Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


The Gig


Chris’s words were ringing through my head as I sat at work going through bills and other finances. ’Give the guy a chance,’ he had said, meaning Dave. The night with Peter, although fantasized, had been the best night I had ever experienced and by far the best sex I could have ever dreamed of. It had felt natural and comfortable, as if we’d been doing it for a very long time. We had been so in sync with each other. I knew logically that I should listen to Chris, but my feelings where elsewhere. We’d been on the phone earlier in the day and he’d repeated himself by saying ’just have fun, it doesn’t have to be so serious’. It wasn’t like I was cheating on Peter by going out to see Dave, I mean how could one cheat on a fantasy. I knew what was best for me but it felt like having to eat green veggies instead of chocolate cake.