Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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May be Papa must have thought that I will marry Jason. If he didn’t make that slip, by now I would have been married to him. When I told Papa what happened he looked disappointed but he told me one thing. He said it is my life and I should find the correct man for me. That was the day he really let his feelings out to me. He was very upset of what Jason did as he liked Jason a lot and his work for the company. Papa was really looking forward for our marriage when this bad incident took place because Jason is coming from a very hard life and he was a self made man. He could have done a lot for Harris Cargo and for him if not for what he had done to me.

“You know daughter your mother was a fantastic woman. She wanted to have a lot of kids. When we got married, I was not doing well at all. I had just started with a second hand ship and all the money that came in went out the same way to repair that ship and to meet compliances to obtain licences of countries we docked.

Due to lack of business we had to take difficult roots and though it paid good it was not enough at all. Most of the time we were left penniless, but your mother gave me all the courage and support to bring this business to what you see today. When I look at you, I see the same woman in you, as you are also a born winner in this business. I really loved her but fate is something that you can't avoid. Specially to survive in this business you have to be fit than the others. It is survival of the fittest. We call it nature and nature is the only thing that I believe in. Forget about Jason and try to find the correct man who will marry you not for your money or your beauty but to share everything in life.”

I am twenty two now but still couldn’t find the correct man. Or may be! I was not searching. I am not yet ready for marriage. I looked at the small digital clock on my bedside table and realized that it is five to ten in the morning. I can’t sleep. This man has made me sick. I want him so badly. I want to feel him inside me but he does not show any interest in me at all. My lower belly is cramped and I am feeling very uneasy.

Still my body is longing for him but he is not here to satisfy my desires. My sexual appetite is so high for him even the toys are not showing any effect and suddenly I have become helpless and hopeless. I have had men in my life from the age of fifteen but I have never felt like this before. OK let’s see what will happen today. I will get him after dinner.

I tried my best to sleep but failed. Finally I gave up the idea and got up from the bed at about twelve thirty, took a cold water shower. Suddenly I was feeling hungry and went in search of Mitzy. She had prepared lunch and was waiting for me to get up.

“You look tired madam, are you alright?”

That was the first question she asked me when she saw me.

“I drank about three beers yesterday and now I have a hangover.”

“OH! alcohol is not good for young ladies madam it is hurting me to see you like this. Shall I get you a lime juice with two aspirins? That will make you feel Better.”

“Yes Mitzy I don't mind, if it is going to make me feel good.”

How can I tell her that I am starving to have Shane on bed with me? By the time Mitzy went to make the lime juice I tried to eat something. But to my surprise I was just tossing the food I have served for my-self on the plate. Suddenly I was not hungry anymore. I managed to gulp down the lime juice with a lot of effort.

“I am going to rest a little Mitzy wake me up at four thirty if I don't get up by that time. Sholcky or Logus will bring a file at four thirty and when it comes bring it to me at once.”

“Yes madam I will.”

We have a very good intelligence department in our company, as we need to know about so many people we deal with. Whenever we have to go to another country to meet somebody on business we make a thorough research on that person before we meet and discuss business. In this way whenever we made any business deals we were always successful. I am sure I will get a super dossier of Shane. This will put me on the correct line to approach him. First I should know about his weak points. When I know them the rest will be very easy, and the task to have him will be successful like always.

As I went into the room I saw his cap on my dressing table. I took it to my hand and checked to see whether his scent is there and it had his smell on it. By getting the smell I felt that I am developing sexual desire inside me. I just put it on to see how it looked on me. When I looked in the mirror I wonder why Mitzy didn’t laugh at me yesterday. It is a cheap one and old also. I can't remember wearing something like that in my whole life. Always I had the best. I felt shy, because Mitzy must have laughed behind my back. I tried to sleep.

I don’t know how long I have been sleeping but I got up with a cry. I was dreaming making love to Shane, We were kissing for a long time. He kissed my whole body. I was feeling his long thick shaft in my hand. Then I couldn’t wait anymore. So I whispered in his ear to put it in. When his shaft head touched my muschie lips I felt that I was coming. At this particular moment I woke up. I cursed the whole world because if I didn’t wake up at that time my pain would have been released. The bed sheets were all wet. I felt that I have no more strength in me.

