Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Now before I take him to the house I have to set the scene proper otherwise he will know it's my house. If Mitzy comes and calls me ‘Madam’ everything will be finished. I should telephone Mitzy from here and should give her proper instructions what to do.

“Shane if you excuse me for five minutes I would like to go to the wash room”.

“Of course Sera go ahead.”

I got up and went down stairs to the washroom and on my way to the washroom is the pay booth. I dialed home. At once Mitzy's voice came on it. She must have been waiting for me.


“Mitzy I need some help at the house and that is why I am phoning”.

“Oh!...is it you madam? Yes madam what can I do for you?”

“Now listen carefully. First keep the key to the outside entrance of my room in the letterbox. I will be having a visitor in my room and don't ever come to my room until he goes back. Don't show that somebody else is living in the house. Keep the coffee bottle the sugar and the milk for me to see it easily. Take all my good cloths and lock it somewhere. The scene should be as if I am staying there only on temporary basis. Do it fast because I will be there in twenty five minutes time”.

“It will be done according to your wish madam”.


I hung up and went to the washroom.

I felt suddenly that I have become excited once again. My body is asking him from me very badly. My mind is only functioning on him. There is nothing else I could think of. So I went back to him fast.

“Sorry Shane I got late”.

“No problem Sera”.

When we went out to get into the car it was very windy and cold outside. I put my arm around his arm like I did yesterday. I felt his strong arm as hot iron against my breast. I felt my nipples standing up.

I had beautiful breasts with cherry sized nipples pointed upwards. I can remember Jason telling me that they look like cherries. They were very firm though they were fondled and sucked by so many men. I my-self am proud of them. Tonight I'll let Shane have them. More than anything else I will give him my best tonight.

“Is this a company car?”

He asked me once we got in.

“Yes Shane whenever someone comes to Germany they give this car for us to use as transport is expensive in here”.

It took exactly half an hour for me to reach home. I know that Mitzy would have done the needful.

When I put the car into the garage it was twelve forty five. I took the room key from the letterbox and went around to the side entrance to my room. I looked around to see whether Sholcky and Logus are coming but their car is not to be seen. Shane followed me to the room. When I opened the door to my room I felt the warmth coming from the heaters of the room and I felt good. I switched the light on and to my surprise Mitzy had done a superb job and a noticeable change to my room. All the makeup and perfume bottles are gone from the dressing table. The bed is rearranged well. My bathrobe is hanging on the wall and all my under garments are gone from the rack. Mitzy must have also faced situations like this in her younger days I suppose.

“Here we are Shane feel yourself at home”.

He sat on the couch. I am feeling more excited now. My sexual desire is hitting the red line and soon it will explode.

“You have a beautiful place here, it s really nice.”

“Oh! Thank you.... What do you like to have?... Some more coffee?”

I wanted to ask him whether he likes to have coffee, tea, or me: but the words didn’t come out that way.

“Yes.. .1 don't mind if I am not troubling you”.

“Wait a while.. I'll make some.”

“If you are going to the kitchen I'll come with you and I'll make the coffee. I am very good at making coffee. I got a very good training on that when I was working in that restaurant. Though we had good coffee machines my touch was good and people liked it so much”

“OK.. It will be according to your liking, you are my guest.”

I wanted to say you are mine but again the words didn’t come out that way. We went into the kitchen and he filled the kettle with water and turned the hot plate on. I wonder where Mitzy might be now: I have asked her to disappear.

“Is she beautiful?”

That is how I started the conversation again.

“When I first walked into that restaurant she was twenty six and I was twenty. When I compare with the women I had while I was working in the ship, I think she is very beautiful. It was an unused body. I put it that way because a woman who was married for six years and if she had children she won’t be looking so beautiful. First thing that happens to a woman is losing the firmness of the breasts but she had everything in perfect shape. She told me that she got married when she was twenty and after six months of marriage her husband had started hitting the bottle. That was the end of her sex life.

Until I came there when he is drunk he used to go to sleep where he was seated. She said that she tried her best to talk to him to get over this habit but failed. In the ship the women I had were only interested about money if you don’t orgasm quickly they get angry. But in Susie’s case we had all the time in the world and I found something new with her. She knew how to satisfy her man and at the same time she knew how to get what she wants from her man.”

What do you think of me Shane! Tonight you will have the best ever time in your life.

