Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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I still remember the day I became a big girl. When I saw blood, I ran to Martha to inform her about it. When I told her about it she was smiling and she looked very happy. Then she embraced me and started explaining about it. That was twelve years ago. Since then my life had gone through a big change. Everyday I became more and more beautiful and Martha used to advise me to be careful of boys. All the boys in school had an interest in me and all of them wanted to be my boy friend. I think due to Martha's close attention I managed to be safe until I was fifteen. By that time I knew a lot of things about boys as all of my class mates had boyfriends and they used to talk about them very often about how they kissed, how they touch their things, how hard their things are, how good to see they come between their thighs and so on. They say when they come to orgasm it is like in heaven. Though I was very much interested to try it because of Martha I got my-self prevented from doing it.

One day one of my class mates Ann asked me whether I have seen blue movies, and when I said no she said that she will give me one. The next day I got the film but had to wait for four days to watch it until Martha went to town. By watching that I learnt a lot I would say, and that day while watching the video I was fingering my-self and suddenly I went to heaven. I had to agree it is heaven, as I cannot compare it to anything else.

On that year when we got our vacation I went to France with Papa and I had the first experience in sex with a boy there. Papa and I had twin rooms in that hotel and Papa used to be out on business all day and I was all-alone in the room. There was a room boy who used to come to clean our rooms everyday and without any warning he used his key to open the door to my room. He was eighteen years old and his name was Tony. I liked him from the first day I saw him as he was very nice to me and he always had a good word for me when he came to the room. That night I had dreamt Tony making love to me and I wanted to have him and that is how I got the idea.

When Papa left the hotel that morning I went into the bathroom and waited for Tony to arrive. I heard him opening the door and I knew the time is right. I took off my night dress and walked into the room as if I didn’t know that Tony is there. When Tony saw me he got red in the face and stammering he said,

“Oh! you are very beautiful!”

Then I can remember telling him,

“If you think I am beautiful you can have me.”

And that was that. We started kissing each other and in no time we were on the bed. His thing was not as big as I saw of actors on the video but very hard. I stroked his while he stroked mine. I was not at all shy to repeat what I saw on that video. But he didn’t get the chance to put it in, because he came on my mouth. But in return I also came on his mouth and it was so good. It was heaven.

Within the next few days I lost my virginity to him but there was nothing to regret about it as we both enjoyed what we did. He was very careful to use rubbers and everything was all right. Though I never fell in love with Tony he got caught talking intimately with an older woman a few days later and I was angry and decided not to sleep with him again.

The next man in my life was Michael. Then I was about seventeen and after telling Martha what happened with Tony, I was strictly on pill. Even if I don’t eat I had to take the pill like a prayer. I met him at a baseball game. He was a great fan of the game and after meeting each other I was with him for about six months. But I got bored with him because when there was baseball he never came to see me but when no baseball I was his baseball.  A selfish man and a lousy lover.

Then when I was eighteen I came to know Simmy on a plane to Italy. I saw him for about one year and during this time I loaned him about fifteen thousand dollars for him to bet on horses which he never won. At last I realized that he was on to my father’s money and I chased him off.

Then when I was nineteen I became a partner of the business after graduating on business administration. When I started working for my father we had twenty eight ships and a private jet. It was Papa who introduced me to Jason. He was the general manager of the company and he was twenty seven when I first met him. He was very helpful to me by giving me a very good understanding of this business and as he was unmarried we fell in love very fast as he became a hero like figure to me as a novice to the business.

I was with him for about two years and he was not a bad man. He cared for me. He bought expensive presents for me. He made love to me almost every day. He was not a fantastic lover as he was dominating whenever we made love and the pleasure was not shared properly as he wanted to do everything his way. He had the idea that he had mastered the art of making love and though I did not agree with him I never tried to hurt him by opposing his idea.

But he made one slip. He got caught fucking his secretary in the office. I can still remember that day. He told me that he is going to pick me up at eight to go for dinner at Shingeys. Then he phoned me and said that he will be having a business meeting until half past six in the office and will be going home late, therefore to make it eight thirty.

When I went home at five thirty I got a call from Papa from Rome saying that I should find some details of a business transaction he made in Rome and that file is in his drawers and for me to go to the office and bring it home as he needs some details from it in about one hours time. I had no time to inform Jason that I am coming to the office and at once I got into the car and drove to the office.

When I went to the office it was in total darkness but managed to find the file Papa asked for and suddenly I was wondering what happened to Jason’s business meeting. Then I thought I should go to his office and see whether he is there. When I was nearing his office, the corridor was unlit but I saw a little light coming underneath from his office door. Then I heard a heavy breathing of a woman and as I had a master key to the building I opened it. When I opened the door at once they didn’t see me as they were absorbed in fucking and the woman was shouting “faster, faster”. There was a plastic flower pot close by. I took it and threw it at them, banged the door and came back home.

The very next day his interdiction letter was on his table when he came to work. He came to see me with the letter but I had no time for him. From that day until today I have never fallen in love with somebody. I have had men on my bed after that but only one night stands. Nothing more.

There is one thing in common in all the men. They tell me that I am the most beautiful woman they have ever met and I am the sexiest on bed. There is a very good reason for that. Other than Jason no man could satisfy me on the first fuck so far and it was always the second. But there again Jason was a little mechanical when it came to making love. Only lately I came to know why?