I crawled out of the bed and started to change the linen. My wetness had soaked into the mattress also. I am sick. I cursed the whole world for going into that dancing yesterday. I shouldn’t have gone there. In that case I shouldn’t have done so many things which I have done in my life so far. I have money, I have beauty, I can give the best to a man in bed. I can make a man ask me to date me over and over again because when I date a man he will always want me. What more do I need to have this strange man? I can buy him off. If I can't buy him off, I will buy all the owners of the clubs so that they won’t take his band anymore to perform in their clubs. I will make him come back to me. I can spend up to ten million dollars and I don't have to answer Papa because the green card I am carrying is worth that amount. I will get him.... I will get him tonight.

Mitzy brought the file exactly at four thirty. I opened it.

Full Name: Shane Thomas Claus. Date of birth: 04-04-1960 in Kandy Sri-Lanka.

I looked at the calendar and found that today is 4th of April.

So today is his birthday. I will give him a nice present when I get into to bed with him.

Father: Died in 1982 while working for forest department in Sri-Lanka by a land slide.

Mother: Still living in Sri-Lanka in a rented two roomed house.

A practicing Christian.

Subject sends money every month to a bank in Kandy to support her. It is Peoples Bank Kandy and account no: 30671. Present bank balance is Sri Lankan rupees 281.00 (24 D.Marks approximately).

Subject was a bright student in school but due to lack of funds had to stop education in 1979 on selection to the university to study medicine.

Only child in the family and cannot find any relatives who continue any kind of relationship.

Joined Harris cargo in 1983 and sailed for about three years as a seaman until disappearing in Hamburg on 16th July 1985.

So he had worked for my company for three years. If I saw him at that time he would have been a captain by now.

In Germany lived and worked in a guesthouse 80 kilo meters to the south of Hamburg in a little village called Kleetgau and found to have had an affair with the owner’s wife.

Started playing professional music in 1987 and still financially not sound. Works for the agent Gunther Sleever in Bathomburg. Phone number 0671 34956.

About four to five months in a year subject goes out of work and when no work, goes and stays in this guesthouse and help with the work there. The owner of this guesthouse knows about this affair but still treats him as a good friend. The owners of this guesthouse have a young son but no evidence to say that he is one of subject's own. The little boy looks like the owner of the place.

Though earlier this business was not doing very well, now it had prospered and in very good shape. It is a twelve-roomed house and the subject has a reserved room free of charge in it.

Cannot find any evidence to say that the subject had any love affairs or any other women in his life.

The subject used to have one-night stands with prostitutes while he was working with Harris Cargo when someone else paid for his pleasure.

All the members in the band are very fond of him and no trace of him having any problems with them. Neither he is gay. All the other members in the band have got permanent girl friends as well as other women.

Subject has a very good name in all the places he had worked so far and no one had a bad word for him.

Subject went to the Bahnhof Platz Post at 3.15 pm today and posted a letter addressed to him. That is a strange thing we came across of him and need further investigation.

Checked his room on his departure to the post and found a Bible in the room and a portable room heater other than his cloths and a small cassette recorder. A few letters were there and all of them were written by his mother to him.

Checked the refrigerator and found four liters of milk. The room is been kept very clean and all the cloths found were clean. There were two beds in the room and the subject is using one to sleep and the other one to keep his luggage.

If any special information needed please notify.

Signed by; Almody Hess for,

Investigation department,

Harris Cargo & Shipping Lines.

So that’s it boy! So you are in love with that woman ah! I am sure that I am more beautiful than her. After all he is not a gay. That is good news. I'll get him tonight.

When I finished reading the file for the fourth time, it was ten minutes to six. It's time to get ready. I would like to show him the curves of my body very much but the problem is if I wear something that will attract the eye of the public I will be asking for trouble. I am compelled to be anonymous.

Therefore I got into a pair of baggy trousers and a baggy shirt. When I went in front of the mirror I was satisfied to note that nobody will recognize me. But my face was not normal. Due to lack of sleep it looked tired. So I thought of using a light make up. After putting the makeup it looked normal. Normally I don't use make up as I have got a beautiful skin. It is spotless and I had a tanned skin without sunbathing or using sauna. I loosened my hair, so that he will see it today. Even the perfume I use is very special and contains female pheromones in it. Only on special occasions I use it. It smells good but not very strong unless someone gets very close to me and check how I smell, none could really get the scent of it.

It is time to go so I buzzed 02 and Sholcky said that they are ready. I got into the same car I used the day before and started towards the Bayarisch Zell. I felt a little bit nervous. What if he is not there? I will kill him. I will ask Sholcky to bring him to me by dragging from his balls. Sholcky will do it. Or if he is not there I felt that I will get a heart attack and die on the road it-self.