Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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for a while. It felt exciting and free.

Peter looked so sexy riding, like it was the most natural thing in the world and he looked so happy. It was wonderful to see.

After a while we slowed down to a trot. The sun was going down, the sky was turning a turquoise over the sea. A little further down the beach there was a flickering light. As we got closer I saw that it was a fire, no one seemed to be there though. We stopped as we got close to it and jumped down off the backs of the unicorns, thanking them by stroking their necks. They returned the gesture by rubbing their heads gently at our shoulders, then it seemed it was time for them to go. They neighed, then turned around and galloped off. I felt sad to see them go, but I was also thrilled to have had the pleasure of riding them.

We sat down by the fire next to each other. It was the kind of fire you would have on a camping trip or scout trip with a smaller group. It wasn’t huge but it wasn’t small either. The flames were dancing and throwing off heat. As it was getting darker it was nice with the extra heat, the air was getting slightly colder. Peter was looking into the fire as if lost in thought.

“I love looking into a fire. It looks so alive and vibrant. The way you should live, you know. Not afraid of living.”

“You didn’t look afraid sitting on that unicorn, you looked alive.” I said emphasizing the word ’alive’. He broke his gaze from the fire and looked at me with kind eyes.

“Yeah, that was amazing. You’re amazing, this place is amazing. I have no idea how I got here, but I don’t want to leave. Every time I see you, I feel alive. When you’re not here, I feel as if I disappear, into a sort of darkness.”