Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 18




My hand rested on soft cotton. It was rising and sinking with a soft heartbeat underneath. My cheek, feeling the warmth of cotton and skin, rested against his chest. I could hear a heartbeat in my left ear. I was lying on my side with my legs slightly bent, one of my feet were on top of his legs. He smelled of sea air. I knew who I was here with. Peter.

I opened my eyes and saw my hand on his chest moving up and down. My forehead slightly touching the stubble on his chin. Here I felt at total peace. Like I wasn’t afraid of anything. We were lying on tall soft grass. Above us there were trees, sunlight peaking through the leaves. The wind was blowing in the treetops making a comfortable soothing sound and I thought I heard beautiful singing, like how I would imagine angels would sound like. It was unlike anything I had heard before. I