When the kettle started whistling he turned off the hot plate and poured the coffee. I watched him making the coffee. He was doing it with a lot of care. Finally he poured the coffee to a big pot and I found two cups and sources from the pantry cupboard and started towards the room once again. I put the coffee-pot and the cups and sources on the low glass table in front of the couch and we settled down again for the rest of his story. Though I wanted to take a change of clothing, which will give him a better view of my body, I was shy to do it thinking that he will take me as a bitch in heat. But I am!... Suddenly I remembered that today is his birthday.

“When is your birthday Shane?”

“April 4th 1960.”

“That’s today no?”


“If I knew it is your birthday today I would have brought you a nice present.”

“You have already given me a very nice dinner and I think that is enough.”

“No it's not enough!...Let me think of something.”

I had a gold chain on my neck with a heart shaped pendent fixed with three little pure diamonds. I removed it. I saw the surprise in his face. I started putting it on his neck. The touch of his neck made my nipples erect. After putting it on I can remember whispering happy birthday Shane in his ear and I kissed him on the lips and I came. I had to bite my lower lip hard to stop the sound of my orgasm cry.

It was not even a French kiss. It was just a kiss but I came, and it was one of the best orgasms I ever had for a very long time. No man had satisfied me on first time so far other than Jason.

But this man? Only a lip to lip contact... I came. And it is one of the best for a long time.

“You don’t have to give that to me Sera, I am not worth that kind of presents.”

If he knows what happened to me just now he wouldn’t say that. I wanted to tell him that he is much more worth than the whole world to me.

If he could make me come with a little kiss like this, he will make me come twenty times in two hours if he makes love to me. I want him! I want him.... But how?

“No Shane you are a very nice man and that is why I want you to have it, because, I want you to remember me.”

“Why Sera?”

“Because I want to remember you.”

We laughed. He said that I am an impossible woman. So we laughed.

“Shane, tell me the rest of your story.”

“OK The only recreation that I had in the guest house is making love to Susie and playing the piano. Susie had a very good knowledge to play the piano and she taught me. She is a classical pianist but I was not interested in classical music. But her knowledge helped me a lot to get the correct finger movements to play correctly. I used to play all the popular songs which broadcast over the radio and sometimes Susie used to tell me that I am playing very close to the original. I used to sing also and she used to tell me I could imitate any super star without any problem. She said that I am singing very close to the original.

After about eight months of practicing I became very good at it. Sometimes after we close the guesthouse in the night Susie ask me to play the piano and sing. Most of the time when we finish a session of music she used to tell me that I am doing the wrong job here and I should become a professional musician. But then again she tells me not to leave her and go. Then after sometime I started playing and singing for the guests of the place and that is how I became a musician.

For my twenty first birthday mother had sent me a parcel. Susie went to the post office to collect it and she handed over to me. I noticed that she had paid about 250 rupees as postage to send the parcel. When I unwrapped it, I found a Bible with a letter begging me to read it. That was her wish for my birthday.

I was not interested in reading at all. After I stopped going to school I can’t remember reading. So I kept it on the bedside table but forgot about reading it. But whenever I saw it, my mother’s wish came into my mind. So finally one day when Susie left my room after making love in the night I started reading. There was a small History about the Bible at the beginning and when I finished reading it suddenly I felt that I was interested in it. Very soon I found that it is a very beautiful story. It tells the beginning of the world and mankind. Sometimes it is a Historical book, sometimes it brings out adventure sometimes suspense, sometimes it talks about day to day life of people, sometimes it is scientific, and more than anything else it is a book of love... God’s love towards mankind. Most of the time there were many prophesies which fulfilled as God predicted through the prophets.

So I became a believer. From the day I started believing Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord I saw a dramatic change occurring in my life. Normally when we finish work in the night I used to wait for Susie to come in to my room. But now suddenly I am waiting to read the Bible. I was waiting for Susie’s departure from my room.

Suddenly I have started praying to God. Asking Him to change my life. I felt pain in my heart. I couldn’t face Susie’s husband face to face. The conviction was so high. I have become Susie’s sex slave and at the same time I was feeling guilty of what I was doing every night with her. I prayed harder and harder to Jesus asking him to take me out of this situation.

You won’t believe me Sera God answered the prayer. He was very very slow in answering me but he gave me the answer. One day when Susie came into my room after work to make love, I was not in a mood for that. She tried her best to get me to do it but she failed. She was angry. She was so angry, she hit the wooden wall with her fist and the wooden plank split into two and her fist was pouring out blood. I jumped out of the bed and covered her hand with a face towel and ran into the basement to get the first aid box. When I got back she had fainted on the bed.

