Do You Remember Your Newlywed Feeling? Do You Long for It Again? by Gerard Willis - HTML preview

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An excellent head & neck massage is a great follow-up!

Just behind and below the ears you can feel the lower edge of the skull. There is a large band of neck muscles that meet the cranium here. Stroke these muscles smoothly.

With your partner lying on their back put your hands underneath their shoulders and lift up. As you move your hands up and over the shoulders your partner’s weight will massage the muscles thoroughly.


Then move your hands to the temples. Buddhists believe that the centre of the forehead (sometimes called the third eye) is the centre of the soul. Your partner might begin to believe this as your stroke their skin firmly with your thumbs.

You can then try the forehead press. The trick here is to apply pressure slowly. This stroke can be used to cure headaches or just to relax.

Gently place one hand on the forehead, place the other hand upon this one, and slowly add pressure while maintaining even force upon the forehead. You can exert a fair amount of force (your partner will let you know if it is too much). Hold the pressure for a silent count of 10 seconds.

Then it’s time for the cheeks. Place your hands flat along your partners face. Move your hands in circles. Although this move results in some pretty goofy poses it is quite relaxing. A good massage relaxes muscles that people aren't even aware they have.