolf under Sholky’s name and made sure that Shane is still there.

By the time the plane landed in Hamburg it was seven forty in the night and she has developed high fewer. The headache was splitting. Still she decided to meet Shane that night and when they reached the guest house it was nine thirty in the night. Logus found out the room number of Shane and informed her prompt. After leaving her bags she started towards his room. She wondered how she will go through this with high fever which made her dizzy and she has developed a slight shivering too.

She tapped the door slowly twice after reaching Shane’s room. She heard someone approaching the door and slowly it opened. When he saw her for a good one minute both of them couldn’t talk. They were looking at each other. Shane had a surprised look while Sarah’s eyes were ready to cry. Finally Shane spoke.

“Sera you are here?”

“Yes I have come to see you.”

“Come inside Sera, can I make some coffee for you?”

“Yes that would be fine.”

Shane went downstairs to bring a flask of coffee and returned in no time.

“Tell me what brings you to this part of the world?”

 Though he knew why she is here he wanted to hear from her. He showed her the only chair he had in the room near his writing table and sat down on his bed.

“Do you have time to listen if I want to tell you a story?”

“I have all time in the world as I am out of work these days.”

So she started…………… She told everything from the day she saw him for the first time. She was not shy or ashamed to talk about how she tried to kill herself, about Jim and Ray. The failures she faced with them. Sometimes she sobbed; sometimes she begged forgiveness for what she tried to do with him. She still held her identity from him until she know that Shane is ready to hear it.

By the time she finished talking it was 1.45am.

“Today I live a holy and a clean life and I am here to ask you one question; will you marry me?”

Finally she asked.

“If you say no I will leave now and you will never see me again but I will stay single forever.”

Shane was really upset of the whole thing and many things were running on his mind. He thought whether he could marry at this moment. He is a pauper but he knew the God who brings them together is so rich and this is His plan and purpose for his life.

He got up from the bed as Sarah also got up from her chair to hear the verdict. Shane went up his bag and took out an envelope from it and gave it to Sarah saying

“Open up and read”.

The date stamp was more than a year old and it was a letter sending by Shane to himself under registered post.

Sarah opened it with shivering hands. It contained a few lines which goes like this.

Today the third of April 1990 God spoke to me and said of Sera   ‘Behold your future wife whom I have chosen for you. Wait until I bring her back to you Holy and Clean.’

Sarah started to cry………………

 He went up to her and put his arms around her and slowly whispered in her ear;

“I will marry you because it is God’s wish that I do.”

She buried her face on his chest and started crying even louder and she couldn’t stop. In the mean time Shane noticed that her body is like a hot plate and she is shivering with fever.

“Hey! Sera, you are having high fever. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tonight I can die in your arms, because I don’t know any man like you. You are God’s special for me.”

“Now I don’t let you leave this room like this. You stay in my room I will go and fetch your bags for you.”

He went quickly to her room and brought her bags while she took a wash and settled herself with her famous jogging suit.

“Sera you still have that?”

Shane asked when she was wearing it.

“Yes I do. From the day I got it to this day.”

They both laughed. ‘What an amazing woman this is’ Shane thought. He gave her two alcazil for the fever and prayed over her and said;

“You will be alright in the morning.”

“Yes I know I will be. Tomorrow morning I break fast and before that I will be healed.”

“Are you on a fast?”

Shane asked.

“Yes, seven days and tomorrow is the day to break fast.”

“What a co incidence? I am also on a seven day fast and tomorrow morning I break fast too.”

“What a wonderful God we have in Jesus? He knows the best. Let’s get some sleep and we will talk more in the morning and days to come.”

It is a four and a half feet wide bed and Shane put his arms around her and went to sleep and made sure that his arms did not reach beyond her shoulders. While burying her face on Shane’s chest she went to sleep and for the first time after her mother’s death she felt secure in his arms. ‘What a wonderful feeling’; She thought.

Both of them got up by 9.00 in the morning had a cup of coffee and gave God their devotional time. It was truly a nice feeling. The fever is gone and Sarah looked radiant. She is a little thinner than he saw her last but she looks more beautiful than before.

By 10.30 both of them went downstairs for breakfast and Susie as usual ready with the corn soup she always prepared for Shane when he used to fast. Shane introduced Sera to Susie and both of them hugged each other while Susie commented how beautiful Sera is.

Susie also added;

“Our lives are so beautiful and blessed today because of this man and we are so thankful to God for this man.”

When Susie said that Sarah had to hide a little tear that was rolling down the edge of her eyes.

After breakfast Shane wanted to take Sarah to the nearby park. So they went together and sat on a bench.

“Do you love me?”

After settling down Sarah asked.

“Yes, I do. We are getting married tomorrow. Are you ready?”

“Yes I am ready but how?”

“Tomorrow morning we get married in front of God in our room. Then afterwards we can get married in front of people. First I want God to be the witness of our marriage and then we can go to a church and register our marriage according to the law of the land.”

“Wow! What an idea? I am delighted. There is one more thing I want to tell you. I beg you not to get upset over it.”

Sarah knew it is time that she told him the true identity of her’s.

“Tell me anything. I won’t get upset. As at today I am a poor man and most of the time I think how I am going to support you. As we had some good jobs for about 3 months, I have saved some money to go and see my mother but I think now I will have to forego that also. May be I will find a good job when time to come. I always try to remember that God is my provider.”

Sarah bit her lower lip and wanted to cry but with difficulty held up tears.

“What I wanted to tell you was, I am not Sera Felsner. I am Sarah Harris. Will it make any difference to you?”