I didn’t know what to do. I can’t call her husband as he is sleeping completely drunk. I can’t call any outsiders then they will wonder what Susie was doing in my room. Now I can see the towel is getting red and redder each moment. I wonder whether she will bleed to death. I got some water from the wash basin and sprinkled on her. Then I started the only thing that was left for me to do. I told Lord that I was trying to come out of a sin that I was committing for a very long time and succeeded only today and now I am facing a problem bigger than that and if He is real for him to help me.

And all the while I tried my best to get her back her senses. Suddenly I felt at ease. A peace I never known before covered me and made me to stop panicking. I don’t know how? My mind told me that she will be alright. After about ten minutes she came around to her senses. I cleaned her hand and put some medicine on the wound and bandaged the wound. Gave her a good shot of Brandy and her color came back to her face.

During that time, always it came to mind that I should explain my change in life to her and stop what I was doing. But whenever I wanted to tell her about it I failed. I didn’t even get a chance to open my mouth.

“How about some more coffee Shane?”

“Yes I don't mind Sera.”

So I poured coffee.

I wonder who is God and how he could change somebody, and how could somebody believe in something, which you don’t see or feel. Even my Papa does not believe in God. He believes in nature and because we are strong we have survived. The game is survival of the fittest.

We, I and my Papa is on top of the list. Do I need a God when I am at the top of the list? I have never met any Christians in my life so far other than that silly girl who was bullshitting in my office trying to show that she is a secretary, whom I fired just before coming to Germany. She misplaced one of the most important files from the file cabinet in the office. She said that she is a Christian. If God is with her, why can’t God find the file for her? If God did that, the poor little thing will be still working for me. When she was getting fired where was her God? But when I fired her off she took it with a smile and she thanked me for letting her work for the past month. She wished me good luck and said;

“God bless you.”

That was the only difference I saw from a person who is getting fired as hundreds of others were angry at me whenever I fired them. May be she said that thinking that I will pardon her... Fucking Bullshit.

“Are you still interested in my story Sera?”

“Yes Shane please continue… It's still two fifteen.”

“So....when she came around from her dizziness I thought it is the best time to tell her all about it. First I showed her the letter I got from my mother along with the Bible. Then I told her the change took place in my life after becoming a believer in Jesus Christ. First she didn’t agree with me at all. She argued with me on so many issues like poor and rich, married life, about sin, about creation and so many other topics.

So after that day when we finished work we used to talk and argue about the Bible. She thought the Bible is Myth and an old middle eastern book. Her idea was it is written by some people to make the readers scared about the things that they do. Though she argued with me all the time, she never thought of taking revenge from me. She never looked for another man.

It took about three weeks for me to convince her that the Bible is the word of God and God is love. Anybody who has God in him has God’s love in him and anybody who does not have God in him has Satan’s love the lust in him. You know Sera God’s love is patient, sharing, caring for one another, kindness, loving God with all your heart, loving your neighbor as  yourself, it is discipline, it is knowledge, it is hating evil, forgiving people who do bad to you.

At the same time love covers all transgressions, It covers a multitude of sins. Though we were talking and arguing I felt that she has hunger for God in her because her life is in misery, screwed up, unhappy, no family life etc…..  She even bought a German version of the Bible to argue with me. After about one month she said she wants to be saved. She leaned on to my shoulder and started crying. With her crying voice she asked me to pray for her. I remembered the sinner’s prayer, which my mother wrote to me in that letter word by word. So I started praying. When I started praying she started telling God about the sins that she had committed and sleeping with me was one. That day I never stopped praying. I asked so many things from God regarding her family.

Whenever I asked something from God for Susie and her husband I felt easier and easier in my heart, the guilt in me was disappearing. When we finished praying she told me that she feels better. She said that from that moment onwards she would give the full control of her life to Jesus. That day before I went to sleep I thanked God and praised him for a very long time and while praising God, I had fallen asleep.

The next day in the morning I heard Susie talking to her husband after a very long time. I can’t remember when she spoke to him last. I saw them having breakfast together for the first time in my life. I heard her telling her husband to color wash the whole place for the coming Christmas. Surprisingly he agreed, but asked her about the expenditure to do it. She said that she have some. I had six hundred and thirty marks with me as savings I decided she should have it. It’s going to be a new life for her and it came from God.

