Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


The Beach


I felt soft sand beneath my bare feet and warmth in the air. I opened my eyes to the sound of waves gently folding onto the long sandy beach I was standing on. It was warm and looked like a hot country, faraway from the chilly winds of Scotland.

The sand was fine and the beach seemed to go on forever. Behind me were palm trees and large beautiful flowers, like the ones that had grown on the tree on the mountain. I looked down and saw that I was wearing an off white short dress that went to just above the knee. It hugged my waste and had a sweetheart neckline. The feel of it was so natural though, like it came from the surroundings somehow.

Looking out over the sea I saw boats far away, they drifted peacefully on calm waters. There were only a few clouds above of all the softest colours of the rainbow. The