“Not at all but I would like to know why you hide your identity.”

“When I say I am Sarah Harris doesn’t the name sound familiar to you?”

Shane couldn’t grab the hint and he couldn’t think of anyone he knew by that name.

“No Sarah, I am sorry. I can’t think of anyone whom I know by that name.”

“Ok! Let me explain then. I am Harris cargo and Shipping. My father owns the shipping line. Wherever I go, to outsiders I hide my name as if I do I am calling for trouble. It is purely done for security reasons. That is why I gave you a false name when I met you for the first time as I was never ever dreamt of something like this happening in my life.”

Shane made a long sigh…

“Will your father accept me?”

“I have followed all the guide lines that he gave me in finding a man for my life. He told me the man should not be after my money and I am free to select my soul mate on that guide line and I have found one.”

He made another sigh of relief…….

“As now you will be my husband from tomorrow, everything I own is yours as you are the priest and the head of my family. Are you ready to take over?”

“I don’t know because I have no experience in business. Nevertheless this is not a business but an empire.”

“You will learn all in no time because I am your God found soul mate. Remember knowledge comes from learning but wisdom comes from God.”

“Ok! I will pray that God gives me wisdom to be a good steward to run your affairs but I like to serve God. Let me pray over and ask for God’s guidance on this.”

“So that settles everything and now I will tell you some more about me before you hear it from someone else.”

She told him everything that happened in her life from Jason to the kidnapping to Emi to raising salaries to checking on meals of the employees to trying to kill herself out of a dreamy attack of satan and to destroying the bible to everything.

By the time they returned to the guest house it was 4 in the evening. She introduced Sholky and Logus to Shane. Sarah wanted to go shopping and they went to Hamburg by taxi. Sarah went in to the jewellers and bought two beautiful rings with diamonds. While selecting one for Shane she asked him to select one for her.

This is new to Shane and he prayed to God to give him wisdom and knowledge what to select. The one that Shane selected was the best Sarah saw in the shop. Sarah bought a few new suits, shirts and shoes for Shane and finally asked the shop owner to deliver the things to the guest house. They were very happy and walked around the old city like two teenagers for a long time before returning for dinner.

In the meantime Sarah asked Sholky to get in touch with the investigation department of the company to arrange a visa for Shane’s mother to visit USA by the beginning of July. Asked him to wire enough money to her bank account in Kandy so that she will be ready for the visit without any problem. Asked him to advise the security department to get in touch with the Sri Lankan office  and get their help for a very smooth visit. Phoned Jim in New York and asked him to get an Amex Gold credit card under the name of Shane Clause and currier it to Germany as soon as possible while telling him once she is back, she will come to the bank to fill out all forms.

Finally after dinner she called Papa to inform the good news.

“Papa…. I have news for you.”

“Is it good or bad?”

“Good news.”

“Tell me then.”

“I have found my soul mate and I want to get married.”

He didn’t speak for a few seconds.

“Really?..... Is he after your money?”

“No, Papa, He didn’t know my identity until he said he will marry me.”

“Then I have no problem about that. Give the line to him and I will talk with him.”

Sarah gave the phone to Shane. He didn’t know how to address.

“Sir, I am Shane.”

“Welcome to my family son. I want to see you as fast as possible.”

“Yes sir.”

“Don’t call me sir. Call me Papa.”


Shane had no more words coming out and he gave the phone to Sarah.

“Sarah my love, I want to see a grandchild before I die.”

“Don’t think of dying Papa….. You will see many children before God calls you home.”

“I wish I would. I am so happy for you. Just give us the date we will have the best wedding ever in the USA.”

“No Papa we want to have a silent wedding but we want to do something for our staff on that day. May be a bonus or something just for them to remember our wedding day?”

“Do whatever you want. I am with you. You know that.”

“Is Emi around?”

“Yes she is just here with me. Wait I will give her the phone.”

“Emi…… did you hear what we were talking?”

“Yes most of the conversation. How? How is Shane? So now you are happy at last? When are we getting the cakes? I don’t want to take your time but call me tomorrow at the office I have something to tell you.”

“Wow! I know it already.”

“What? What do you know?”

“You are going to tell me about Sukra. Don’t you?”

Suddenly Emi started laughing.

 “How did you know?”

“God told me and I am happy for you. Congratulations.”

“Ok! You call me on the morn so that I will give you the details. Ok?”

“Ok! I want to go now and will call you morrow. Take care and God bless you.”

“Bye and God bless both of you.”

They went to the room quickly and got ready to go for dinner as Susie informed that the dinner will be served in one hour. Susie had changed their room to a bigger one and have shifted all their bags and clothes to it to make them more comfortable.

Rolf and Susie have organized a little dinner party for both of them and a few people from the church were present at the restaurant when they arrived for dinner. Susie prayed over for the meal and as she prayed all felt the presence of the Holy Spirit inside the place.

After dinner Shane announced that they are getting married on the next day and asked Rolf to arrange a small service at their village church in Kleetgau.

By 10pm they were ready to go to bed and spent some quality time in the presence of the Lord. Both of them took showers and got in to their night wear as Sarah got in to the jogging suit while Shane settled with his piece of cloth which is called sarong. They held each other close and went to sleep. Shane made sure that he did not bring his arms beyond Sarah’s shoulders. Shane kissed her forehead and said good night. Sarah buried her face in Shane’s bear chest and went to sleep. The window to the room was open wide and the cold breeze in the night was refreshing and made both of them to cling to each other.