Therefore as the middle person of the drama I should do everything to encourage her in her new life. While her husband went to get the paint to color wash the place I went up to her and gave her the money. She started crying when I gave her the money because she knew where it came from. It came from the money she gave me every day. She finally said sorry and kissed my cheeks and went into the front garden and started clearing the mess in the garden. Her husband came from the market with the paint and started cleaning and painting the guesthouse.

Normally they had an income of about 200 marks for a day. At the end of that day we found it had gone up by another 102 marks. But Rolf drank himself to sleep that day also. After closing the place for the day she came into my room and we started exploring God’s word. Later we prayed together and asked God to take off Rolf’s bad addiction of drinking, further we asked God’s protection over the place we lived.

When I got up and went down stairs the next morning I couldn’t find Susie, I thought she is still sleeping so I went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast for all three of us. Normally she gets up around six every morning but today when she came into the kitchen it was passed eight. She was after a shower and she looked happier. I asked her whether she over slept, she smiled at me and said that she was with Rolf. I was tempted with jealousy at once but I didn’t meditate on it as I was very happy for them. I thanked God then and there.

Rolf completed painting the guesthouse in about fourteen days. Now he drank only in the evenings. To my surprise when he gets up in the morning he started thanking me for carrying him to his bed. All the while the business was improving. During the past only I stayed in a room in the guesthouse but now always six or seven rooms were occupied. That brought the income of the place to over 500 marks for a day. We had to work harder than before because we have to provide all three meals to our guests in the house.

One morning when Rolf came down he thanked me for carrying him upstairs everyday and added;

“From today onwards you don’t have to do that anymore”....

First I didn’t understand what he was saying. So I asked him why? Then he said he has stopped drinking. I ran up to him and put my arms around him. I was crying and he was crying out loud. He told me that Susie confessed everything to him and he also became a born again Christian this morning. That morning he joined a hotel school in Hamburg and started doing a diploma in cookery.

By coming to know Jesus Christ we overcame so many bad things in life. Susie and I overcame the lust we had for each other. Rolf overcame his drinking habit. All these things happened with God’s grace. And all these bad habits and sins we were committing were replaced by God’s love: because we love God with all our hearts and souls.

After about another one and a half months Susie announced that she is going to have a baby. I think that was one of the happiest moments in our lives. They knew that a child in to a family is a gift of God. So they really believed that the child that they are going to have is coming from God.

“What is your religion Sera?”

“I don’t have one Shane.... This is the first time I am hearing about God.”

“Then I should tell you something Sera... remember this.... Nobody can force anybody to believe in God or worship God. God does not approve that. But the people who are saved by the grace of God should explain to the non believers about the truth. But believing or, not believing is up to the person who is hearing the message. Because in the Bible it says that before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ everybody in this world should hear the message. Therefore like you, so many people, I believe all the non-believers will hear the message. So many will believe, many will not believe. But a wise person will examine the message with a thorough search before believing it or discarding it. Some people will be determined not to believe whether it is true or false. That’s how it goes”.

“So Sera remember God will reveal himself only for the people who search for Him.”

“Yes Shane I understand but I don’t know whether I will search for God or not, But I will try someday.”

“Sera I pray that day will come to pass soon.”

“This coffee is cold... I will make some more.”

“So you are still interested in my story ah!... Ok make some more coffee I will tell you the third part of my story over another coffee.”

When I went to the kitchen to keep the water to boil Shane also came behind me. He got himself seated. There was a newspaper on the table and started going through it.

I started thinking the only thing I had in my mind, and that was to seduce this man. But now I have become more interested to hear his story. He is a good storyteller. All The while he was talking I felt my heart burning and I don’t know why? I can remember Martha telling me fairy tales when I was a kid. But hear is a man telling me the true story of his life. Now I am not very sure whether he will give me what I want, but hearing his story is better than nothing. If he doesn’t have me, he is an asshole. He doesn’t know that we live to make merry be happy and enjoy. Where can you find life without happiness? Enjoy man... Fuck when you get free. It’s heaven.

“Now the daughter has taken over.” Suddenly he broke the silence.


There is an article in the papers saying that the heir to the Harris Cargo company Miss Sarah Harris had just signed two new cargo roots with the German government for a period of five years and it's worth 110 million dollars a quarter. I hope at least the daughter will bring those poor workers’ living standards to a fair position.”

My heart skipped a beat.... If he knows that she is I am? Ok Shane on your request I will look in to this matter when I get back: I told myself.

As we settled down once again with a hot pot of coffee, he started once again.