Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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wanted to be near it, wanted to become one with it. If I could hear that my whole life I would be happy, I thought. Flowers, like the ones we had seen before, were blooming here as well and as I had a closer look I saw light coming from them, although subtle, they shone as if they had souls in them that were shining through.

Peter was stroking my arm gently leaving a tingly sensation that relaxed me even more and made me smile with pleasure as if I was a cat being stroked. There were leaves here and there with autumn colours although it wasn’t cold. I seemed to be wearing a short white dress of the softest cotton. Similar to the one I had worn before.

I bent my head looking up so that I could see his face.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. “Hi.”


“I think I fell asleep somehow, but now we’re somewhere else.” He moved his eyes having a quick look around. “This is nice too though.”

“Yeah, it’s really nice.” “That singing is amazing.”

“I know, It’s beautiful,” I added.

“You’re beautiful,” he said and kissed me gently on the lips, making my body tingle.

He took my hand in his and hummed along to the singing. His fingers in-between mine moving them around caressing my hand and forearm gently like a little dance.

I put my head back on his chest looking at his hand on mine.

“Do you believe in angels?” he asked. I listened to the singing and thought, he felt like an angel to me. Someone who I could feel so lost in and peaceful with must be an angel. But I didn’t say that.