Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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were, or at least they didn’t show it as much. I knew guys didn’t talk to each other the way girls did, they probably thought it seemed unmanly or something.


I walked to the kitchen, got myself a cup of tea and made a plan of action for the day ahead. I needed to go shopping and I wanted to take a walk to clear my head a bit. I decided to get ready and take a walk through the botanics and then go to Tesco for some food shopping, which luckily enough was only a couple of minutes walk from my flat.

It was a grey day as I stepped outside but I couldn’t feel any rain. I was wearing jeans, a cosy pink cardigan and my black fitted coat together with my dark red scarf.

Walking through the botanics was always nice. It was an easy way to escape the city without actually leaving it. I saw families with younger children there running about and couples holding hands, which made me miss Peter and my mind wandered off imagining what life with him would be like if he were real. If we would be here with our own kids, and what they might look like? If we had a boy he might have Peter’s dimples and if it was a girl she could have his blue eyes. Any child that had Peter’s genes was sure to be adorable, I smiled thinking about it.

OK, so the walk was only making my obsession with Peter worse.

I walked to Tesco, distracting myself by looking at people walking on the streets, giving them a story each and wondering how close I was to the truth. How much could you tell by the way a person held themselves? Some looked sad, some looked happy, some looked lonely. I saw an older woman looking as if she was staring into space. A young child ran up to her, possibly her