Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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grandchild, and at that moment she went from a saddened look to pure happiness. Children could bring that out in most adults. I had seen it several times and paid attention to it.


It was three o’clock when I got back from shopping at Tesco, carrying three carrier bags filled with groceries. I emptied the bags and put all the food away. I’d also bought a couple of bottles of wine. It was Saturday after all and I wasn’t planning on going anywhere. I just wanted to have a nice night in.

Lisa wasn’t out of her bedroom yet although I could hear her moving about. When she finally came out a while later she looked quite chirpy for having come in at four in the morning.

“Hey roomie!” she announced. “I’m heading out soon.” “Oh? Meeting Chris again?” I asked curiously. She

giggled happily and blushed a bit.

“No, I have a dance show to see with some college friends. We’re meeting at half past five, so I gotta start getting ready. I almost forgot about it actually. Last night was a blast wasn’t it?!”

“Well I went home earlier but it was nice up until then. “Oh yeah, so you did. I’ve got to get ready or I’ll be

late, but chat tomorrow OK? You gotta tell me more about Dave!”

I smiled at her as she disappeared around the corner and into the bathroom.

As I sat down in front of my computer screen in my bedroom a while later with a glass of wine in my hand I started googling ’light’ and ’near death’, hoping to find some explanation to the light I had seen in my dream. It felt as though that light showed up in all the dreams I’d